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Doctors threaten to protest move to expand medical school quota - 의사들, 의대 정원 늘린다는 정부에 강력 반발

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 10. 22.



[NATIONAL] Doctors threaten to protest move to expand medical school quota

The government is expected to face massive protests from doctors over its imminent plan to drastically increase the enrollment quota of medical schools to address a looming shortage of physicians in the country and a deepening regional disparity of medical



The government is expected to face massive protests from doctors over its imminent plan to drastically increase the enrollment quota of medical schools to address a looming shortage of physicians in the country and a deepening regional disparity of medical resources.
정부가 심각한 의사 부족 현상 및 지역별 의료인력 차이 심화 문제 해결을 위해 의과대학 정원을 파격적으로 늘리는 방안을 내놓으면서 의사들의 강한 반발에 직면할 것으로 예상된다.


threaten = intimidate = menace = blackmail = pose a threat = ternify 위협하다, 협박하다

protest = raise a protest = contest = battle against = combat against = resist against = object to = oppose to = dissent = demur = challenge 저항하다, 이이를 제기하다

medical school quota 의대 정원

face protests = provoke an outcry = cry out = scream 항의에 직면하다

massive protest 대규모 시위

imminent = impending = pressing = urgent = in store = forthcoming 곧있을, 다가올, 목전의

enrollment quota = admission quota 등록 정원, 입학정원

looming = emerging 어렴풋이 보이기 시작하는

deepen = deteriorate = aggravate = exacerbate = compound = precipitate = worsen = become worse 악화시키다

regional disparity 지역간 격차

disparity = discrepancy = difference = gulf = gap = differential = crack = crevice = chink = break = distinction 차이, 격차


According to government sources and local media reports, the Yoon Suk Yeol administration is considering increasing the annual medical school enrollment quota by more than 1,000.
정부와 언론 보도에 따르면 윤석열 정부는 의과대학 입학 정원을 연 1000명 이상 늘리는 안을 검토 중이다.


government source 정부 소식통

local media report 국내 언론 보도, 국내 매체 보다

annual medical school enrollment quota 연간 의대 입학 정원


The administration is widely expected to unveil the quota hike plan as early as Thursday, with the new limit to be applied starting in 2025.
정부는 빠르면 이번 주 목요일 정원 증가 규모를 공개할 것으로 예상되며, 새로운 정원은 2025년부터 적용된다.


be widely expected to ~으로 충분히 예상된다

unveil = reveal = uncover = unleash = discover = unpack 드러내다, 공개하다

quota hike 정원 증가

as early as 일찍이, 이르면 ~에


If finalized, the plan is expected to trigger protests from groups representing doctors, which have publicly opposed a hike, claiming that the government should focus instead on measures to more effectively allocate physicians to deficient fields and increase compensation, rather than simply increasing the number of medical students.
해당 안이 확정되면 단순한 의대 증원보다는 의사들을 부족한 분야에 효율적으로 배치하고 대가를 향상시키는 등 근본적 대책에 집중해야 한다며 증원을 공개적으로 반대해왔던 의사 단체들로부터 정부는 강력한 반발을 맞을 것으로 예상된다.


trigger protest = face protests = provoke an outcry = cry out = scream = provoke backlash 항의에 직면하다

protest = raise a protest = contest = battle against = combat against = resist against = object to = oppose to = dissent = demur = challenge 저항하다, 이이를 제기하다

publicly oppose 공개적으로 반대하다

focus instead on 대신에 집중하다

deficient (필수적인 것이) 부족한, 결함이 있는, 모자라는

compensation 보상, 보상금


Doctors say their main concern is that expanding the number of placements for medical schools could adversely affect the quality of education and training.
의사들은 의과대학 정원 증가는 교육 및 훈련 수준에 부정적인 영향을 미칠 수도 있다는 점이 주요 염려라고 밝혔다.


expand the number of = increase the number of ~의 수를 늘리다, ~의 수를 증가시키다

placement 취업알선, 현장실습

adversely affect = negatively affect 악영향을 주다, 나쁜 영향을 주다

quality of education 교육의 질


But the government believes that increasing the quota would be an unavoidable choice to guarantee better public access to medical services, with some media outlets reporting that the president aims to keep increasing the annual quota to as much as 3,000 before his tenure ends in May of 2027.
하지만 정부는 정원 증가는 의료 서비스에 대한 접근성 향상 보장을 위한 피할 수 없는 과제라고 보고 있으며, 일부 언론사는 윤 대통령이 임기가 끝나는 2027년 5월 전까지 정원을 3000명까지 늘리는 것을 목표로 하고 있다고 보도했다.

unavoidable = unescapable = inevitable = necessary = inexorable 불가피한, 어쩔수 없는

guarantee = ensure = warrant = assure 보장하다, 확실히 하다, 장담하다

better public access to ~에 대한 더 나은 대중 접급성

medial service 의료 서비스

media outlet 매스컴, 언론사

tenure = term in office = incumbency 재임기간, 직위기간, 임기







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