* deluge 폭우, 호우, 쇄도, 폭주, 대홍수, 쇄도하다, 폭주하다
= flood = inundate = swamp = overwhelm = engulf = overflow = flow over = run over
= flooding = inundation = downpour = heavy rain 폭우, 호우, 홍수
cf) deluge with ~으로 쇄도하다
cf) a deluge of 쇄도하는, 홍수같은, 난무하는, ~의 쇄도, ~의 공세
ex) a deluge of calls / a deluge of complaints / a deluge of letters
ex) The deluge of information imcreases the need of content curation
ex) We are living in a deluge[flood] of information
ex) After me the deluge 될대로 되라, 뒤에 일이야 알게뭐야
ex) The government has decided to provide aid to rural families who sufferd lossess in the recent deluge
* demographic 통계학의, 인구통계학의
cf) demographics 인구통계 자료
cf) demography (어느 사회의 일정 기간에 걸친)인구변동, 인구동태, 인구통계학
cf) demographic factors 인구통계학적 요소
cf) demographic profile 인구통계학적 양상/양태
cf) demographic crisis 인구 위기
ex) The demographic of radio listeners
ex) The report highlighted the problem of aging demographics
ex) The demographic of Korea show that Korea is changing into "aging society"
ex) Multicultural families show the new paradigm of demography in Korea
ex) The demography of our society has changed radically
* demolish 파괴하다, (건물을)철거하다, (사고로 무엇을)무너뜨리다, 허물다, (사상이론을)뒤집다
= destroy = ravage = devastate = wipe out = pull down = tear down = knock down = topple = overthrow
cf) demolition = destruction 파괴, 폭파, 타파, 폐허
ex) South Korea military engineers began building a fence around the disputed area and plan to demolish the school building, in hopes of preventing further clashes
ex) In some areas, communities have opposed plans to demolish and rebuild homes
ex) In fact, what most of these New Deal Programs are trying to do is not to demolish capitalism, but to fix capitalism
* demonstrate 증명하다, 입증하다, 설명하다, 보여주다, (작동/사용법등을)설명하다
= explain = display = show = exhibit
= prove = verify = testify = confirm
cf) demonstration = march 시위, 데모, 설명, 입증, 실증
cf) demonstrative (감정/애정을)숨기지않는, 드러내 놓고 표현하는, 노골적인, 지시사, 지시대명사, 지시형용사
ex) My assistant will now demonstrate the machine in action
ex) These results demonstrate convincingly that our campain is working
ex) Demonstrate that the earth revolves around the sun
ex) 'This' and 'That' are demonstrative pronouns
ex) Our request for permission to travel met with a demonstrative refusal from the authorities
ex) The performances are characterized by demonstrative singing and stylized speaking
ex) The demonstration escalated into pitched battle with the police
ex) The demonstration passed off without incident
* deposit (특정한 곳에)두다, 맡기다, (서서히)침전시키다, 집세[전세]보증금, 퇴적물, 침전물
<-> withdraw = pull out 인출하다, 물러나다, 철수하다, 중단하다, 철회시키다, 탈퇴하다, 기권하다
<-> withdrawal 철회, 취소, 철수, 회수, 탈퇴, 기권, (계좌)인출
cf) deposit account = current account 저축예금계좌
ex) A returnable deposit is payable on arrival
ex) A 10% deposit is payable in advance
ex) We've put down a 5% deposit on the house
ex) The rain left a deposit of mud on the windows
* depress 기를 꺾다, 우울하게하다, (사업/거래)부진하게 만들다, 침체시키다, (물가/임금)떨어뜨리다, 하락하다
= drop = lower = debase = devalue
= depress the morale = sap the morale = demoralize = destroy one's morale = undermin one's morale
= dishearten = discourage = dampen one's spirits = break one's spirits
cf) depression 우울증, 우울함, 불황, 불경기
cf) post-natal depression = post-partum depression 출산후 우울증, 산후 우울증
cf) depressed = dull = inactive = melancholy = gloomy = blue 우울한, 암울한, 우울증을 앓는, 활기가 없는, 침체된
cf) depressive 우울증의, 우울증 환자
cf) manic-depressive 조울증 환자
ex) Limitations on credit-card use depress consumption
ex) Cloudy days always depress me
ex) A drop in consumer spending could further depress business production, adding to the thousands of layoffs that have already been announced
ex) to depress wages/prices
ex) The news plunged them into deep depression
ex) Her moods oscillated between depression and elation
ex) Gradually my depression started to lift
ex) The illness left her feeling listless and depressed
ex) When she's depressed she binged on chocolate
* descend 내려가다, 내려오다, (아래로)경사지다, 내리막이되다, 내려앉다(=fall)
= decline = fall = drop = go down = come down = decrease
<-> ascend 오르다, 올라가다
ex) You can ride the escalator up but have to descend on foot
ex) Hopefully, your parachute will descend slowly to the ground
ex) An uneasy atmosphere began to descend upon the whole classroom
ex) They ran to the window just in time to behold him descend from the carriage
* descent 하락, 혈통, 내려오기, 하강, 내리막, 가문, 가계
= ancestry = extration 혈통, 가문, 가계, 출신
<-> ascent 올라감, 오르막길, 상승, 향상
cf) descendant = posterity = offspring = progeny 자손, 후손, 후예, 유래한것
cf) ancestor = forebear = forefather 조상, 선조
cf) predecessor 전임자, 선배
cf) downhill = downward path = downward slope 내리막길, 내리막, 내림비탈길
cf) uphill = upward path = upward slope 오르막길, 오림비탈길
ex) She traced her family history by matrilineal[patrilineal] descent
ex) There is a gradual descent to the sea
ex) He traced his line of descent from the Stuart Kings
ex) a linear descendant of the company's founder
ex) a direct descendant of the country's first president
ex) Who is an existing descendant of the Chosun Dynasty?
ex) the descent of property from father to son
ex) an American of Korean extraction[descent/ancestry]
* description 기술, 서술적 묘사, (~이 어떤지에 대한)서술, 기술, 묘사, 표현, 일부[어떤], 어떤종류 등의
= portrayal = portrait = depiction = delineation = narration = expression
cf) describe = portray = depict = delineate = narrate = express = draw = paint = sketch
cf) descriptive = narrative 서술하는, 묘사하는 <->prescriptive 규범적인, 권위적인, 관행적으로 인정되는, 지시하는
cf) describable 묘사할 수 있는, 기술할 수 있는
ex) medals, coins and things of that description
ex) The beauty of the scene defies description [is indescribable]
ex) She was barely able to stammer[stutter] out a description of her attacker
ex) a personal pain that goes beyond description
ex) their money came from trade of some description
ex) The term I used was meant to be purely descriptive
* design 디자인(된 형태), 설계, 디자인하다, 설계하다, (체계/방법)설계하다
= pattern
cf) designed = intentional = deliberate = planned = premeditated = calculated 계획적인, 고의의, 본을 뜬
cf) designate 지정하다, 지적하다, 지명하다, (직책)지명된
cf) designated 지정된, 지명된, 관선의
cf) designation 지명, 지정, 명칭, 직함
ex) The building was awe-inspiring in size and design
ex) The design lacks unity
ex) The intricacy of the design
ex) These sunglasses are designed to reduce glare
ex) a material that is designed to absorb/retain moisture
ex) The speech was designed to pacify the irate crowd
ex) The exercises are designed to strengthen your stomach muscles
ex) The aircraft is designed to withstand turbulent conditions
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