728x90 반응형 정이로운 영어공부/with 코리아타임스1031 Gov't criticized for plan to promote workers with multiple children - 다자녀 공무원 승진 우대 정책, 비판 받는 정부 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2023/10/742_361750.html [NATIONAL] Gov't criticized for plan to promote workers with multiple children A heated debate is brewing over the government’s recent decision to grant additional points for promotions to civil servants with two or more children. 정부가 최근 2인 이상 자녀를 둔 공무원에게 승진 가점을 부여하겠다는 계획 www.koreatimes.co.kr A heated debate is brewing over the gove.. 2023. 10. 29. More young people give up job search - 구직 활동 포기하는 청년들 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2023/10/742_361708.html [NATIONAL] More young people give up job search About 80,000 Koreans aged 15 to 29 were not employed and effectively gave up looking for jobs or acquiring additional training to get hired over the last three years, data showed on Sunday. 일요일 발표된 자료에 의하면 15~29세 청년 약 8만 www.koreatimes.co.kr About 80,000 Koreans aged 15 to 29 were not .. 2023. 10. 29. Watch out for obesity: 1 in 3 Korean adults considered overweight - 비만 경고: 성인 3명 중 1명 비만 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2023/10/744_361445.html [LIFESTYLE] Watch out for obesity: 1 in 3 Korean adults considered overweight One out of every three Korean adults was classified as obese as of last year. And the problem appears to be more serious among men in their 30s, as more than half of that group was classified as obese, according to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention .. 2023. 10. 23. Korea lags behind in AI - [사설 읽기] AI 경쟁에서 뒤쳐진 한국 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2023/10/761_361397.html Korea lags behind in AI Grand plan needed to catch up with leaders 시장 선도자를 따라잡을 수 있는 공격적 대책 필요해 www.koreatimes.co.kr Grand plan needed to catch up with leaders 시장 선도자를 따라잡을 수 있는 공격적 대책 필요해 lag behind in = be behind in = fall behind on ~이 뒤떨어지다 catch up with = follow = keep up with = go after = chase after = tag along 따라가다, 따라잡다 keep.. 2023. 10. 23. Camping regulation at Han River's picnic areas triggers privacy debate - 한강 텐트 단속, 사생활 침해 논란 일으켜 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2023/10/744_361294.html [LIFESTYLE] Camping regulation at Han River's picnic areas triggers privacy debate As growing numbers of people visit parks along the Han River for autumn picnics, Seoul city's current regulation, which forces them to leave two sides of a tent open at riverside picnic areas is sparking debate over privacy concerns. 가을 나들이를 www.korea.. 2023. 10. 22. Doctors threaten to protest move to expand medical school quota - 의사들, 의대 정원 늘린다는 정부에 강력 반발 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2023/10/742_361274.html [NATIONAL] Doctors threaten to protest move to expand medical school quota The government is expected to face massive protests from doctors over its imminent plan to drastically increase the enrollment quota of medical schools to address a looming shortage of physicians in the country and a deepening regional disparity of medical ww.. 2023. 10. 22. 이전 1 ··· 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ··· 172 다음 728x90 반응형