* anthropology 인류학
cf) anthropologist 인류학자
cf) anthropological 인류학의
cf) anthropologically 인류학상, 인류학적으로
cf) demography 인구변동, 인구통계학
cf) demographic 인구통계학의
cf) demographics 인구통계, 인구통계자료
cf) archaeology 고고학
cf) archaeologist 고고학자
ex) It comes from the field of anthropology and the social sciences related to anthropology
ex) Anthropology has been described as the study of human behavior in all places and at all times
ex) The social and human sciences are mostly used, including economics, psychology, anthropology and sociology
ex) The research results have been approved for publication in the American Journal of Physical anthropology
* anticlockwise 왼쪽으로 도는, 시계반대방향으로, 반시계방향의 (부사/형용사)
= counterclockwise
<-> clockwise 시계방향으로, 오른쪽으로 도는
ex) Turn the key anticlockwise / in an anticlockwise direction
ex) Rotae the ankle clockwise 10-15 times then repeat in an anticlockwise direction
ex) Turn the rid counterclockwise
ex) In the northern hemisphere, winds of tornado generally blow counterclockwise around a center of extremely low atmospheric pressure
* anxious 걱정하는, 불안해하는, 열망하는, 간절히 바라는
= worried = concerned = troubled
= eager = keen 열렬한, 간절히바라는, 열심인
cf) anxiety 불안, 염려, 걱정거리, 열망
cf) anxiety about ~에 대한 걱정, ~에 대한 염려
cf) anxiously = with anxiety 근심하여, 걱정하여, 걱정스럽게, 열망하여
ex) The doctors clustered anxiously around his bed
ex) I am anxiously awaiting the day when he coems back to the country
ex) At that moment she felt the first twitch of anxiety
ex) The decision occasioned us much anxiety
* ape 원숭이, (무엇을 제대로 하지 못하고)흉내만 내다, 유인원
= imitate = mimic (웃기려고) 흉내내다
ex) a female ape grooming her mate
ex) We used to ape the teacher's southern accent
ex) It is an ape-like creature
ex) Surprisingly, ape genomes are 98 percent identical to human genomes
ex) He seems trying to ape anybody he thinks great and wonderful
* aphid 진딧물
= plant louse
ex) About five days after aphid populations explode, the good bugs kick in
ex) But this year has seen an explosion in aphid numbers - and the biggest swarm of ladybirds for 10 years
* apparel 옷을 입히다, 의복, (매장에서 판매되는)의류, (공식행사때 입는) 의복, 복장
= clothing, clothes, wear, garment, costume, dress
ex) lords and ladies in fine apparel
ex) The store sells women's and children's apparel
ex) But their fashion sense doesn't just stop there; they also mix and match their apparel with sense and taste
ex) His dresses with Hangeul are drawing rave reviews and some apparel buyers are already making purchases
* appeal 애원하다, 호소하다, 항소하다, 상고하다, 관심을 끌다, 매력적이다, 매력, 호소, 항소
= attract = allure
= complain
cf) appealing = charming = attractive = eye-catching 매력적인, 흥미로운, 호소하는, 애원하는
cf) appeal against[to] ~에 항의하다, ~에 항소하다
cf) court of appeal = appellate court 상소법원, 상고법원, 항소법원
cf) sex appeal 매력, 성적매력
ex) The case was remitted to the Court of Appeal
ex) His sentence was overturned by the appeal court
ex) Handmade goods appeal to those who are tired of cookie-cutter products
ex) They made an emotional appeal for help
* appear 나타나다, ~인듯하다, ~인 것 같다, 생기다, 발생하다, 보이기 시작하다
= seem
cf) apparent = obvious = seeming 분명한, ~인것처럼 보이는, ~인것처럼 여겨지는
cf) appearance (겉)모습, 외모, (뜻밖에)나타남, 도착함, (없던것의)출현, 모습을 보임
cf) apparition 유령
cf) apparently 듣자하니, 보아하니
cf) obviously = clearly =definitely = absolutely = certainly = exactly = surely 분명히, 확실히, 명백히
ex) When did mammals appeal on the earth?
ex) At dust bats appear in vast numbers
ex) He was summonsed to appear in court
ex) The new policies appear to have caught the immagination of the public
ex) The man attacted me for no apparent reason
* appetite 식욕, 욕구
= taste = palate
= interest
cf) appetizing = appetising = mouth-watering = tempting = inviting = tasty 구미를 당기는, 미각을 돋우는
cf) appetizer 전채, 식욕을 돋우기 위한것, 에피타이저
ex) He suffered from headaches and loss of appetite
ex) The preview was intended to whet your appetite
ex) The public have an insatiable appetite for scandal
ex) The book will whet your appetite for more of her work
* applicant 응모자, 지원자
= volunteer
cf) apply 지원하다, 신청하다, 적용하다, 바르다, 도포하다
cf) application 지원서, 신청서, 지원, 신청, 적용, 응용, 바르기, 도포
cf) applicable = relevant 해당되는, 적용되는, 적용할 수 있는
cf) applied 응용의
ex) Use a cotton ball to apply the lotion
ex) You can apply for citizenship after five year's residency
ex) Apply the cream sparingly to your face and nect
ex) The theory does not apply universally
ex) The job advertisement stipulates that the applicant must have three years' experience
ex) the first applicant is definitely a cut above the rest
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