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Hyundai to invest $7.4 billion in U.S. by 2025, with EVs in focus - 현대차그룹, 2025년까지 미국에 전기차 설비 8조원 투자 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/05/743_308891.html Hyundai to invest $7.4 billion in U.S. by 2025, with EVs in focus Hyundai to invest $7.4 billion in U.S. by 2025, with EVs in focus www.koreatimes.co.kr Hyundai Motor Group said Friday it will invest 8.1 trillion won (US$7.4 billion) in the United States by 2025 to produce electric vehicles, improve production facilities and increas.. 2021. 5. 19.
Why are young Koreans diving into a crypto frenzy? - 한국의 젊은이들이 코인 투자에 빠지는 이유 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/05/742_308717.html Why are young Koreans diving into a crypto frenzy? Why are young Koreans diving into a crypto frenzy? www.koreatimes.co.kr Park Min-soo, 25, a college student in Seoul, has recently bought Dogecoin, a meme-based cryptocurrency. 서울에 사는 대학생 박민수(25) 씨가 최근 인터넷 ‘밈' 기반 암호화폐인 도지코인을 매수했다. recently 최근에 cryptocurrency 가상화폐, 암호화폐 Whether it is.. 2021. 5. 18.
COVID-19 affecting dating, marriage, childbirth rates - 코로나19, 미혼 싱글들의 연애·결혼·출산에 영향 끼쳐 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/05/744_296170.html COVID-19 affecting dating, marriage, childbirth rates COVID-19 affecting dating, marriage, childbirth rates www.koreatimes.co.kr COVID-19 has had an influence on dating, marriage and childbirth, a study showed on Thursday, as pandemic-caused social distancing prevents people from meeting and starting relationships, and thus reduces .. 2021. 5. 17.
Korean EV industry embraces second life for used batteries - 국내 전기차 업계, 배터리 재활용 사업 준비한다 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/05/743_308074.html Korean EV industry embraces second life for used batteries Korean EV industry embraces second life for used batteries www.koreatimes.co.kr As electric vehicle sales are growing in South Korea, one big issue coming in the foreseeable future is what to do with rechargeable batteries that outlive their useful life for a vehicle. 한국에서 전.. 2021. 5. 16.
Unlicensed e-scooter drivers to face 100,000 won fine - 전동킥보드 무면허 운전 시, 10만원 범칙금 부과 www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/05/742_308724.html Unlicensed e-scooter drivers to face 100,000 won fine Unlicensed e-scooter drivers to face 100,000 won fine www.koreatimes.co.kr Unlicensed drivers of electric scooters and other personal mobility devices will face a fine of 100,000 won starting Thursday amid growing concerns about their safety, police said. 안전성에 대한 우려가 커지고 있는 가운데 경찰청은 목요일부.. 2021. 5. 14.
Late Samsung chairman's 1,500-piece art collection unveiled to public - 고 이건희 삼성그룹 회장이 기증한 미술품 1500점, 대중에 공개된다 www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/05/744_308539.html Late Samsung chairman's 1,500-piece art collection unveiled to public Late Samsung chairman's 1,500-piece art collection unveiled to public www.koreatimes.co.kr To Lee Jung seob, one of the most iconic modern painters of Korea, a cow was much more than a common farm animal found in rural communities. Serving as one of the central themes in .. 2021. 5. 13.