728x90 반응형 정이로운 영어공부/with 코리아타임스1031 Korea begins transition to 'post-Omicron' era - 한국, '포스트 오미크론’ 시대로 전환 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/04/742_327137.html Korea begins transition to 'post-Omicron' era Korea begins transition to 'post-Omicron' era www.koreatimes.co.kr As COVID-19 infections are gradually showing signs of slowing down, the government is gearing up to shift to a "post-Omicron" era, in which the coronavirus might be treated as an endemic disease and COVID-19 might be mana.. 2022. 4. 11. Soaring inflation - 치솟는 인플레이션 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/04/761_327001.html Soaring inflation Soaring inflation www.koreatimes.co.kr Time to put top priority on stabilizing prices 물가 안정에 최우선 순위를 둘 때다 soar = surge = rocket = rapidly rise = jump 치솟다, 급증하다, 급등하다 inflation 인플레이션, 통화팽창, 물가상승, 부풀리기 deflation 디플레이션, 통화수축, 물가하락, 공기를 뺌 stagflation 스태그플레이션 (경기불황중에에서 물가가 계속 상승하는 현상) stagnation = depression = recession.. 2022. 4. 9. Korea braces for gradual COVID-19 transition to endemic - 한국, 코로나19 점진적 엔데믹에 대비 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/04/742_326982.html Korea braces for gradual COVID-19 transition to endemic Korea braces for gradual COVID-19 transition to endemic www.koreatimes.co.kr Experts warn against early return to normalcy by scrapping distancing rules 전문가들, 거리두기 규정 폐지함에 따른 성급한 일상회복에 경고 brace for = be ready = prepare 대비하다, 준비하다 gradual = progressive 점진적인, 서서히 일어나는 gradually =.. 2022. 4. 9. An ambassador who doesn't have a car - 차량 없이 움직이는 주한 니카라과 대사 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/04/742_326881.html An ambassador who doesn't have a car An ambassador who doesn't have a car www.koreatimes.co.kr Nicaraguan ambassador tackles climate change in practical ways 실질적인 방법으로 기후 변화에 대처하는 주한 니카라과 대사 ambassador 대사 ambassadress 여성 대사 ambassadorial 대사의, 사절의 embassadorship 대사의 직, 대사직[신분/자격] ambassador-at-large 특사(특정 국가에 매이지 않고 특별한 임무를 수행하는 대사) .. 2022. 4. 6. No Grammy awards for BTS doesn't mean 'failure' - 방탄소년단, 그래미 수상 불발 '실패’ 아냐 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/04/745_326768.html No Grammy awards for BTS doesn't mean 'failure' No Grammy awards for BTS doesn't mean 'failure' www.koreatimes.co.kr K-pop behemoth BTS did not succeed in winning any trophies at this year's Grammy Awards, Sunday (PST), but that should not be considered a failure, music industry experts say. 일요일 K팝의 걸어 다니는 기업 방탄소년단이 올해의 그래미 수상에는 성공하.. 2022. 4. 5. Yoon nominates Han Duck-soo as prime minister - 윤 당선인, 한덕수 국무총리로 임명 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/04/742_326724.html Yoon nominates Han Duck-soo as prime minister Yoon nominates Han Duck-soo as prime minister www.koreatimes.co.kr President-elect Yoon Suk-yeol named former Prime Minister Han Duck-soo as the first premier of his administration. 윤석열 대통령 당선인이 전 국무총리 한덕수를 새 행정부의 국무총리로 임명했다. nominate = name = appoint = assign = designate = entrust =enth.. 2022. 4. 4. 이전 1 ··· 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 ··· 172 다음 728x90 반응형