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정이로운 영어공부/with 코리아타임스1030

Fear grows over new variant stronger than Delta - 델타보다 강력한 새로운 변이 등장에 우려 증가 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/11/742_319635.html Fear grows over new variant stronger than Delta Fear grows over new variant stronger than Delta www.koreatimes.co.kr Gov't bans entry from 8 African nations 정부, 아프리카 8개국에서의 입국 금지해 ban = prohibit 금지하다, 금하다, 금지법, 금지령, entry 들어감, 들어옴, 입장, 등장, 출입, 입국(할 권리), 가입, 입회(할 권리) African 아프리카의, (흑인)아프리카인 nation 국가, (한 국가의 전체)국민 (=population) Conc.. 2021. 11. 30.
Foreign ownership of Korean land rises 1.3 percent in H1 - 21년 상반기 외국인 토지 보유 현황, 1.3퍼센트 증가 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/11/742_319540.html Foreign ownership of Korean land rises 1.3 percent in H1 Foreign ownership of Korean land rises 1.3 percent in H1 www.koreatimes.co.kr Foreign ownership of South Korean land expanded 1.3 percent in the first half of the year from six months earlier, the land ministry said Friday. 국내 토지를 보유한 외국인이 올해 상반기 기준으로 지난 해 말 대비 1.3% 증가했다고 국토부가.. 2021. 11. 27.
Concerns over COVID-19 infection growing among pregnant women - 임산부 코로나19 감염에 대한 염려 커져 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/11/742_319507.html Concerns over COVID infection growing among pregnant women Concerns over COVID infection growing among pregnant women www.koreatimes.co.kr Concerns are growing among pregnant woman nationwide over whether to receive COVID-19 vaccine or not following the death of a fetus which is presumed to be due to possible infection from the coro.. 2021. 11. 27.
Why it's so hard to catch taxi at night - 밤에 택시 잡기 힘든 이유 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/11/742_319432.html Why it's so hard to catch taxi at night Why it's so hard to catch taxi at night www.koreatimes.co.kr Last Saturday night, a Seoul resident surnamed Lee, 29, called for a taxi through a mobile app, to get home after an evening gathering with her friends in Itaewon. But no taxis were available. 지난 토요일 밤 서울 거주자인 29살 이씨는 친구들과 저녁 모임 후 귀가.. 2021. 11. 26.
'Squid Game' team gets bonuses from Netflix - '오징어 게임’ 제작진 넷플릭스로부터 보너스 받아 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/11/745_319376.html 'Squid Game' team gets bonuses from Netflix 'Squid Game' team gets bonuses from Netflix www.koreatimes.co.kr The "Squid Game" team has received one-time bonuses from Netflix in the past weeks, according to Bloomberg News. 블룸버그통신에 의하면 ‘오징어 게임' 제작진은 넷플릭스로부터 지난 몇 주간 일회성 보너스를 받았다. one-time 한번만의, 일시불의, 한때~였던, 이전의 one-off 단한번의, 단 한번 있을것, .. 2021. 11. 25.
1 in 6 Korean women quit their jobs after marriage - 기혼여성 6명 중 1명 경력 단절 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/11/742_319315.html 1 in 6 Korean women quit their jobs after marriage 1 in 6 Korean women quit their jobs after marriage www.koreatimes.co.kr More than 1 in 6 South Korean married women suffered a career break this year as they quit their jobs due to child rearing and getting married, data showed Tuesday. 화요일 발표된 데이터에 따르면, 육아와 결혼 등으로 일을 그만둬 올해 기혼여성 6명.. 2021. 11. 24.