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정이로운 영어공부/with 코리아타임스1031

Ex-presidential candidates return to politics as lawmakers - 전 대선 후보들, 국회의원으로 정치 복귀 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/06/742_330317.html Ex-presidential candidates return to politics as lawmakers Ex-presidential candidates return to politics as lawmakers www.koreatimes.co.kr Former presidential candidates Lee Jae-myung and Ahn Cheol-soo have renewed their positions in politics as lawmakers. 지난 대선에 출마한 이재명과 안철수가 나란히 국회에 입성하며 정계에서 새로운 터전을 잡았다. ex- = former = one-time =.. 2022. 6. 2.
Ruling party to send delegation to Ukraine after local elections - 국민의힘, 지방선거 직후 우크라이나에 특별대표단 보낼 예정 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/05/742_330164.html Ruling party to send delegation to Ukraine after local elections Ruling party to send delegation to Ukraine after local elections www.koreatimes.co.kr The ruling conservative People Power Party (PPP) will send a delegation to Ukraine right after the June 1 local elections, the party said Monday. PPP leader Lee Jun-seok will lead the.. 2022. 6. 1.
Animal abandonment increases amid eased social distancing - 사회적 거리두기 완화에 동물 유기 증가 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/05/742_330139.html Animal abandonment increases amid eased social distancing Animal abandonment increases amid eased social distancing www.koreatimes.co.kr While pandemic isolation and loneliness led to an increase in pet adoptions over the past two years in Korea, the trend seems to be coming to an end, as the country is seeing a surge of animal aban.. 2022. 5. 31.
President Yoon says he's late learner on gender equality - 윤 대통령, "젠더 갈등 늦깎이" https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/05/742_330123.html President Yoon says he's late learner on gender equality President Yoon says he's late learner on gender equality www.koreatimes.co.kr He admits pitfalls of meritocracy in a society where gender inequality still persists 윤 대통령, 성 불평등 지속 사회에서 능력주의의 함정 인정 late learner 만학도, 늦깎이 학생 admit = acknowledge = concede = recognize = confess 인정하.. 2022. 5. 31.
Korean cinema achieves double win at Cannes - 한국 영화, 칸영화제 2관왕 겹경사 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/05/745_330063.html Korean cinema achieves double win at Cannes Korean cinema achieves double win at Cannes www.koreatimes.co.kr Song Kang-ho named Best Actor; Park Chan-wook wins Best Director 송강호 남우주연상; 박찬욱 감독상 수상 cinema 영화관, (영화 상영용)극장, 영화(보기), 영화예술, 영화산업 double win = two awards 2관왕 name = appoint = tap = designate 지명하다, 임명하다, 지정하다 actor 배우 actress .. 2022. 5. 30.
Toward gender equality - [사설 읽기] 양성 평등을 위하여 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/05/761_330042.html Toward gender equality Toward gender equality www.koreatimes.co.kr More steps needed to prompt advancement of women 여성의 진보를 촉진하기 위한 더 많은 조치가 필요해 gender equality 성평등, 양성평등 prompt = provoke = induce = lead 유도하다, 촉발하다 entice (보통 무엇을 제공하며)유도하다, 유인하다 tempt (좋지 않은 일을 하돌고)유혹하다, 부추기다, (어떤것을 제의하거나 하여)유도하다, 설득하다 advancement = improvement = pr.. 2022. 5. 30.