* bamboo 대나무
cf) bamboo sheath 대나무 껍질
cf) sheath 칼집, 싸게, 피복, 콘돔(= condom 여성용 콘돔)
cf) bamboo shoot 죽순
cf) bamboo grove = bamboo thicket = bamboo forest 대나무숲, 죽림, 대밭
cf) grove (작은)숲, 수풀, (특정 종류가 심어진)밭, 과수원
cf) thicket 덤불, 잡목숲, 복잡하게 얽힌것
cf) shoot (새로 돋아나는)싹, 순, 총을 쏘다, 총을 쏘아 다치게 하다
cf) bamboozle (남을 속여) 정신없게 만들다, 헷갈리게 만들다, bimbo(매혹적인 여성)이 남성의 정신을 혼미하게하다
cf) bimbo 매혹적인 여성, 섹시한 여성
cf) weave - wove - woven
ex) The panda's natural hebitat is the bamboo forest
ex) Is a new bamboo shoot sprouting up?
ex) This haligraphy describes the properties of bamboo salt
ex) He skillfully wove a bamboo basket [weave (옷감이나 꽃나무등)짜다, 엮다, 짜서 만들다]
ex) Don't bamboozle the public with the short-term targets for recycling and ignore the underlying issues
ex) It is not fair to bamboozle the public in such a way
* barbecue 통구이, 야외파티, 바베큐용 그릴, 바베큐파티, 바비큐하다, 숯불 위에 그릴을 얹고 굽다
= cookout 야외에서 요리하는 파티
= grill = broil = barbecue 그릴에 굽다, 석쇠에 굽다
cf) barbecue stopper (비격식) 뜨거운 화젯거리
cf) barbecued spare ribs 바베큐한 돼지갈비
cf) barbecue sauce 바베큐 소스
ex) She shut the dog in the shed while she prepared the barbecue
ex) We marinated the pork in barbecue sauce overnight
ex) My favorite food is Korean barbecue in lettuce wraps
ex) We will skewer the meat for the barbecue party
ex) He may have to rearrange his schedule to attend the barbecue
* bargain 매매, (정상가보다)싼 물건, (서로 해주기로)합의, 흥정, 협상하다, 흥정하다
= a good buy
= bargaining = haggling = haggle = make a deal = negotiate 흥정하다, 협상하다, 흥정, 협상
cf) buy at a bargain = buy at a low price = buy cheep
cf) bargain chip = bargaining chip 협상카드
cf) bargain away ~을 싸게 팔다
cf) bargain basement 할인품목코너
cf) bargain hunter 싸고 질좋은 물건을 찾아다니는 사람
cf) bargain for[on] (보통 부정문에서) ~을 예상하다, ~을 대비하다
cf) into the bargain = as well = in addition 또한, 덤으로(?)
cf) strike a bargain = make a bargain 매매계약을 맺다, 흥정이 성립되다, 타협하다, 협상하다
ex) Finally the two sides struck a bargain
ex) I've done what I promised and I expect you to keep your side of the bargain
ex) He reached a plea bargain with authorities
ex) I didn't bargain on finding them here as well
ex) Volunteers learn a lot and enjoy themselves into the bargain
ex) It began to blow a gale at night into the bargain
ex) To encourage me to buy a new car, the car dealer threw a free radio into the bargain
ex) The car was a bargain at that price
* barrier (통행을 막는)장벽, (어떤 일에대한)장애물, 장벽, (둘 사이를 갈라놓는)장벽, 벽
= wall = obstacle = hindrance = hurdle = stumbling block
cf) crash barrier = guard rail (고속도로)중앙분리대, (도로가의)가드레일
cf) barricade = palisade = fence = picket 바리케이드, 장애물, 바리케이드를 치다, 방어벽을 치다
cf) language barrier 언어장벽
cf) pain barrier 고통의 극한점
ex) the first player whose earnings passed the $10 million barrier
ex) Show your ticket at the barrier
ex) ozone is the earth's barrier against ultra-violet radiation
ex) They fell in love in spite of the languate barrier
ex) Lack of confidence is a psycological barrier to success
ex) He broke through the pain barrier at 25 kilometres and went on to win his first marathon
* bead 구슬, 염주, 목주, (구슬 같은) 방울
cf) string beads 구슬을 꿰다
cf) beads of sweat = beads of perspiration 구슬땀
cf) Buddhist prayer beads = buddhist rosary 염주
ex) A bead curtain separated the two rooms
