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정이로운 영어공부/with Essential Vocabulary

#02 Essential Vocabulary (11~20)

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2021. 11. 10.


* acquire (노력, 능력등으로)얻다, (사거나 받아서)취득하다

= gain = secure = earn = collect = obtain 

cf) acquisition 습득, 구입, 취득한것, (기업)인수, 매입(한 물건)

cf) acquisitive 소유욕이 많은, 물욕이 많은


ex) I panted to acquire knowledge

ex) It's nature that I can't acquire a foreign language since I have xenoglossophobia 

ex) children acquire a foreign language rapidly 



* acrylic 아크릴 제품, 아크릴 섬유, 아크릴 물감, 아크릴로 만든

cf) acrylic fiber 아크릴 섬유

cf) acrylic paint 아크릴 페인트

cf ) acrylic resin 아크릴 수지, 아크릴 합성수지


ex) scientists added acrylic to make the wood translucent 

ex) some good alternatives for animal products include cotton, linen, nylon, acrylic, polyester and fake leather and fur



* adapt 적응시키다, (용도나 상황에 맞게)맞추다, 조정하다, (상황에)적응하다, (연극, 영화 극으로)개작하다, 각색하다

= modify = adjust 

cf) adaptation = adaption 각색, 적응

cf) adaptive 조정의, 적응할 수 있는 


ex) It's amazing how quickly people adapt 

ex) The organisms were forced to adapt to change

ex) it tooks him a while to adapt himself to new surroundings

ex) Adapt something for a particular purpose



* addict 중독시키다, 중독자, (약물, 오락)중독자

cf) addicted = hooked 중독된, 푹빠진

cf) become addicted to = be posioned = be married to  ~에 중독되다

cf) addiction = poisoning 중독

cf) addictive 중독성의, 중독성이 있는


ex) I'm addicted to dark chocolate 

ex) I am in full of coffee-addict mood

ex) A former drug addict, he started his life anew as a social activist 

ex) her exercise addiction resulted in overtraining syndrome 



* adept 숙달한, 숙련자

= skillful = versed = proficient = expert

cf) adept at[in] ~에 능숙한

cf) adroit (특히 대인관계에서) 능숙한, 노련한

cf) be adept in[at] = be an expert in[at] ~에 능숙하다


ex) The pianist was adept at playing the instrument 

ex) I am pretty adept at working with computers

ex) Forcing everyone to compete holds back the adept and punishes the less adept

ex) I'm not adept at reading facial cues 



* adopt 채용하다, 입양하다, 쓰다, 취하다, (정책 등을)채택하다

= choose = foster =  accept = take = embrace = take up on

cf) adoption 입양, (아이디어, 계획)채택, (후보)선정

cf) adopted 입양된

cf) officially-adopted 공인의, 공식적으로 채택된

cf) adoptee 양자, 입양아


ex) Try to adopt a greener lifestyle 

ex) The national assembly has voted to adopt the budget

ex) We couldn't adopt a child, so we decided to foster

ex) The school has decided to adopt a different approach to discipline



* aeronautic = aeronautical 항공학의, 승무원의, 항공술의, 비행선 조종사의

=aerial 안테나, 대기의, 항공의, 공중의, 항공기에 의한

cf) aeronautics = aviation = airmanship 항공학, 항공술

cf) aeronaut 비행선 조종사, 열기구 조종사


ex) The European Aeronautic Defence & Space Co.

ex) Britain's partner in the aeronautic project

ex) Here are some live links to other aviation-related web pages

ex) Aviation safety is one of the most important things in flights



* aerosol 분무기, 에어로졸, 연무제

cf) aerosol bomb = aerosol container (살충제 등의) 분무기, 압축가스를 이용하는 분무기

cf) aerosolize 에어로졸을 안개모양으로 분사시키다, 연무질을 함유하다

cf) aerosol type shaving cream 에로졸식의 세이빙 크림


ex) CFCs can be found in refrigerators, air conditioners and aerosol sprays

ex) Man-made compounds like aerosol sprays and car emissions that are released into the atmosphere have caused the continual depletion of the ozone layer

ex) The pollution comes from chemicals used in refrigeration, plastic foams, or aerosol sprays



* affect 감동시키다, ~에 영향을 미치다, (사람, 신체부위에)병이나게하다, (정서적)충격을 주다,슬픔을 유발하다

= impact = influence = have an effect on = have an influence on

= move = touch 

cf) affection 애착, 보살핌, (이성에 대한)애정

cf) ill-affect 나쁜 영향을 미치다

cf) affectionate = loving = warmhearted 다정한, 애정어린


ex) your contributions will affect your pension entitlements

ex) your opnion will not affect my decision 

ex) Many external influences can affect your state of mind 

ex) you're fooling yourself if you think none of this will affect you



* affiliate 교제하다, 회원으로 가입시키다, (더 큰 기관이나 회사와)제휴하다, 연계하다, 계열사

= enlist in = initiate 

= affiliated company = subsidiary 계열사, 자회사

cf) affiliation = association 소속, 가입, 제휴, 가맹 

cf) affiliated = associate 소속된, 연계된


ex) The hospital is affiliated with the local university

ex) The majority of people questioned affiliated themselves with a religious group

ex) About a thousand more teachers were affiliated with two smaller unions





