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정이로운 영어공부/with Essential Vocabulary

#08 Essential Vocabulary (71~80)

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2021. 11. 21.


* deal 합의, 나누어 주다, 분배하다, 많은, 많이, 거래서, (사업상의)합의, 마약을 거래하다

cf) deal out = deal to ~을 나누어주다, 분배하다, 베풀다

cf) deal with 처리하다, 다루다, 대하다, 해우하다

cf) a great deal = a good deal = a lot of = plentifully = in great quantities = in great numbers  많이, 다량의


ex) The deal must be agreeable to both sides

ex) Let me deal with some common misconceptions

ex) They shook on the deal

ex) Shuffle the cards and deal out seven to each player



* debtor 채무자

<-> creditor = obligee = loanholder = mortgagee 채권자, 저당권자

cf) defaulter = delinquent taxpayer 체납자, 세금 미납자, 계약 불이행자

cf) debt = liability 빛, 부채, 부채를 진 상태, 은혜를 입음, 신세를 짐

cf) loan = burden 대출금, 융자, 짐, 빌려줌, 대여, (특히 돈을)빌려주다, 대출하다

cf) bad debt 부실채권, 회수불가능한 대출금


ex) There is no use putting a zombie debtor under the screw

ex) The man put a debtor under the screw

ex) The company was regrarded as a reliable debtor 

ex) The debtor was forced to pay back his debts by a lender 

ex) Bad housing, debt and poverty are interconnected

ex) The agreement binds her to repay the debt within six months

ex) A gambling debt is not legally enforceable



* decade 10년간

cf) the mid-point of the decade 그 10년의 중간시점

cf) demi-decade 5년간 (demi- 절반의, 일부의 뜻을 가짐)


ex) Two thirds of the region has been deforested in the past decade

ex) The IMF has scaled back its growth forecasts for the next decade

ex) Technology in this field has mutured considerably over the last decade

ex) The way in which we work has undergone a complete transformation in the past decade

ex) The number of employed people has decreased in the last demi-decade



* decline 약해지다, 작아지다, 쇠퇴하다, 거절하다(=refuse), 기울다

= weaken = deteriorate = decay 약해지다, 작어지다, 쇠퇴하다, 감소하다

= reject = refuse = turn down 거절하다, 사양하다

cf) declining 기우는, 쇠퇴하는

cf) declination 기움, 경사


ex) The industry has slid into decline

ex) The industry is in terminal decline

ex) They failed to arrest the company's decline

ex) My initial reaction is to decline the offer

ex) The goverment has failed to reverse the economic decline

ex) Kohut says the declination in a favorable image of the United States was most dramatic in three countries



* deduce (정보에 의거해서/연역적방법에 의거해서)결론을 끌어내다, 연역하다, 추정하다

= infer = draw inference = make inference = reason

cf) deduction = inference 추론, 추정, 연역, 공제(액)

cf) induce 유도하다, 유발하다, 설득하다

cf) induction 인도식, 유도분만, 귀납법

cf) assume = speculate = estimate = suppose = guess = conjecture 추측하다, 짐작하다


ex) We cna deduce a lot from what people choose to buy

ex) Can we deduce from your silence that you do not approve?

ex) Deduce unknown truth from principles already known

ex) Forensic scientist are able to deduce a great deal from the victim's remains

ex) He arrived at the solution by a simple process of deduction

ex) I down-loaded the credit card reciept for imcome deduction from the Internet

ex) My dedcution turned out to be completely off

ex) You can have a tax deduction of up to five million won



* default 태만, 불이행, 채무 불이행, 디폴트, (특히 채무를)이행하지 않다, 체납하다

= default on = fail to pay = be in arrears = be in default = fall into arrears 체납하다

cf) defaultor = delinquent taxpayer 체납자

cf) by default (경기, 시합에서)부전승으로, (손을쓰지 않아)자연스럽게, 자동적으로

cf) in default of something ~이 없어서

cf) default judgement 결석 재판


ex) The company is in default on the loan

ex) They accepted what he had said in default of any evidence to disprove it 

ex) The default on the loan led to the collapse of the company in the end

ex) He won the tennis match by default



* defense = defence 방어, 방어물, 방어시설, 옹호, 수비, (국가의)국방체제, 장위체제

cf) self-defence 자기방어, 정당방위, 호신술

cf) civil defence 민방위

cf) defend 방어하다, 수비하다, (말이나 글로)옹호하다, 변호하다, 수비하다 (<->attack)

cf) defensive 방어의, 수비의, 방어적인

cf) offensive 모욕적인, 불쾌한, 공격적인

cf) defender 수비선수, 옹호자

cf) defenseless 무방비의, 방어할 수 없는

cf) defenselessness 무방비

cf) defendant = the defence = the accused 피고, 피고인


ex) The team excels at turning defence into attack

ex) When her brother was criticized she leapt to his defence

ex) Counsel for the defence submitted that the evidence was inadmissible 

ex) I prefer to play in defence

ex) The village is defenceless against attack



* define 정의를 내리다, 규정짓다, 정의하다, 분명히 밝히다, 윤곽(모양/경계)를 분명히 나타내다

= clarify = make public = light up = reveal

cf) definition 정의, 의미, 선명도

cf) definite = clear 확실한, 분명한, 뚜렷한, 확실한 것

cf) definitely (강조의 의미)분명히, 틀림없이, 절대, 확실히


ex) We need to define the task ahead very clearly

ex) It's difficult to define the exact nature of the problem

ex) it is difficult to define the border between love and friendship

ex) Can you give a more precise definition of the word?

ex) The definition of the digital TV pictures is excellent 

ex) We need to look at a more expansive definition of the term



* delicate 섬세한, 가냘픈, 연약한, 부서지기 쉬운, 허약한, 우아한, 은은한

= fragile = precarious = subtle = fine 

cf) delicacy 여름, 연약함, 섬세함, 사려깊음

cf) deliberate = intentional = planned 의도적인, 고의적인, 고의의, 신중한, 숙고하다, 신중히 생각하다

cf) deliberation 숙소, 숙의, 신중함

cf) deliberately = intentionally = on purpose 고의로, 의도적으로, 신중하게, 계획적으로


ex) The delicate surgical operation took five hours

ex) Babies have very delicate skin

ex) These delicate plants need careful nurturing

ex) a wine with delicate fruit flavour

ex) she handled the situation with great sensitivity and delicacy

ex) I need to talk to you about a matter of delicacy 



* delude 속이다, 착각하게 만들다, 현혹하다, 오해하게하다

= deceive = cheat = mislead = illude

cf) delusion = illusion 망상, 착각, 오해, 환상, 환각

cf) delusive = delusory = deceptive = misleading 기만하는, 현혹하는, 기만적인

cf) delusional (의학)망상의, 망상성의


ex) You must not delude him into believing it

ex) The disease causes delusion and maniacal behavior 

ex) She was obsessed by delusion

ex) Unless my eyes deceive me, that's his wife

ex) She lives under delusion that she is pretty

ex) His plan is a delusion completely divorced from reality





