* desperate 자포자기의, 절망적인, 될대로 되라는 식의, 필사적인, 극단적인, 간절히 필요로 하는
= death-defying 결사적인, 필사적인, 목숨을 생각하지 않는, 죽음에 도전하는
cf) defy 반항하다, 거역하다, 견뎌내다
cf) defiant 저항하는, 반항하는
cf) defiance 반항, 저항
cf) despair 절망, 절망하다, 체념하다
cf) desperation 자포자기, 절망적임
cf) desperately = excessively 절망적으로, 자포자기하여, 필사적으로, 생각다 못해, 지독하게, 지나치게, 몹시
ex) She found herself in desperate financial straits
ex) I am desperate for a cigarette
ex) I was absolutely desperate to see her
ex) The prisoners grew increasingly desperate
ex) I heard sounds of a desperate struggle in the next room
ex) Her mood alternated between happiness and despair
ex) She uttered a cry of despair
* despite ~에도 불구하고, 자기도 모르게, 엉겹결에
= in spite of = notwithstandinig = however = nevertheless = although = even though = though
cf) duly = on time = punctually = properly 적절한 절차에 따라, 예상대로, 적절한 때에, 때를 맞춰
cf) in spite of oneself 자기도 모르게
cf) in spite of one's teeth ~의 반대에도 불구하고
cf) in spite of one's beard ~의 의사에 반하여
ex) Despite of economic turmoil shouldn't other nations also join in and help save lives?
ex) Despite of all his efforts that he had put in to stop him to get into danger, all his efforts went futile
ex) They duly arrived at 9.30 in spite of torrential rain
ex) They are firm friends in spite of temperamental differences
ex) He fell asleep, in spite of himself
ex) Notwithstanding, the problem is a significant one
ex) Notwithstanding some major financial problems, the school has had a successful year
ex) I went notwithstanding (that) he told me not to (go)
* destroy 파괴하다, 말살하다
= destruct = devastate = subvert = wipe out = demolish = ravage = wreck
cf) destruction = demolition 파괴, 말살
cf) destructive = devastating = disruptive = subversive = disastrous 파괴적인
cf) constructive 건설적인
ex) The government set out to destroy the organization root and branch
ex) Nuclear war can destroy all living things
ex) The central argument is that capitalism sows the seeds of its own destruction
ex) Some scientific discoveries have been perverted to create weapons of destruction
ex) The hurricane left a trail of destruction behind it
* detain ~을 못가게 붙들다, 구금하다, 억류하다, (어디가지못하게)붙들다, 지체하게하다
= keep = hold = take hold of = grip = grasp = catch hold of = grab hold of
cf) detainee (보통은 정치적인 이유의)억류자
cf) detainer 불법유치, 불법 점유, 구금, 감금, 구금연장 영장
cf) detainment = detention (유치장/교도소)구금, 구류, (학생에게 벌로)방과후에 남게하기
ex) I coudn't detain him any longer
ex) Since you are busy, I won't detain you
ex) Security has been ordered to detain any cars in violation of that ordinance
ex) The legislation provides for the detention of suspected terrorists for up to seven days
ex) They can't give me a detention for this
ex) allegations of torture and detention without trial
* detect 발견하다, 알아내다, 감지하다
= catch = seize = grab = grasp = pick up = capture
cf) detective 형사, 수사관
cf) prosecutor 검찰관, 기소검사
cf) private detective 탐정, 흥신소[심부름센터]직원
cf) detector 감지기
cf) detection 발견, 간파, 탐지
cf) undercurrent = undertone (부정적인 감정의)암류, 숨은 감정, 저의, 함의
ex) Do I detect a note of criticism?
ex) The tests are designed to detect the disease early
ex) an instrument can detect small amount of radiation
ex) I detect an undercurrent of resentment toward the new proposals
* association 연합, 교제, 협회, 제휴, 유대, 연관
= union = institute = society = guild
cf) associate 연상하다, 결부짓다, 연관짓다, 어울리다, 제휴의, 지지하다
cf) associated = connected 관련된, 연합의, 조합의, (어떤단체를)지지하는
cf) associative 연합의, 연상의, (수학)결합의
ex) The local club has disaffiliated from National Athletic Association
ex) The book was published in association with British Heritage
ex) She became famous through her association with the group of poets
ex) I always associate the smell of baking with my childhood
ex) May I associate myself with the Prime Minister's remarks?
ex) This syndrome is associated with frequent coughing
ex) He no longer wished to be associated with the party's policy on education
ex) He is closely associated in the public mind with horror movies
ex) Salaries and associated costs have risen substantially
* assume 사실이라고 보다, (사실일 것으로)추정하다, 상정하다, (책임을)맡다, (양상을)띄다
= presume = suppose = consider = surmise = quess = conjecture = speculate
cf) assumption = presumption = hypothesis = speculation = supposition = estimation 추정, (권력/책임)인수, 장악
cf) assumed 추정되는, 상정되는
cf) assuming 가령 ~라면, ~라고 가정하고, 주제넘는, 거만한, 건방진
cf) assumable = presumable = probable 가정할수 있는, 추측할수있는
cf) assumably = presumably 아마, 짐작컨데
ex) Don't always assume the worst
ex) Let's be charitable and assume she jsut made a mistake
ex) His actions were based on a false assumption
ex) Implicit in his speech was the assumption that they were guilty
ex) His views are grounded on the assumption that all people are equal
ex) to assume[take] overall responsibility for personnel
ex) Kim will assume my duties
* asterisk 별표
= star
cf) mark with ans asterisk[stars]
cf) asterisk athlete 약물을 복용한 운동선수
ex) Items marked with an asterisk can be omitted
ex) I've placed an asterisk next to the tasks I want you to do first
ex) This is important, so please underline and asterisk it
ex) The champion is suspected of being an asterisk athlete
* asthmatic 천식환자, 천식의
cf) asthmatic patient[sufferer] 천식환자
cf) asthmatic crisis[attack] 천식 발작
cf) asthma 천식
cf) respiratory 호흡의, 호흡기관의
cf) respiration 호흡
cf) artificial respiration 인공호흡
cf) respirator 인공호흡기, 마스크
ex) I have to check on a sick asthmatic
ex) With proper treatment and diagnoses, asthmatic cats can live a very long, healthy life
ex) In the interest of respiratory hygiene, please wear your mask
ex) Blood pressure and respiration are also recorded
ex) He brought her to by artificial respiration
ex) The diaphram is the principal muscle of respiration
* asymmetry 불균형, 어울리지 않음, 비대칭
<-> symmetry 균형, 대칭
cf) asymmetric = asymmetrical 비대칭의, 불균형의
cf) symmetric = symmetrical 대칭적인, 균형이 잡힌, 조화를 이룬
cf) asymmetrically 불균형하게, 비대칭적으로
ex) That means that there is a gross asymmetry in bargaining
ex) Scoliosis causes shoulder, trunk and waistline "asymmetry"
ex) One reason is asymmetry or, to put impolitely, hypocrisy
ex) the increasing symmetry between men's and women's jobs
ex) This house has perfect symmetry
ex) Classical dance in its purest form requires symmetry and balance
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