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Moon upbeat about COVID-19 vaccination goal - 문 대통령 "백신 접종 속도 붙어"... 목표 달성 '낙관적' https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/06/742_296114.html Moon upbeat about COVID-19 vaccination goal Moon upbeat about COVID-19 vaccination goal www.koreatimes.co.kr President Moon Jae-in expressed optimism Saturday that South Korea will attain its goal of getting 13 million people inoculated against COVID-19 by the end of June. 문재인 대통령은 토요일 한국이 6월 말까지 1300만 명의 사람들에게 코로나19 백신을 접종한다는 목표를 달.. 2021. 6. 5.
59 taxi, bus, delivery operators in Korea vow full move to carbon-free vehicles by 2030 - 운수·물류 59개사, '2030년까지 무공해차 100% 전환' 약속 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/06/742_295490.html 59 taxi, bus, delivery operators in Korea vow full move to carbon-free vehicles by 2030 59 taxi, bus, delivery operators in Korea vow full move to carbon-free vehicles by 2030 www.koreatimes.co.kr Fifty-nine taxi, bus and logistics operators in Korea have joined a local business group that agreed to change all their service automobi.. 2021. 6. 4.
Hyundai Motor's Q2 profit to draw attention amid chip shortage - 차량용 반도체 부족으로 현대차그룹 2분기 실적에 이목 집중 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/05/743_295484.html Hyundai Motor's Q2 profit to draw attention amid chip shortage Hyundai Motor's Q2 profit to draw attention amid chip shortage www.koreatimes.co.kr The second quarter earnings of Hyundai Motor and Kia are expected to serve as a "barometer" for the future of the domestic auto market which is reeling from the effects of the global chip.. 2021. 6. 3.
Tottenham's Son Heung-min ends 6th Premier League season with career-best 17 goals - 손흥민, 리그 17골로 프리미어리그 6년차 시즌 마쳐 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/05/746_295863.html Tottenham's Son Heung-min ends 6th Premier League season with career-best 17 goals Tottenham's Son Heung-min ends 6th Premier League season with career-best 17 goals www.koreatimes.co.kr Tottenham Hotspur's South Korean star Son Heung-min has wrapped up his most successful Premier League campaign to date. 토트넘 홋스퍼의 한국인 스타 손흥민이 역대 가장 .. 2021. 6. 2.
70 BMW electric cars without plates parked in Jeju forest - BMW 전기차 'i3' 제주도 산지에 수십 대 버려져 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/05/743_295489.html 70 BMW electric cars without plates parked in Jeju forest 70 BMW electric cars without plates parked in Jeju forest www.koreatimes.co.kr Around 70 BMW electric cars (EVs) are parked in the middle of a forest on Jeju Island, arousing the curiosity of observers. 제주도 숲 한가운데 BMW 전기차 70여 대가 주차돼 있어 사람들의 호기심을 자극하고 있다. electric car 전기차 in t.. 2021. 6. 1.
A third of Seoul residents live alone - 서울 시민 3분의 1이 '1인 가구' https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/05/744_308077.html A third of Seoul residents live alone A third of Seoul residents live alone www.koreatimes.co.kr A third of households in Seoul are single-person ones, according to a biennial report on living conditions by the Seoul Metropolitan Government released Thursday. 서울시가 2년마다 발표하는 복지실태조사에 따르면 서울 가구의 3분의 1이 1인 가구인 것으로 나타났다. household 가구, 가정.. 2021. 5. 31.