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정이로운 영어공부/A Daily Dose of Golden Sayings72

#72. It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop #72. It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop It conveys a valuable message about the significance of persistence and determination in achieving one's goals. Success is not solely determined by how quickly we reach our goals but by our ability to persistently work towards them, no matter the pace. It emphasizes that slow and steady progress can ultimately lead to the same .. 2023. 10. 1.
#71. The early bird catches the worm #71. The early bird catches the worm Those who take action or get started early are more likely to succeed or gain an advantage over others. It serves as a reminder to be proactive, take initiative, and not to wait for opportunities to come to you. It encourages people to make the most of their time and resources by acting promptly. 2023. 9. 30.
#70. The proof of the pudding is in the eating #70. The proof of the pudding is in the eating The true quality or value of something can only be judged or determined by experiencing or testing it firsthand. In other words, you can't know how good or effective something is until you've tried it or seen it in action. It's often used to caution against making judgments or forming opinions about something based solely on initial impressions or h.. 2023. 9. 27.
#69. Look on the bright side #69. Look on the bright side It encourages a positive or optimistic outlook on a situation or circumstance, even when it may appear challenging or unfavorable. You should focus on the positive aspects, potential benefits, or silver linings of the situation rather than dwelling on the negative or unfavorable aspects. It doesn't mean ignoring or denying the existence of challenges or difficulties... 2023. 9. 26.
#68. A rolling stone gathers no moss #68. A rolling stone gathers no moss When something is constantly in motion or changing, it doesn't accumulate unwanted or unnecessary elements. In a broader sense, it suggests that people who are always moving or changing their circumstances are less likely to become stagnant or complacent. It implies that a dynamic and active approach to life can keep you fresh and prevent you from becoming bo.. 2023. 9. 25.
#67. Enjoy the journey, not just the destination #67. Enjoy the journey, not just the destination It emphasizes the importance of appreciating the process or path you take to reach a goal, rather than solely focusing on the end result or final destination. It encourages us to find happiness and fulfillment in the steps we take, the experiences we gather, and the lessons we learn while working toward our goals. It reminds us that life's true tr.. 2023. 9. 24.