* attain (노력끝에)달성하다, (특정 나이/수준/조건)도달하다, 이루다, 획득하다
= win = gain = acquire = achieve = fulfill = realize = accomplish = obtain
cf) attainable = realizable = achievable 이룰 수 있는, 달성할 수 있는
cf) unattainable 도달 불 가능한
cf) attainment = achievement = accomplishment = fulfillment 성과, 성취, 달성
cf) attainment targets 달성 목표, 성취목표
ex) The cheetah can attain speeds of up to 97 kph
ex) His aspiration to attain the ideal has been realized
ex) Once you start, you must attain your object
ex) Some go as far as having their jawbone reshaped to attain a slimmer face
ex) You can attain to perfection through much practice
ex) This standard is easily attainable by most students
ex) The goal should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely
* attract 마음을 끌다, (어디로)끌어들이다, 끌어모으다, (어떤 반응을) 불러일으키다, 끌다
= draw = engage = drag in = involve = scrape together[up] = catch = take into = bring into
cf) attractive = appealing = charming = fascinating = alluring (성적으로)매력적인, 멋진, 마음을 끄는
cf) attraction = charm = magnetism = appeal (성적)끌림, (사람을 끄는)명소, 명물, 볼거리, 매력
ex) He clicked his tougue to attract their attention
ex) The race organizers are trying to attract sponsors
ex) attempts to attract new recruits to the nursing profession
ex) A male bird sings to attract a mate
ex) The advertisements depict smoking as glamorous and attractivec
ex) He was attractive and averagely intelligent
* audio-visual 시청각의
cf) audio-visual aids 시청각 교구들
cf) audio-visual aids for the classroom 수업용 시청각 교재들
ex) Audio-visual aids can enhance the student's learning
ex) We have an audio-visual laboratory
ex) There are also other resources such as audio-visual programs, books and board games that may serve the purpose
ex) Telepathy is a communication from one mind to another without audio or visual messages
ex) So if you feel like watching a French movie, you can easily borrow it and watch it at the audio-visual lab
* aural 청각의, 청력의
cf) aural channel 음향채널
cf) aural modulator 음향 변조기
cf) aural art 청각 예술
cf) aural and visual images 청각 및 시각의 이미지
cf) aural comprehension tests 청취력 테스트
cf) acoustic 음향의, 청각의, 전자장치를 쓰지 않는
cf) acoustic instrument 보청기, 어쿠스틱 악기
cf) acoustic effect = sound effect 음향효과
cf) audio 녹음의(소리/청각과 관련된)
cf) audibility 들을 수 있음, 가청도
cf) audible 잘 들리는
cf) inaudible 들리지 않는
cf) stimulus 자극제 자극, stimuli (복수형)
ex) Through visual and aural stimuli, your imagination will start to build a character causing you to make conclusions about certain characters
ex) By using aural and visual images, she broadens our understanding of what is happening
ex) The opera was an aural as well as a visual delight
* authority 권위, 당국, 지휘권, 권한, 재가, 인가
= power = influence = prestige
cf) authorize 권한을 부여하다, 재가하다, 인가하다
cf) authoritative 권위적인, 권위있는
cf) authorization (공식적인)인가, 허가, 허가증, 인가증
cf) authorities 당국, 당국관계자, 정부당국
ex) She was easily cowed by people in authority (cow : 암소, 젓소, 겁을주다)
ex) The authority of the central government was rapidly disintergrating
ex) in a position of authority
ex) to overstep your authority
ex) The professor is an authoritative researcher in riverology
ex) an authoritative tone of voice
ex) You may not enter the security area withouth authorization
ex) Can I see your authorization?
* available 이용할 수 있는, 구할 수 있는, 시간이 있는, 여유가 있는
= effective = valid = free = vacant = empty = unoccupied
cf) avail 도움이 되다, 소용에 닿다
cf) availability 유효성, 유용성, 효용, 가능성, 당선가능성, 이용할수 있는 것[사람]
cf) in books of = in a bunch of = in packs of = in a bundle of 묶음으로, 다발로
ex) The information available on the subject is sparse
ex) Prints are available on matt or glossy paper
ex) The stamps are available singly or in books of ten
ex) The doctors tried everything to keep him alive but to no avail
ex) Guests are encouraged to avail themselves of the full range of hotel facilities
ex) Even if his arguments are correct, they will not avail in this case
ex) This offer is subject to availability (재고물품/이용할수 있는것 으로 이해)
ex) All the holidays on offer are subject to availability [잔여석/이용할수 있는것 으로 이해]
ex) One area of contention is the availability of nursery care
* averse ~을 싫어하는, ~을 반대하는
= opposed = against = antipathetic = hostile = antagonistic = unfavourable = ill-disposed
cf) aversely 싫어하여, 꺼려서, 부정적으로
cf) aversion = averseness = dislike = abhor = abhorrence 싫어함, 회피함, 혐오함
cf) risk-averse 위험을 회피하려고 하는 (<->risk-taking )
ex) He was averse to any change
ex) I mentioned it to Kate and she wasn't averse to the idea
ex) He had an aversion to gettinig up early
ex) He began to fell aversion to hard study
ex) These so-called normal children can be aversely affected both emotionally and mentally
* aviation 비행, 항공, 항공술
= flight = aeronautics = the art of flying
cf) plane = aircraft = airplane = aeroplane 비행기, 항공기
cf) aviation industry 항공산업
cf) aviation sickness = airsickness 항공병, 비행기 멀미
cf) civil aviation 민간항공
ex) Here are some live links to other aviation-related web pages
ex) developments in aviation technology
ex) The aviation association promotes the use of sustainable aviation fuels to protect environment
ex) A shortage of pilots may lead to operational disruption that can threaten aviation satefy
ex) Aviation is the safest transportation method in the world, with the lowest accident and death rates
* baffle 곤란하게하다, 좌절시키다, 완전히 당황하게 만들다, 도저히 이해할 수가 없다, (전문용어)칸막이
= bewilder = stun
cf) bafflement 방해, 훼방, 곤혹, 당혹, 좌절
cf) baffle[beggar/defy] description 언어로 표현할 수가 없다, 형용할 수 없다
cf) baffled = perplexed = puzzled = embarrassed 당혹한, 당황스러운
ex) This difficulty tends to baffle learners
ex) Hutton's speech did contain a lot that will baffle
ex) This place continues to baffle, bemuse and anger me
ex) If you are not much familiar with Dylan, this film is likely to confuse or baffle
ex) The beauty of scenery baffles[defies] all description
* balk (at) 멈칫거리다, 꺼리다, (장애물 앞에서)갑자기 멈추다, (못가지게/못하게)방해하다, (야구)보크
= baulk (at)
cf) balky 말을 안 듣는
ex) Many parents may baulk at the idea of playing $100 for a pair of shoes
ex) Investors may baulk at the huge supply of new gilts, depressing the market price and pushing up yields
ex) Consumers balk at buying new cars after economic crisis
ex) Consumers dislike or balk at providing their personal information on the Web
ex) Balk in baseball is an illegal motion or move of the pitcher while in position to deceive a batter
ex) Bond's once-rapid quest for the record had slowed in recent years as his age and balky knees diminished his pace
ex) They replaced a balky computer data device
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