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Conflict escalates over milk price policies - 우유 가격 정책 관련 갈등 고조

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 8. 5.



Conflict escalates over milk price policies

Conflict escalates over milk price policies



Fears of a milk supply disruption are mounting, fueled by an impasse between the government and dairy farmers over a move to lower the prices of milk supplied to the confectionery and coffee-making industries, according to officials and the farmers' association, Friday.
금요일 정부 관계자와 한국낙농육우협회에 따르면 과자류와 커피 제조 산업에 공급되는 우유 가격을 낮추려는 움직임을 두고 정부와 낙농민 간에 교착 상태로 촉발된 우유 공급망 붕괴 우려가 커지고 있다.


conflict = collision = confrontation = strife = discord = feud = row = dissension = friction 갈등, 불화, 충돌, 마찰, 대립

escalate = intensify = heighten = precipitate = mount = inflame = compound  고조되다, 고조시키다

supply disruption 공급차질, 공급망 붕괴

fear = anxiety = concerns = worry = uneasiness = dread 두려움, 무서움, 염려, 걱정

mounting = surging = soaring = skyrocketing = growing = burgeoning = on the rise 커지는, 증가하는, 치솟는, 급증하는

fuel = fan = add fuel to the fire[flames] = spur = stoke = stimulate 부채질하다, 부추기다

impasse = deadlock = standstill = stalemate = standoff = gridlock = logjam = bottleneck 교착상태, 멈춤, 정지상태, 막힘

bog down = come to a standstill = get stuck in a bog 교착상태에 빠지다

dilemma = quandary = predicament = confusion = conundrum = serious problem = hot potato = snag = difficulty 진퇴양난, 곤궁, 어려움, 난제, 곤란한 일

ordeal = adversity = hardship = suffering = difficulty = troubles 어려움, 시련, 역경, 고난

in limbo 불확실한 상태에 있는, 애매모호한 상태에 있는, 어중간한 상태에 있는

dairy famers 낙농업 농민, 낙농민

dairy 낙농업, 유제품 회사, 유제품의, 낙농업의

non-dairy 유제품이 아닌, 우유로 만든것이 아닌

dairy product 유제품

move = drive = maneuver = action = scheme 움직임, 계획, 묘책, 동작

lower the prices = bring down the priecs = reduce the prices = cut down the prices 가격을 내리다, 가격을 낮추다

confectionery 과자류, 단과자, 제과류

coffee-making industry 커피제조 산업


The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs seeks to revise the current supplier-friendly price methods, a move dairy farmers characterized as "irresponsible railroading with total disregard of the far-reaching implications for the agricultural business."
농림축산식품부는 현재의 공급 친화적인 가격 책정 방식을 개정하려 하지만 낙농민은 이를 "낙농업에 미치는 광범위한 영향을 완전히 무시한 무책임한 강압"이라고 평가했다.


the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs 농림축산식품부

revise =  amend = modify 개정하다, 수정하다, 고치다

devise = work out = come up with = map out = think up = establish 생각해 내다, 고안해 내다

supplier-friendly 공급자 친화적인

environmental-friendly = eco-friendly 환경친화적인, 친환경적인

user-friendly 사용하기 쉬운, 사용자 친화적인

price method 가격 정책

characterize ~의 특징이 되다, 특징짓다, ~의 특징을 나타내다, ~의 특징을 ~으로 묘사하다

characterize as ~라고 특징 짓다, ~라고 묘사하다

irresponsible = unreliable 무책임한, 신뢰할 수 없는

railroad (서둘러/강압적으로 무엇을 하도록)몰아 붙이다, (결의안/법률을)전격 통과시키다

total = complete = absolute = utter = sheer = thorouhgoing = thorough = outright = stark = downright = deadly = unadulterated 완전한, 전적인, 철저한

disregard = ignorance = disdain = contempt 무시, 묵살, 업신여김

far-reaching = comprehensive = grand = wide-ranging = extensive = widespread = broad = a large extent = a wide scope = a vast range 광범위한, 지대한 영향을 가져올

implication = consequence = repercurssion = concomitant = corollary = byproduct = side-effect 영향, 결과, 함축, 암시, (범죄)연루(=involvement)


The ministry says milk prices remain elevated despite sinking market demand, due in large part to price setting methods tied to production costs, long embraced and demanded by farmers.
농식품부는 시장 수요가 감소했음에도 불구하고 농민들이 오랫동안 수용하고 요구해온 생산비 연동제로 인해 높은 우유 가격이 유지되고 있다고 전했다.


elevated 높은, 고가의, 고상한

lofty (인상적이게)아주높은, 우뚝한, 고귀한, 고결한

aloft 하늘 높이, 위로 높이

sink 가라앉다, 빠지다, 침몰시키다

market demand 시장 수요

in large part = mainly = largely = mostly = chiefly 주로, 대부분

due mainly to = due in large part to  주로 ~때문에

tied to = coupled with = linked with = connceted with = interlocked with ~와 결부된, ~와 관련있는

production costs 생산비

embrace = accept 받아들이다, 수용하다, 포괄하다, 아우르다, 안다, 껴안다, 포옹하다


Farmers are refusing to accept the ministry's plan to lower the per-liter price of milk for processed dairy product makers to 800 won ($0.62), down from 1,100 won, a level farmers currently charge for retail and wholesale milk products.
낙농민은 가공 유제품에 사용되는 우유의 L당 가격을 현재 도소매 유제품에 매기는 1100원에서 800원으로 낮추려는 농식품부 방안을 거부하고 있다.


