* assess 평가하다, 재다, 가늠하다, (가치나 양을)평가 하다, 산정하다
= estimate = reckon = evaluate = judge
cf) assessment = appraiser = evaluation = estimation 평가, 판단, 사정
cf) assessor 감정인, 배석판사, (시험)평가자
cf) assessable 과세할 수 있는, 평가 할 수 있는, 산정 할 수있는
ex) It is difficult to assess the full extent of the damage
ex) I'd assess your chances as low
ex) We are trying to assess how well the system works
ex) His assessment of the situation was spot on
ex) He wrote a very generous assessment of my work
ex) The first thing you do is put in an assessable amnesty policy
* assignment 할당, 숙제, 과제, 임무,, 배정, 배치
= duty = mission = task = project = homework = problem
cf) assign (일, 책임)맡기다, 배정하다, 부과하다, (사람을)배치하다, 선임하다, 파견하다
cf) assigned = designated 할당된
ex) He saw the assignment as a way to forward his career
ex) I've been working at my assignment all day
ex) Pressed for time, I sloppified an English assignment
ex) We have been assigned the two large classrooms
ex) I was assigned to B platoon
* assist 거들다, 원조하다, 돕다, 도움이 되다, 어시스트, 도움주기
= help = aid = be a help
cf) assistant = helper 조수, 보조원, 조력자
cf) assistant- = deputy- = vice- = sub- = under- 부, 대리, 대행, ~속, 후보
cf) assistance = aid = support = help 도움, 원조, 지원
ex) His ham-fisted efforts to assist her (ham-fisted = clumsy 서투른)
ex) Activities that will the decision-making process
ex) Anyone willing to assist an contact this number
ex) He can work only with the assistance of crutches
ex) Can I be of any assistance?
ex) They rendered assistance to the disaster victim
* aluminium 알루미늄 (Al)
cf) copper 구리, 동, 동전, 경찰관 (Cu)
cf) alloy 합금, 합금하다
cf) zinc 아연 (Zn)
cf) tin 통조림, 주석(Su)
cf) tantalum 탄탈륨(ta)
cf) tungsten 텅스텐(W)
cf) lead 납(Pb)
ex) Aluminium window frames
ex) Aluminium is slowlying wedging its way in the metal market
ex) The aluminium body is 12% lighter than if built with steal
ex) Aluminium saucepans
ex) We now know that the possible links between aluminium and pre-senile dementia
* amateur 아마추어, 비전문가, 취미로 하는, 아마추어의
= beginner = novice = layman = rookie = non-professional
<-> professional = pro = expert = specialist = master 전문적인, 전문직에 종사하는, 전문직 종사자, 프로선수, 직업의
cf) amateurish 비전문적인, 서투른
cf) amateurishly 아마추어같이, 미숙하게
cf) profession (특히 교육이 많이 필요한)직업, 직종, 종사자들, 전문직
ex) After he won the amateur championship he turned professional
ex) The event is for both amateur and professional athletes
ex) We went to a concert and had an appreciation of the beautiful classic music by the amateur orchestra
ex) Detectives described the burglary as 'crude and amateurish'
ex) He scoffed at our amateurish attempts
* dab 가볍게 두드리다, 만지다, 토닥거리다, 살살 칠하다, 꼭꼭누르기, 만지기 소량, 조금, 약간, 숙련된, 명인 (~hand)
= hit lighlty = putt
= a light blow = a tap = a light hit = a putt
cf) dabble (스포츠나 활동등을 취미삼아) 조금해보다, 잠깐 손대보다, 첨벙거리다, 튀기다
cf) dab hand (무엇을 아주 잘하는)명수, 달인
cf) smack-dab 정면으로, 한가운데
ex) She put a dab of perfume behind her ears
ex) She is a dab hand with a paintbrush
ex) he gave the cut a quick dab with a towel
ex) I put a dab of butter on my bread
ex) Dab butter on the bread
ex) I want a big helping of mashed potatoes with a glab of butter smack-dab in the middle
* damn 헐뜯다, 저주하다, 비러먹을, 제기랄, 젠장, 우라질
= shit = damn it
= fuck = speak ill of = badmouth = slander = backbite 헐뜻다, 욕하다, 저주하다, 험담하다
cf) dammit = damn it 제기랄
cf) dammit to hell 빌어먹을
cf) damned = damn 지옥에 떨어진 사람들
cf) damning 비판적인, 유죄를 강력히 시사하는
cf) damn all 쥐뿔도 모르다, 쥐뿔도 ~아니다
cf) damn good 더럽게 좋은
cf) I know damn all about computers
cf) Oh damn! I forgot he was coming
cf) The damn copier is on the blink
* damp 축축한, 습기, 눅눅한, 축축한 상태, (벽에 습기가 차서 생긴)얼룩, 눅눅한 곳
= moist = wet = humid = soggy = clammy 축축한, 습한, 질척거리는, 젖은
cf) dampen = moisten = make damp = make moist (물에)축이다, 적시다, (감정, 반응의 기세를)꺾다, 약화시키다
cf) dampen = discourage = dishearten 기를 죽이다, 낙담시키다
cf) dampen one's spirits = break one's spirits = depress one's spirits 기를 꺾다
cf) The warm damp air attracts a lot of mosquitoes
ex) The room smelt damp
ex) The air was heavy whith the stink of damp and foulness
ex) The old house smells of damp
ex) None of the setbacks could dampen his enthusiasm for the project
ex) Nothing could dampen her ardour(=passion)
ex) A cruel irony is that many drug used to fight depression also dampen libido
* data (증명, 판단, 결정, 컴퓨터에 저장된)데이터, 자료, 정보
= inpormation = report = datum = material = reference
= intelligence 지능, 기밀, 정보, 정보요원들
= tip-off 제보, 귀뜸
ex) Satellites route data all over the globe
ex) Who gave the authorization to release the data?
ex) This data is shown graphically on the opposite page
ex) Collecting data is a painfully slow process
ex) Data stored sequentially on a computer
ex) 10% of the data was discarded as unreliable
* datum (하나의)자료, 정보, 데이터, (data의 단수형)
cf) datum line = datum level = datum plane = datum point 기준 선, 기준 수준면, 기준면, 기준 점
ex) And as with datum, there isn't really a regular plural form for criteria
ex) A byte consist of eight bits and is smallest addressable datum (data item) in the microprocessor
ex) "Datum" is the singular form of "data"
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