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K League football match postponed after player tests positive for COVID-19 - 프로축구 K리그 경기 연기…강원 FC 선수 코로나19 확진 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/08/746_314316.html K League football match postponed after player tests positive for COVID-19 K League football match postponed after player tests positive for COVID-19 www.koreatimes.co.kr A South Korean professional football match scheduled for Saturday has been postponed after a player tested positive for the novel coronavirus. 선수 1명이 코로나19 양성 판정을 .. 2021. 8. 24.
Annual coffee festival on east coast postponed to November - 강릉커피축제 11월로 연기 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/08/742_314272.html Annual coffee festival on east coast postponed to November Annual coffee festival on east coast postponed to November www.koreatimes.co.kr An annual coffee festival held every fall in the coastal city of Gangneung has been pushed back to November. 매년 가을 강릉시에서 개최되는 커피 축제가 11월로 연기됐다. annual 매년의, 연례의, 연간의 biannual 연2회의 every 매, 마다, 모든 .. 2021. 8. 23.
Korean Air to phase out superjumbo jets within decade - 대한항공, 대형 여객기 10년 내 단계적 퇴출 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/08/743_314242.html Korean Air to phase out superjumbo jets within decade Korean Air to phase out superjumbo jets within decade www.koreatimes.co.kr Korean Air Lines, South Korea's largest carrier, will retire its four-engine passenger aircraft within the next 10 years to shift its business model to smaller jets for long-haul flights, company officials.. 2021. 8. 22.
1 in 10 new COVID-19 cases were foreign residents in past 2 weeks: KDCA - 지난 2주간 확진자 10명 중 1명은 국내 체류 외국인 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/08/742_314198.html 1 in 10 new COVID-19 cases were foreign residents in past 2 weeks: KDCA 1 in 10 new COVID-19 cases were foreign residents in past 2 weeks: KDCA www.koreatimes.co.kr More than one in 10 new coronavirus cases reported in South Korea over the past two weeks were foreigners living in the country, health authorities here said Thursday. 질.. 2021. 8. 21.
Seoul to separate bikes, pedestrians on Han River park paths - 서울시, 한강공원 자전거로·보행로 분리한다 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/08/742_314129.html Seoul to separate bikes, pedestrians on Han River park paths Seoul to separate bikes, pedestrians on Han River park paths www.koreatimes.co.kr Bike lanes along the Han River in Seoul will be completely separated from walking paths by 2023 in a move to improve safety for both cyclists and pedestrians. 자전거 이용자와 보행자 모두의 안전을 위해 서울 한강공원 .. 2021. 8. 20.
Last remaining Koreans leave Afghanistan: foreign ministry - 최후의 한국인들 아프간 떠났다 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/08/742_314074.html Last remaining Koreans leave Afghanistan: foreign ministry Last remaining Koreans leave Afghanistan: foreign ministry www.koreatimes.co.kr All of four last-remaining South Koreans in Afghanistan, including the country's ambassador, have left the country, the foreign ministry said Tuesday. 외교부는 주아프가니스탄 한국 대사를 포함하여 아프가니스탄에 남아 있던 4명의 한.. 2021. 8. 19.