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Reality shows go abroad again amid eased COVID-19 travel restrictions - 리얼리티 쇼, 코로나19 여행 제한 완화에 다시 해외로

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 8. 17.



Reality shows go abroad again amid eased COVID-19 travel restrictions

Reality shows go abroad again amid eased COVID-19 travel restrictions



Cast members travel to European cities, Thailand
유럽의 도시와 태국을 여행하는 출연자들

reality show 리얼리티쇼

variety show 버라이어티 쇼

go abroad = go overseas = make a trip abroad 외국에 가다

travel restriction 여행 제한(조치)

restriction = restraint = constraint = limintation = striture = curb = sanction 규제, 제한, 제재, 통제

cast member 등장인물, 출연자


Before the COVID-19 outbreak began sweeping across the globe in 2020, traveling shows and reality programs filmed overseas were not hard to find on Korean TV.
2020년 코로나19가 전 세계를 휩쓸기 전까지 해외에서 촬영한 여행 방송이나 리얼리티 프로그램을 국내 방송에서 어렵지 않게 찾아볼 수 있었다.


outbreak 발생, 발발

break out 발생하다, 발발하다, (여드름/뽀루지)나닫, 뒤집어지다

breakout (보통 집단적인)탈옥, 탈주, 발발

sweep across the globe  전세계를 휩쓸다

it is not hard to find ~찾는 것은 어렵지 않다


But when the pandemic resulted in border restrictions and flight bans in many countries, limiting overseas travelers in an effort to prevent the virus from spreading, shooting shows in other countries became almost impossible. Shows based on traveling like "Battle Trip" and "Youn's Kitchen" either put an end to their runs or changed their formats to survive.
그러나 코로나19 바이러스 전파를 막기 위한 노력으로 해외 여행객들을 제한하면서 국경 간 제한이 생기고 출입국 금지가 초래되면서 해외 촬영은 거의 불가능해졌다. 여행에 기반을 둔 ‘배틀 트립'과 ‘윤식당'은 종영을 하거나 프로그램을 지속하기 위해 그 형식을 바꾸었다.


result in = arouse = cause = lead to = raise = give rise to = brign about 불러일으키다, 야기하다, 초래하다

border restrictions 국경 제한

border = boundary = demacation 국경, 경계 

restriction = restraint = constraint = limintation = striture = curb = sanction 규제, 제한, 제재, 통제

flight ban 비행 금지(령)overseas travel ban 출금 금지traveler = traveller = tourist = sightseer 관광객, 여행객vacationer = holidaymaker = holidayer = vacationist 휴가객in an effort to ~하기 위한 노력의 일환으로 , ~하기위한 노력으로shoot = film = take 촬영하다, 찍다put an end = finish = make an end = bring en end = wind up = conclude = close = complete 끝맺다, 끝내다, 끝마치다format (무엇의 전반적인)구성방식, (책 등의)판형, 포맷을 만들다, 서식을 만들다, 체재를 갖추다formalize 공식화 하다, 형식을 갖추다framework = frame = outline 뼈대, 골조, 틀, 체제, 체계regime 제도, 체제, 정권survive = outlive 살아남다, 생존하다, (위기 등을)견뎌내다, ~보다 오래살다, 존속하다


However, with many countries starting to ease such border and flight restrictions, more shows that feature cast members traveling in different countries have been rising again.
그러나, 여러 국가들이 이러한 입국 및 여행 제한을 완화하며 다른 나라에서 여행하는 출연자들을 등장시키는 방송들이 다시 많아지고 있다.


ease restrictions 규제를 완화하다

feature 특징으로 하다, 특별히 포함하다, ~의 특징을 이루다

cast member 등장인물, 출연자


Two shows about traveling to European countries, "Dopojarak: Story of Homme the K-Wanderer" and "Europe Outside the Tent," have recently premiered.
최근 유럽 국가들을 여행하는 두 프로그램, ‘도포자락 휘날리며'와 ‘텐트 밖은 유럽'이 처음으로 방송되었다.


homme = man 사람, 남자

femme 여성역의

femme fatale 팜프파탈, 치명적인 여자

homme fatale 옴므파탈, 치명적인 남자

wanderer = roamer = rover = vagabond = nomad = vagrant 방랑자, 유랑자, 유목민

recenty = lately = in recent days 최근에

premiere = open = release = publish 개봉하다, 초연하다, 첫 방영하다, 첫 공연하다

premier 최고의, 제 1의, 주지사, 수상


MBC's new variety show, "Dopojarak," which kicked off last month, follows five cast members from different entertainment fields: singer Kim Jong-kook, actors Ji Hyun-woo and Noh Sang-hyun, model Joo Woo-jae and short track speed skating medalist Hwang Dae-heon.
지난 달 첫 방송을 선보인 MBC의 새 버라이어티 쇼 ‘도포자락 휘날리며'에는 가수 김종국, 배우 지현우와 노상현, 모델 주우재, 쇼트트랙 메달리스트 황대헌 등 서로 다른 분야에서 활동하는 다섯 멤버들이 출연한다.


reality show 리얼리티쇼

variety show 버라이어티 쇼

kick off = commence = start off = open 시작하다, 닻을 올리다

short track speed skating 쇼트 트랙 스피드 스케이팅

medalist 메달리스트


The cast members, each with a different skill set, go on a journey to introduce traditional Korean products to the locals in Denmark while experiencing the beauty of the country.
다양한 능력을 가진 각 출연자들은 덴마크의 아름다움을 즐기는 한편 덴마크 현지 주민들에게 한국 전통 제품을 판매하는 여정에 오른다.


