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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions802

802. Discontinue - Business English - English Vocabulary - DIscontinue / Discontinuity / Discontinuance Discontinue : (특히 정기적으로 계속하던 것을) 중단하다, (생산/서비스/공급 등을) 중단하다 Discontinuity : 중단(된 상태), 단절 중단 Discontinuance : (소송의) 취하 1) to discontinue means to stop doing something that you have been doing on a regular basis you continue doing it and you discontinue, you don't carry on doing it the doctor told me to discontinue the medicine I had been looking after the plants in my friend's house but he rang me.. 2023. 3. 2.
801. Gory - IELTS Vocabulary - English Vocabulary - Gory / Gore Gory : 유혈의, 유혈과 폭력이 난무하는, 피투성이의 Gore : 피, 선혈, 뿔로 들이받다, 엄니로 들이 받다, (삼각형 모양의)물질 Gorily : 유혈이 낭자하게 Gory details : 선정적인 묘사, 충격적인 묘사, 피비린내 나는 장면에 대한 자세한 묘사 1) if we describe something as gory, it's involves blood and violence I don't like gory film, films with blood and guts and vilence and killing it was very gory the scene at the end where everyone dies is rather gory a groy description of somethin.. 2023. 3. 2.
800. Crook - Informal English - English Vocabulary - Crook / Crooked Crook : 사기꾼, 정직하지 못한 사람, (각도를 이루는 곳)팔꿈치 안쪽, 겨드랑이 안쪽, (손가락이나 팔을)구부리다, (과거 양치기가 양을 잡을 때 쓰던) 한 쪽 끝이 갈고리 모양인 막대기 Crooked : 비뚤어진, 구부러진, 부정직한, (호주영어) 기분이 상한, 불쾌한, 짜증이나는, 아픈, 다친 1) a crook, is somobody who is a dishonest person don't trust him, he is a crook would you buy a second-hand car from that crook? he is a criminal he is a cheat politicians they are just a load of crooks a crook, a criminal, an.. 2023. 3. 2.
799. Template - Business English - English Vocabulary Template : 형판, 견본, 본보기, 기본틀, 템플릿 (자주 사용되는 그림, 패턴 등을 미리 만들어 놓아서 다음에 사용할 때 이것을 이용하는 것) 1) a template, is something that established a pattern that it serves as a pattern so that you can repeat something you could cut something out of a piece of wood and then you couold use that piece of wood, the shpe as a template, to make various things of exactly the same shape you draw around it and you have t.. 2023. 3. 2.
798. Aptitude vs Attitude - Differences - English Vocabulary - Aptitude / Attitude Aptitude : 소질, 능력, 재능, 천부적인 적성 Attitude : (정신적)태도, 자세, 사고방식, 반항적인 태도, 고집스런 태도, (몸의)자세, 각도 1) Aptitude, if you had the aptitude to do soemthing, you've got a skill for it you have a natural ability to do it my aptitude for sport is not very good I have very little aptitude for sport my aptitude with languages is much superior it's natural ability and a natural skill you have a flare for it you ha.. 2023. 3. 2.
797. Eloquent - GRE Vocabulary - English Vocabulary - Eloquent / Eloquence / Eloquently Eloquent : (설득력있게/표현력있게/분명하게) 말을 잘하는, 언변이 좋은, 연설을 잘하는, 화술이 좋은, (비유적) 분명한, 알아볼 수 있는, 뚜렷한 Eloquently : 언변이 좋게, 유창하게 Eloquence : 언변, 화술, 호소하는 힘, 능변, 웅변법, 수사법 1) if somebody is eloquent, they speak or they write very clearly it's easy to understand them and it gives a very clear message and you understand it very well if a speaker is eloquent then they are very persuasitve they speak well and you ca.. 2023. 3. 2.