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정이로운 영어공부/with 코리아타임스1031

Royal night walk offers incredible palace views, cityscape - 고궁 야간 개장, 빼어난 경관 제공 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/04/744_328194.html Royal night walk offers incredible palace views, cityscape Royal night walk offers incredible palace views, cityscape www.koreatimes.co.kr Nighttime tours available at palaces in Seoul 서울 고궁, 야간 관람 프로그램 제공 royal = splendid = great = majestic = awe-inspiring 국왕의, 여왕의, 왕족, 성대한, 장엄한 royalty = royal family = royal blood = imperial famil.. 2022. 4. 28.
External risks feared to derail Korea's economic recovery - 외부 위험으로 한국 경제회복 무산 우려 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/04/742_328129.html External risks feared to derail Korea's economic recovery External risks feared to derail Korea's economic recovery www.koreatimes.co.kr GDP growth slows to 0.7% in Q1 on sluggish spending and investments 소비·투자 부진에 1분기 GDP 성장률 0.7%에 그쳐 feared 무서워하는, 두려워하는 fear 공포, 두려움, 무서움, 두려워하다, 무서워하다 derail 탈선하다, 탈선시키다 economic recovery 경제회복, 경기회.. 2022. 4. 27.
Retro boom sees adults buying nostalgic comic books - 레트로 열풍, 추억의 만화책 소비 증가 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/04/744_328065.html Retro boom sees adults buying nostalgic comic books Retro boom sees adults buying nostalgic comic books www.koreatimes.co.kr Shortly after the recent craze over Pokemon bread, which had been popular in the past, a new trend revolving around retro-themed comic books seems to be gaining in popularity as evidenced by the sharp increase.. 2022. 4. 26.
Party head faces penalties - 이준석 대표에 대한 징계 절차 들어가 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/04/761_327998.html Party head faces penalties Party head faces penalties www.koreatimes.co.kr Alleged sexual bribery case must be dealt with strictly 성접대 의혹은 엄격하게 다뤄져야 party head = party leader = the head of a party = the leader of a party 당대표 face penalty 벌금에 처하다, 징계에 처하다, 처벌에 처하다, 불이익을 당하다 penalty = punishment = sentence 벌, 처벌, 형벌 alleged (증거없이)제기된,.. 2022. 4. 26.
Eating in cinemas, planes and public transport allowed starting today - 오늘부터 영화관, 항공기, 대중교통에서 취식 가능 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/04/742_327956.html Eating in cinemas, planes and public transport allowed starting today Eating in cinemas, planes and public transport allowed starting today www.koreatimes.co.kr COVID-19 downgraded to Level 2 infectious disease 코로나19 감염병 등급 2등급으로 하향 조정 cinema 영화관, 극장, 영화산업, 영화예술 theater 극장, (연극/영화)관객, 연극, 연극계, 극단 home theater = home cinema 홈씨어터 arth.. 2022. 4. 25.
Landmark ruling on gay sex - 동성애에 대한 역사적인 판결 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/04/761_327930.html Landmark ruling on gay sex Landmark ruling on gay sex www.koreatimes.co.kr More steps needed to protect rights of sexual minorities 성소수자 권리 보호를 위해 더 많은 조치가 필요해 landmark = milestone 랜드마크, 주요 지형지물, 획기적인 사건, 역사적인 건물, 역사적인 장소 ruling (판사의)결정, 판결, 지배하는, 통치하는 judgement 판단, 심판, 심사, 감정, 평가, 추정, 판단력, 분별력, 재판,심사 verdict (배심원단의)판결, (숙고/확인뒤에 내린).. 2022. 4. 25.