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정이로운 영어공부/with 코리아타임스1031

Intensifying conflicts - 심화되는 갈등 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/03/761_326316.html Intensifying conflicts Intensifying conflicts www.koreatimes.co.kr Moon, Yoon should meet to narrow differences 문 대통령과 윤 당선인은 만나서 이견을 좁혀야 intensify = escalate = heighten = aggravate 심해지다, 격렬해지다, 고조되다,심화시키다, 강화하다 precipitate (갑자기 어떤상태로)치닫게 하다, 몰아놓다, (나쁜일을)촉발시키다, 느닷없는, 침전물 aggravate = worsen = deteriorate = exacerbate 악화시키다, 나빠지다, 악화되.. 2022. 3. 29.
BBQ head hit for saying consumers should pay more for fried chicken - BBQ 회장, 치킨 가격 상승 주장해 비난받아 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/03/743_326283.html BBQ head hit for saying consumers should pay more for fried chicken BBQ head hit for saying consumers should pay more for fried chicken www.koreatimes.co.kr A growing number of consumers are calling for a boycott of Genesis BBQ after its chairman Yoon Hong-geun argued that consumers should pay at least 30,000 won ($24.51) for the fi.. 2022. 3. 28.
Reform of ruling party - 여당 개혁 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/03/761_326256.html Reform of ruling party Reform of ruling party www.koreatimes.co.kr DPK should go all-out to regain public trust 민주당은 국민의 신뢰를 회복하는 데 총력을 기울여야 ruling party 제1당, 여당 opposition party 야당, 제1야당 reform 개혁하다, 개선하다 reshuffle = renew = reorganize = restructure = rearrange = realign 개편하다, 개각하다 overhaul (기계/시스템)점검하다, 정비하다, (경주에서 남을)앞지르다(=overta.. 2022. 3. 28.
No drastic monetary policy shift expected under new BOK governor - 새 한국은행 총재 취임, 통화정책 큰 변화 없을 것 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/03/742_326150.html No drastic monetary policy shift expected under new BOK governor No drastic monetary policy shift expected under new BOK governor www.koreatimes.co.kr IMF Asia and Pacific director to lead Bank of Korea 국제통화기금(IMF) 아시아·태평양담당 국장, 한국은행 이끌 예정 drastic = daring = decisive = bold = determined = resolute 과감한, 극단적인, 급격한, 확고한 monetary policy.. 2022. 3. 28.
Henry Lau apologizes after anti-bullying ambassador appointment irks some Korean fans - 헨리, 학교 폭력 예방 홍보대사 위촉에 일부 한국 시민 분개하자 사과 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/03/745_326070.html Henry Lau apologizes after anti-bullying ambassador appointment irks some Korean fans Henry Lau apologizes after anti-bullying ambassador appointment irks some Korean fans www.koreatimes.co.kr Canadian singer Henry Lau has apologized after the news of him becoming the Mapo Police's anti-bullying ambassador stirs controversy among so.. 2022. 3. 28.
Korean conglomerates struggle to integrate ESG into business - 한국 대기업, ESG 사업 추진 난항 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/03/743_325989.html Korean conglomerates struggle to integrate ESG into business Korean conglomerates struggle to integrate ESG into business www.koreatimes.co.kr Monitoring system needed to check ESG initiatives, stimulate competition ESG 계획 확인 및 경쟁 촉진을 위한 모니터링 시스템 필요 conglomerate = major company[firm] = large company[firm] 복합기업, 대기업, (잡다한 물건의)집합체, 복합.. 2022. 3. 23.