* alternative 하나를 택해야 할, 대안, 대체가능한, 대안이 되는
= substitute
cf) alternate 번갈아 생기는, 상호의, 교차의, 하나 거르는, (A와 B가)번갈아 나오다
cf) alternative medicine 대체의학
ex) Alternative medicine has been gaining credence recently
ex) There is no visible alternative
ex) The practicable alternative is to postpone the meeting
ex) The next week is a bit inconvenient, so could I suggest the week after that as an alternative?
* ambiguous 모호한, 애매모호한, 여러가지로 해석될 수 있는, 분명히 규정되지 않은
= vague (기억이)흐릿한, 애매한
= equivocal = uncertain = obscure = imprecise = inaccurate = indefinite = non-committal 불분명한, 불확실한
cf) unambiguos 모호하지 않은, 분명한, 확실한
cf) ambiguity = uncertainty = vagueness = obscurity 애매성, 애매모호함, 애매한 상태
ex) He has an ambiguous attitude about everything
ex) Circumlocution can sometimes feel ambiguous to the listener
ex) Her account was deliberately ambiguous
ex) You should avoid ambiguous answers during an interview
* amenity 기분좋음, 예의, 생활편의시설, 호텔내 서비스용품, 쾌적함
<->disamenity 불쾌, 불편, 불쾌한표정
cf) amenable 말을 잘 듣는, ~을 잘 받아들이는
cf) amiable = agreeable 쾌할한, 정감있는
cf) amicable 우호적인, 원만한, 친화적인
cf) amenity space 쾌적한 공간
cf) amenity kit 편의용품 세트
cf) hotel amenity 호텔에서 제공하는 서비스용품
ex) A study about safety and amenity of school-route furtherance way
ex) an airline amenity kit
ex) A study on the relative importance of amenity factors in urban public open space
* ammonia 암모니아
cf) ammonia gas 암모니아카스
cf) methane 메탄
cf) carbon dioxide 이산화탄소
cf) oxyzen 산소
cf) hydrogen 수소
cf) carbon monoxide 일산화탄소
cf) combustion 불이탐, (화학적)연소
ex) It is dangerous to inhale ammonia fume
ex) Ammonia is a colorless, soluble gas
ex) Many kinds of carcinogen, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen cyanide and ammonia are all present in the smoke
* amorphous 조직이 없는, 확실한 형태가 없는, 무정형의, 애매모호한
= shapeless = formless
ex) I can't understand his amorphous plans
ex) The reviewer criticized the poet's amorphous style
ex) The bill is amorphous in many respects
* analysis 분석, 분석 연구
cf) analyze 분석하다
cf) analytic = analytical 분석적인
cf) analyst 분석가
cf) psychoanalysis 정신분석
cf) psychoanalyst 정신분석가
cf) psychiatrist 정신과 의사
cf) psychologist 심리학자
ex) Analysis showed that traces of arsenic were present in the body
ex) The blood samples are sent to the laboratory for analysis
ex) Although I hate delays, I would never submit a half-baked analysis
ex) His analysis of the current situation is cock on (be cock on ; 정확하다)
* anatomy 해부학, (해부학적)구조, (사람의)몸
cf) anatomical = anatomic 해부학상의, 해부의
cf) anatomical diagrams 해부도
cf) anatomical dissection 해부학적 절개
cf) anatomist 해부학자
ex) Nursing students took anatomy and physiology last term
ex) Today's lecture was on the anatomy of leaves
ex) He wrote about everything, including physics, ethics, politics, anatomy, and mathematics
ex) It is said that Da Vinci started his study in anatomy in order to paint the human body as naturally as possible
* anecdote 일화, 개인적인 진술
= episode
cf) tell an anecdote 일화를 이야기하다
cf) funny[witty] anecdote 재미있는 일화
ex) She examplified each of points she was making with an amusing anecdote
ex) The actress told the anecdote in her recent photography tour in Africa
ex) She prefaced her remark with a personal anecdote
* annoy 성가시게 굴다, 짜증나게 하다, 귀찮게 하다
= irritate = bother = pester
cf) annoyance = irritation 짜증, 약이오름, 골칫거리
cf) annoyed = irritated 짜증이 난, 약이오른
ex) His constant joking was beginning to annoy her
ex) Loud-mouthing people annoy me
ex) the more you show your anger, the more the person you are fighting with willl want to annoy you
ex) He continued to play the parrot, trying to annoy her
* annual 1년의, 해마다의, 연례의
= yearly
cf) annually 1년에 한번
cf) semiannual 반년마다 한번, 한해에 2번
cf) anniversary 기념일
cf) biannual 연2회의
cf) biennial 2년에 한번씩, 격년의
cf) monthly 매달의, 매월의
cf) weekly 매주의, 주1회의
cf) daily 매일의, 나날의, 일일, 하루
ex) The tax has sliced annual bonuses by 30 percent
ex) What is the average annual snowfall for this state
ex) an annual turnover of $75 million
ex) an average annual growth rate of 8%
ex) The company's annual revenues rose by 30%
ex) Annual pay increases will be in line with inflation
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