refuse = defy = resist = stand up to = go against = disobey = fight against = struggle against = oppose = stand against = object = disagree 거절하다, 반항하다, 대항하다

processed dairy product 가공 유제품

charge for = ask in payment ~에 대한 요금을 청구하다, 돈을 청구하다

retail and wholesale 도소매, 소매와 도매


They also oppose the ministry's plan to provide processed milk product makers 200 won in government subsidies for every 1 liter purchase. They dismiss the government's claim that the lower input costs will create demand, backed by many consumers favoring locally produced dairy products over imported ones.
또한 이들은 유가공업계에 L당 200원의 정부 보조금을 지급하는 방안도 거부하고 있다. 이들은 감소된 생산비가 수입 유제품보다 국내에서 생산된 유제품을 더 선호하는 많은 소비자들에 지지를 받아 수요를 창출할 것이라는 정부의 주장을 묵살했다.


oppose = refuse = defy = resist = stand up to = go against = disobey = fight against = struggle against = stand against = object = disagree 거절하다, 반항하다, 대항하다

government subsidies = subsidy = government protection = state benefits = government benefits = grant 보조금, 정부보조금

dismiss = shrug off = wave aside = disregard = distain = contemp = ignore 묵살하다, 일축하다, 떨쳐버리다, 해고하다(= fire = lay off = sack)dismissal 묵살, 일축, 해고, (소송/재판)기각input cost 인풋비용, 투입비용create demand 수요를 창출하다back = uphold = prop = support = shore up = hold up = advocate 지지하다, 옹호하다, 유지시키다favor = prefer = like = enamor = be fond of = love = go for = enjoy 선호하다, 좋아하다, 편애하다locally produced = domestically produced = locally-made 국내 생산된


Deadlocked negotiations
교착 상태에 빠진 협상


deadlock = impasse = standstill = stalemate = standoff = gridlock = logjam = bottleneck 교착상태, 멈춤, 정지상태, 막힘

bog down = come to a standstill = get stuck in a bog 교착상태에 빠지다

deadlocked 교착상태에 빠진

negotiation = bargaining 협상, 흥정


The ministry said negotiations between representatives of the Korea Dairy & Beef Farmers Association will be halted, Thursday, citing "a lack of trust on both sides."
목요일 농식품부는 "양측의 신뢰가 심각하게 훼손되었다"고 언급하며 한국낙농육우협회 대표와의 협의가 중단되었다고 전했다.


representatives = delegate 대표, 대표자, 대표하는, 전형적인

representation 묘사, 표현, 대표자를 내세움, 대의권, 진정, 항의

delegation = mission = deputation = contingent = lobby group = diplomatic corps = diplomatic body 대표단, 사절단

missionary (외국에 파견되는)선교사

special envoy = special emissary 특사, 사절

halt = cease = pause = suspend = stop 멈추다, 중단하다, 정지하다

a lack of trust 신뢰 부족

lose public trust = lost public confidence 대중의 신뢰를 잃다, 공신력을 잃다

both sides = both parties 양측


"It is meaningless to continue talks when the relationship between the two negotiating parties is defined by distrust," the ministry said in a statement. "We will not resume negotiations until after the trust issue is fully resolved," it added.
농식품부는 "신뢰가 부족한 상황에서 협의를 진행하는 것은 의미가 없다고 판단"했다고 전한 한편 "신뢰가 회복될 때까지 제도 개편과 원유 가격 결정을 위한 논의를 중단한다"고 덧붙였다.


meaningless = pointless = senseless = useless 무의미한, 무가치한, 쓸모없는, 소용없는

define = clarify = reveal = disclose = manifest 정의하다, 규정하다, 분명히 밝히다, 윤곽을 분명히 나타내다 

disturst = mistrust = suspicion 불신, 불신하다, 불신용

resume = reopen = reactivate = reactuate = renew = restart = put sth back on track = get sth going again = continue = get sth back 재개하다, 다시 시작하다

resolve = solve = settle = tackle = mend = get round = get around = sort sth out = dispose of 해결하다


The deadlock fans concerns of a rapid fall in the self-sufficiency ratio of raw milk production over the past two decades.
이러한 교착 상태는 지난 20년간 지속된 원유 생산의 자급률이 급감할 우려를 부추기고 있다.


fan = fuel = add fuel to the fire[flames] = spur = stoke = stimulate 부채질하다, 부추기다

deadlock = impasse = standstill = stalemate = standoff = gridlock = logjam = bottleneck 교착상태, 멈춤, 정지상태, 막힘

self-sufficiency 자족, 자급자족, 자부

self-sufficiency ratio 자급율

raw milk production 원유 생산









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