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정이로운 영어공부/with Essential Vocabulary

#01 Essential Vocabulary (1~10)

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2021. 11. 9.


* aboriginal 토작의, 원주민의, 원래부터의, 원주민

= indigenous = native


ex) the aboriginal people of Canada

ex) aboriginal culture / aboriginal art



* abrupt 뜻밖의, 돌연한, 갑작스러운, 퉁명스러운, 느닷없는

= sudden = unexpected 

cf) abruptly = suddenly 불쑥, 뜻밖에, 퉁명스럽게


ex) these policies have sent the construction industry into an abrupt nosedive

ex) his abrubt change of subject

ex) she was very abrupt with me in our meeting

ex) isn't it too abrupt? 



* abstain (from) (좋아하는 것을 건강/도덕적 이유로 )절제하다, 자제하다, 삼가다, (투표에)기권하다

= refrain (from) = keep off = keep away from 

cf) abstention 기권, 자제

cf) abstinence 자제, 금욕


ex) she took a vow to abstain from all kinks of alcohol

ex) the doctor ordered me to abstain from drinking



* abstract 추상적인, 관념적인, 추상화, 개요, 초록 (=summary)

<-> concrete 구체적인

cf) abstraction 관념, 추상적 개념, 추출, 정신이 딴데팔림

cf) abstractive 추상적인, 추출력이 있는, 초록의

cf) abstracted ~에 마음이 쏠린, 정신이 딴데 팔린


ex) it is easier to think in concrete terms rather than in abstract

ex) with an abstracted air 멍하니

ex) become abstracted 딴데 정신이 팔리다, 생각에 잠기다

ex) in the abstract 개략적으로



* abuse 남용, 오용, 학대, 남용하다, 오용하다, 욕하다, 욕설

= misuse

cf) abusive 모욕적인, 욕하는, 학대하는

cf) self-abuse 자학

cf) child abuse 아동학대

cf) elder abuse 노인학대


ex) River fans hurled abuse at each other 

ex) she screamed abuse at him

ex) drug and alcohol abuse 



* accommodation 거처, 숙소, 숙박시설, 합의, 협상, 편의시설

= amenity = convenience 편의시설

cf) accommodate 공간을 제공하다, 수용하다, (의견 등을)담다, 수용하다


ex) First-class accommodation is available on all flights

ex) Accommodation ranges from tourisit class to luxury hotels



* accordingly 그에 맞춰, 그런 이유로, 그래서, 따라서

= therefore = for this reason = so = thus

cf) according to ~에 따라서

cf) accord 부여하다, 부합하다, 합의


ex) the cost of materials rose sharply last year, Accordingly, we were force to increase our prices

ex) Watch out for sharp bends and adjust your speed accrordingly

ex) According to a recent survey conducted by Statistics Korea, domestic housing prices rose drastically in the first half of this year



* accounting 회계학, 계산, 회계업무

= accountancy (영국)

cf) accountant 회계원, 회계사

cf) treasurer (단체, 클럽, 조직의) 회계담당자

cf) account 계좌, 장부, 간주하다, 여기다

cf) account for 설명하다, 처리하다, 차지하다, 해명하다


ex) I hold a bachelor's degree in accounting from university

ex) there's no accounting for taste 개인의 취향은 설명할 수 없다

ex) Accounting firms hire skilled and conolotical workers 회계회사는 숙련되고 정확한 사람을 고용한다



* acid 신, 신맛나는, 산, 산성의

= sour = vinegary = tart = acidic

<-> alkaline 알카리성의

cf) lactic acid 젖산

cf) sulfuric acid 황산, 유황산

cf) nitric acid 질산

cf) acrid = pungent 매캐한, 톡소는 듯한


ex) Acid rain is precipitation containing harmful amounts of nitric acid and sulfuric acid

ex) Sulphur dioxide is a pollutant and a major contributor to acid rain 

ex) After muscle activity, you can feel pain because of lactic acid



* acknowledge 인정하다, (편지, 소포등을)받았음을 알리다

= recognize = admit = concede 

cf) acknowledgement = acknowledgment 인정, 감사, 답례품, 답신, 알은척함


ex) She gave me a smile of acknowledgement

ex) I was sent a free copy in acknowledgement of my contribution

ex) The flowers were a small acknowledgement of your kindness

ex) Please acknowledge receipt of this letter

ex) She refuses to acknowledge the need for reform






