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Japan takes issue with Korea's food service center for Olympic athletes - 올림픽 선수단을 위한 한국의 푸드서비스센터에 이의를 제기하는 일본. https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/sports/2021/08/800_313332.html Japan takes issue with Korea's food service center for Olympic athletes Japan takes issue with Korea's food service center for Olympic athletes www.koreatimes.co.kr Japan has reiterated its discontent over Korea's food service center set up near the Olympics venue for Korean athletes, in a political message of complaints directed at.. 2021. 8. 6.
Korea reports 1st delta plus variant cases - 국내 '델타 플러스 변이 바이러스' 감염자 첫 확인 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/08/742_313321.html Korea reports 1st delta plus variant cases Korea reports 1st delta plus variant cases www.koreatimes.co.kr South Korea on Tuesday confirmed two cases of the highly transmissible delta plus variant of the novel coronavirus. 화요일 국내에서 전염성이 높은 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증 ‘델타 플러스 변이 바이러스' 감염 확진자 2명이 확인됐다. confirm 확인해주다, 공식화 하다, 확정하다, 사실임을 보여주다 highly.. 2021. 8. 5.
Korean high jumper Woo Sang-hyeok makes history in Tokyo - 한국 남자 높이뛰기 우상혁, 도쿄올림픽에서 새 역사 쓰다 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/08/745_313261.html Korean high jumper Woo Sang-hyeok makes history in Tokyo Korean high jumper Woo Sang-hyeok makes history in Tokyo www.koreatimes.co.kr South Korean high jumper Woo Sang-hyeok made history at the Tokyo Olympics Sunday, setting a new national record and achieving the highest ranking in an Olympic track-and-field event for the country... 2021. 8. 4.
Microsoft Korea holds online job fair for hybrid working era - 한국마이크로소프트, 하이브리드 업무 시대 위한 온라인 채용설명회 개최 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/08/743_313154.html Microsoft Korea holds online job fair for hybrid working era Microsoft Korea holds online job fair for hybrid working era www.koreatimes.co.kr Microsoft Korea introduced its organizational culture and various positions in the company through its Teams business communication platform, Friday, for jobseekers here who are looking for r.. 2021. 8. 3.
Korea wins bronze in women's sabre team fencing - 한국 펜싱 여자 사브르 단체전 첫 동메달 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/08/745_313143.html Korea wins bronze in women's sabre team fencing Korea wins bronze in women's sabre team fencing www.koreatimes.co.kr South Korea claimed bronze in the women's sabre team fencing event on Saturday for its fourth medal from the sport at the Tokyo Olympics. 한국은 토요일 도쿄올림픽에서 여자 사브르 대표팀이 올림픽 단체전 4번째 메달을 따내며 여자 사브르 단체전 동메달을 획득했다. claim the.. 2021. 8. 2.
Actor Zo In-sung donates 500 million won to build school in Tanzania - 배우 조인성, 5억원 기부…탄자니아에 학교 세워 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/07/745_313117.html Actor Zo In-sung donates 500 million won to build school in Tanzania Actor Zo In-sung donates 500 million won to build school in Tanzania www.koreatimes.co.kr South Korean actor Zo Insung has donated 500 million won ($433,000) to build a school in Tanzania, a local welfare foundation said Wednesday. 대한민국 배우 조인성이 탄자니아에 학교를 설립하는 데 5억원.. 2021. 8. 1.