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정이로운 영어공부/with Essential Vocabulary

#06 Essential Vocabulary (51~60)

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2021. 11. 14.



* appropriate 적당한, 전유하다, 충당하다, (불법, 무단으로)도용하다,전용하다, (돈의 사용처를) 책정하다

= suitable = proper = right = reasonable = adequate = vaild

= make one's own = take to oneself 

<-> inappropriate 부적절한

cf) misappropriate = embezzle = steal (자신에게 맡겨진 남의 돈, 재산을)횡령하다


ex) Please tick the appropriate box

ex) Jeans are not appropriate for a formal party

ex) You should not appropriate other people's belongings without their permission 

ex) Let no one appropriate a common benefit 

ex) How long has it taken to embezzle such a vast sum?

ex) Solicitors who misappropriate clients' funds risk being sent to prison 



* approximate 접근하다, 대략의, 거의 정확한, 근사치의, 비슷하다, 가깝다, 근사치를 내다

= approx.

<-> exact = precise = meticulous = thorough = fastidious 정확한, 세심한, 까다로운, 철저한

cf) approximately = roughly = cursorily = almost = nearly = practically 거의 (정확하게), 가까이, 대충, 얼추

cf) an approximate value 근사치

cf) approximation 근사치, 가까운것, 비슷한것


ex) The approximate number of captives was unknown

ex) All that we can hope for is to approximate to the sample.

ex) An approximate definition may not perfectly match a dictionary's definition

ex) Our results should be a good approximation to the true state of affairs

ex) That is a very close approximation to the truth

ex) The figure 'ㅠ' used in geometry is an approximation 



* arable 경지, 곡식을 경작하는

= cultivable = tillable 경작에 알맞는, 경작할 수 있는

<-> barren = infertile 척박한, 황량한, 열매가 안열리는, 불임의, 불모인

cf) be arable = be tillable 경작에 접합하다

cf) arable land = farmland 경지, 경작지

cf) barren land 불모지


ex) He farmed 200 acres of prime arable land 

ex) Stone walls divided pasture from arable land

ex) The percentage of arable land in our country is comparatively small 

ex) A lot of the arable land was under-used and tended in a shabby[scruffy/shoddy] manner



* arboreal 나무에 사는, 수목의, 나무위에서 사는

cf) terrestrial 육생의, 지생의, 지구의, 지상파를 이요하는 

cf) celestial = heavenly = ethereal 하늘의, 천체의, 천상의

cf) extraterrestrial 외계의, 지구밖 생물체의, 외계인, 우주인

cf) celestial bodies 천체들


ex) Squirrels are arboreal creatures

ex) I have had some experience of neighbour disputes about arboreal matters

ex) Arboreal enthusiasts talk about tree planting in families or communities

ex) Terrestrial weather is different from that on Mars

ex) The gills of fishes are said to be anologous to the lungs in terrestrial animals

ex) The radio telescope will be used to look for extra-terrestrial radio signals

ex) The celestial beauty of her voice captivated the audience 

ex) Celestial[heavenly] bodies that travel around the sun are called planets



* arduous 어려운, 몹시힘든, 고된

= hard = tough = difficult

cf) arduously 힘들게, 정열적으로

cf) arduousness 고됨, 끈기

cf) arduous toil[work/labors] 힘든 일, 고된일

cf) toil 힘들게 일하다, 고생스럽게 일하다, 노역, 고역


ex) After a long and arduous process, we finally hit the high note

ex) He enjoyed an arduous workout in the gymnasium

ex) Her deafness renders social duties arduous to her

ex) We still remember him saying that Koreans have superior strength in overcoming arduous and difficult adversities



* ascertain ~을 확인하다, (옳은 정보를)알아내다, 확인하다

= confirm = verify = make certain = make sure = check = prove

cf) ascertainable 확인할 수 있는

cf) unascertainable 확인할 수 없는

cf) ascertainment 확인, 탐지

cf) ascertainer 확인하는 사람, 규명하는 사람


ex) It is not easy for her to ascertain the facts alone

ex) Could you ascertain whether her will be coming to the meeting?

ex) My preference would be to ascertain their true intentions before we take drastic measures

ex) We are trying to ascertain the whereabouts of your brother-in-row

ex) They did not reveal a number of clear cut and readily ascertainable dificiencies 



* aspect 관점, 용모, 측면, 양상, (건물, 땅의)방향, (건물의 특정 방향을 향한)면

= appearance = point = respect = way = feature

= side = flank = look = condition


ex) Every aspect of their private lives has been laid bare

ex) This is the one aspect of her character he hadn't seen before

ex) He has a gentle aspect

ex) In the metropolitan area of the capital, the election campaign has taken on the aspect of a free-for-all



* aspiration 포부, 열정, 염원, 대기음(기음식)발음(house의 h같은 발음을 하는것) , (의학용어)흡인

= ambition = hope = a desire of improve oneself

cf) aspirational 출세지향적인, 열망적인, 열성적인

cf) aspire 열망하다, 염원하다

cf) aspiring = aspirant 장차~가 될, 출세지향적인

cf) aspiring actor 배우지망생

cf) aspiringly 향상심에 불타, 포부를 가지고


ex) He has never had andy aspiration to earn a lot of money 

ex) I have no aspiration for[after] the fame

ex) Can you tell me your aspiration or ambition as an actress?

ex) Unfortunately, this aspiration is likely to be wishfull thinking 

ex) One of the most common methods of abortion[termination] is the vacuum aspiration method

ex) Aspiration can lead to severe pneumonia 



* assemble 모으다, 조립하다, 모이다, 집합시키다

= piece together = put together = concentrate = gather = flock  = congregate 

cf) assembly 의회, 집회, 조례,  입법기관

cf) assemblage 집합, 집합체, 모임

cf) assembled 모인, 집합된, 결집한

cf) assembler 조립공, 조립기술자


ex) The shelves are easy to assemble 

ex) All the students were asked to assemble in the main hall

ex) The assembly was mandated to draft a constitution

ex) The national assembly has voted to adopt the budget

ex) Tropical rainforests have the most varied assemblage of plants in the world



* assert ~을 단언하다, (사실임을)강하게 주장하다, (자신의 권리, 권위 등을) 확고히 하다

= asy definitely = say positively = affrim = claim = insist on = advocate = assure

cf) assertion = claim (사실임을)주장하다, (권리 등의)행사

cf) self-assertion 자기확신, 자기주장, 과시, 주제넘게 나섬

cf) assertive 적극적인, 확신에 찬 (<->submissive)

cf) assertible 단언할 만한, 주장 할 만한, 옹호 할 만한

cf) assertively 단정적으로


ex) I was determined to assert my authority from the beginning

ex) She continued to assert that she was innocent 

ex) The demonstration was an assertion of the right of peaceful protest

ex) He was corret in his assertion that the minister had been lying

ex) His assertion is totally groundless

ex) You should try and be more assertive






