728x90 반응형 정이로운 영어공부/with 코리아타임스1031 Approval of PM nominee - [사설 읽기] 한덕수 국무총리 후보자 인준 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/05/761_329632.html Approval of PM nominee Approval of PM nominee www.koreatimes.co.kr Parliament's move could be catalyst for bipartisanship 국회 통과는 초당적 협력의 촉매제가 될 수 있어 approval = ratification = confirmation = approbaion = authorization 승인, 인가, 재가 nominee = candidate = appointee = designate 지명자, 후보자 parliament = national assembly = congress = council =.. 2022. 5. 23. Kim Sae-ron apologizes for her alleged DUI incident - 김새론, 음주운전 혐의에 사과 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/05/745_329480.html Kim Sae-ron apologizes for her alleged DUI incident Kim Sae-ron apologizes for her alleged DUI incident www.koreatimes.co.kr Kim Sae-ron's agency, Goldmedalist, has issued an apology on behalf of the actress following news reports of her crashing her car under the influence, saying that she regrets her bad behavior. 배우 김새론이 과음한 상태에서.. 2022. 5. 19. How did TikTok become main marketing tool for K-pop? - 틱톡은 어떻게 K팝 주요 흥행 도구가 되었나? https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/05/745_329430.html How did TikTok become main marketing tool for K-pop? How did TikTok become main marketing tool for K-pop? www.koreatimes.co.kr These days, almost all K-pop singers have their own channels on TikTok, a Chinese video-sharing platform that has some 1 billion monthly active users worldwide. 요즘 대부분의 K팝 아티스트들은 월간 전세계 활성 사용자가 약 10억 명에 달하는 .. 2022. 5. 19. Competition heats up in urban air mobility market - 도심항공교통 시장 경쟁 치열 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/05/743_329346.html Competition heats up in urban air mobility market Competition heats up in urban air mobility market www.koreatimes.co.kr Companies plan to increase investments in drone taxis under new government 주요 기업들, 새 정부 하에서 ‘드론 택시' 투자 늘릴 계획 heat up (~에 대한 관심/열기/움직임) 데우다, 열을 가하다, 열기가 뜨거워지다 competition = rivarly 경쟁, 시합, 대화, 경쟁자, 경쟁상대(=rival) urb.. 2022. 5. 18. Accept COVID-19 aid offer - [사설 읽기] COVID-19 지원 제안을 받아들여야 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/05/761_329333.html Accept COVID-19 aid offer Accept COVID-19 aid offer www.koreatimes.co.kr North cannot tackle health crisis by going it alone 북한, 보건 위기를 자력으로 해결할 수 없어 aid = help = support = assistance 도움, 원조, 지원, (특정지원을 하는데 필요한)도움, 돕다 financial aid 금융원조, 재정지원, (대학생에 대한) 학자금 지원[융자] legal aid 법적지원, 소송경비보조 render assistence = give a hand (to) = help = .. 2022. 5. 18. Wealth gap expands among young generations - 청년 세대 빈부격차 확대 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/05/742_329312.html Wealth gap expands among young generations Wealth gap expands among young generations www.koreatimes.co.kr The wealth gap among the country's 20somethings and 30somethings has widened, following fast-rising asset prices over the past couple of years. The top 20 percent asset bracket of people in their 20s and 30s hold 35 times more .. 2022. 5. 17. 이전 1 ··· 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 ··· 172 다음 728x90 반응형