skill = prowess = caliber = capability = talent = ability = knack = capacity = competence 기량, 기술, 재간

go on a journey [ tour/ trip / cruise ] 여행을 떠나다, 여정을 떠나다

hop = excursion = jaunt = sortie = foray = expedition = short trip = short journey 짧은 여행

local = resident = dewelling = inhabitatm = indigenous people = native 주민, 거주자, 현지인


"We acknowledge that this show would come as a challenge during the pandemic era but we wanted to try out making (the show). We made this show in hopes of offering a sense of refreshment with the scenery to viewers," the show's producer, Hwang Ji-young, said during a press conference last month. "The reason we chose Demark is that it was one of the countries where people's lives have almost become normal. So we thought it would be interesting for viewers to experience that atmosphere from the country."
지난 달 황지영 PD는 제작발표회에서 "코로나19 팬데믹 동안 이 프로그램은 도전과 같았지만 기획해보고 싶다는 생각을 많이 했다. 상쾌한 풍경이 지쳐 있는 마음에 위로가 될 수 있으면 했다"고 전했다. "덴마크를 선택한 이유는 이미 일상적인 생활을 하고 있는 나라이기 때문이다. 시청자들이 현지 분위기를 경험하는 것이 흥미롭겠다고 생각했다"고 덧붙였다.


acknowledge = concede = confess = admit 인정하다, 수긍하다

try out 시험삼아 해보다

tryout 시험해보기, 테스트해보기

in hopes of = with the hope of = with the desire of = in the hope that ~의 희망을 가지고,~희망을 가지고

refreshment 원기회복, 상쾌하게 함, (공식 행사에서 제공되는)다과, 가벼운 식사, 음료

a sense of refreshment = a feeling of refreshment = a sensation of refreshment 상쾌함, 청량감

scenery = landscape = panorama = vista = scene 경치, 풍경, 경관

become nomal = return to nomal life [normalcy] 일상적으로 되다, 정상상태가 되다, 일상으로 돌아가다

experience = enjoy = relish 경험하다, 즐기다, 누리다

atmosphere = ambience = mood = vibe = air = climate 분위기


TvN reality traveling show, "Europe Outside the Tent," which was released earlier this month, invites four actors ― Yoo Hae-jin, Jin Seon-kyu, Yoon Kyun-sang and Park Ji-hwan ― on a camping trip across Europe. Carrying around their camping gear, the four embark on a more rustic way of traveling to visit hidden sites that are not much shown in the media.
이번 달 초 전파를 탄 TvN의 리얼리티 여행 예능 ‘텐트 밖은 유럽'에는 배우 유해진, 진선규, 윤균상, 박지환이 출연해 유럽을 가로지르며 캠핑 여행을 한다. 네 배우들은 캠핑 장비를 챙기며 대중 매체에 많이 공개되지 않은 숨겨진 장소를 찾아 시골 여행길에 오른다.


release = premiere = open = publish 개봉하다, 초연하다, 첫 방영하다, 첫 공연하다

camping trip 캠핑 여행, 야영 여행

camping gear = camping goods = camping equipment 캠핑 장비, 야영용품, 야영장비

carry around = carry about ~을 갖고 다니다, ~을 가지고 다니다

embark on = step foot on = start = begin 착수하다, 발을 들여 놓다

rustic = rural = pastoral 시골 특유의, 시골스러운, 소박한

hidden site 숨겨진 장소 

lesser-known = less-popular 덜 알려진, 유명 하지 않은, 덜 유명한, 덜 알려진

uncharted = undeveloped = untravelled = undiscovered  미지의, 잘 알지 못하는

tourist attractions = tourist destination = landmark = tourist mecca = sight = tourist spot = sightseeing spot 관광명소, 관광지vacationland 휴양지, 관광지, 유원지


Star producer Na Young-seok, known for creating the hit variety shows, "New Journey to the West," and "Youn's Kitchen," recently rolled out his latest variety show, "Earth Arcade," which takes the format of "New Journey to the West" with a female cast.
‘신서유기', ‘윤식당' 등 인기 버라이어티 쇼를 제작한 스타 PD 나영석은 신서유기 포맷을 여성 출연자들에게 적용한 ‘지구오락실'을 공개했다.


known for ~로 알려진

well-known for ~로 잘 알려진

make a name 이름을 떨치다, 유명해지다

journey to = trip to = travel to = tour to = visit to  ~곳으로 여행 (# to와 함께 쓰일 경우 명사형으로 사용된 것)

roll out = launch = publish = reveal = disclose = release = premiere 공개하다, 발매하다, 발표하다

arcade = amusement arcade 아케이드, 오락실, 상가, 실, 공간 (=district = area = center = mall)

take a format 형식을 취하다, 형식을 적용하다


The show, which started in late June, stars four entertainers: comedian Lee Eun-ji, singers An Yu-jin of K-pop group IVE and Mimi of Oh My Girl, and rapper Lee Young-ji.
6월 말 시작한 이 프로그램에는 코미디언 이영지, 케이팝 아이돌 아이브의 멤버 안유진, 오마이걸의 미미와 래퍼 이영지가 출연한다.


star = appear = make an appearance = play 주역을 맡다, 주연을 맡다, 출연하다

star in ~에서 주연을 맡다

star-studded 인기스타들이 많이 출연하는

studded with = replete with = laden with ~이 많은, ~이 가득한

entertainer 연예인, 엔터테이너

singer 가수

rapper 래퍼

actor 배우

model 모델









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