ex) The magical bead enables dragons to fly, so most dragons covet it
ex) The goldfish were trained to bite and pull a bead which was submerged under the water when they heard of the music
ex) The name is said to come from its waterproof quality, which causes rain to bead up, jewel-like, on the leaves
* beyond ~을 넘어서, ~을 지나서, 저편에, 저 너머, (특정시간을)지나, 이후, (부사)그 건너편에, 그 너머에, 그 이후에
= over = the other side = the opposite side
cf) beyond belief 믿을수 없을 정도로
cf) beyond doubt = beyond question 의심의 여지 없이
cf) beyond price 값을 따질 수 없는
cf) beyond recall 돌이킬 수 없는, 기억할 수 없는
cf) beyond description 이루 말할 수 없는, 형용할 수 없는 만큼
cf) beyond discussion 논할 여지도 없이
cf) beyond dispute 논란의 여지없이, 분명히, 최종 결정을 본
cf) beyond measure 몸시, 대단히
cf) go beyond ~을 초과하다, ~을 넘어서다
cf) be beyond ~가 할수 없을 정도다
cf) the back of beyond 멀리 떨어진곳
cf) bounds = confines 한계, 범위
ex) beyond/outside/within the bounds of decency (한도를 넘어선/한도 밖의/한도 내의)
ex) It is beyond the confines of human knowedge
ex) Goaded beyond endurance, she turned on him and hit out
ex) He irritated me beyond measure
ex) No parking beyond this point
ex) Her honesty is beyond question
ex) It won't go on beyond repair
ex) Such matters are beyond the reach of the law
ex) By then the situation was beyond retrieval
ex) I won't have chance to see you if you go the back of beyond
* bilateral 양쪽면이 있는, 쌍방의, (의학에서 구부분으로 구성된 기관)양쪽의
= both = mutual = reciprocal
cf) lateral 옆의, 측면의, 옆으로의, 측면으로의
cf) unilateral 일방적인, 단독의
cf) mulilateral 다자간의, 다국간의, 다각적인
cf) trilateral 3자의, 3자간의
cf) bilateral symmetry = bisymmetry 좌우대칭
cf) ambilateral (의학)양측의, 양측성의
cf) mutually 서로, 상호간의, 공동으로
ex) Bilateral stimulation is an effective cure for post traumatic stress disorder
ex) The long dispute over Dokdo has strained bilateral relations between Korean and Japan
ex) If your bilateral symmetry isn't identical, then you're going to suffer later on
ex) We met at the home of a mutual friend (공통의/공동의)
ex) Our relationship was based on mutual dependence (상호의)
ex) There was an atmosphere of mutual trust between them (상호간의/서로의)
* biology 생물학, 생명작용, 활동
cf) botany 식물학
cf) zoology 동물학
cf) biologic = biological 생물학의, 응용생물학에 의한
cf) biological clock 생체시계
cf) life = living organism, living things 생명체
ex) Biology is my favourite subject
ex) She got A in Biology
ex) I'm doing physics, biology and chemistry
ex) How far is human nature determined by biology
ex) I leaned the process of digestion in my biology class
ex) She hated the biology class because of scoleciphobia
* bladder 방광, (가죽, 고무 등으로 만든)주머니
cf) gall bladder 쓸개, 담낭
cf) gall 담즙, 쓸개즙, 뻔뻔스러움, 분하게 만들다, 억울하게 만들다
cf) air bladder (물고기의)부레, (식물)기포
ex) This drug is effective in treating an overactive bladder
ex) Men are more susceptible to bladder cancer than women
ex) I have held my water for so long that I feel as if my bladder will burst
ex) It can cause cancers of the lungs, larynx(=voice box), esophagus(=gullet), mouth and bladder
ex) This problem can damage the kidney, which produces the urine passed by the bladder
ex) The use of such tissue can cause complications because it is different from bladder
* blade (칼/도구)날, (엔진/헬리콥더) 날갯짓, (노의) 날, (납작하고 긴) 잎, 이파리
= edge = knife-edge 날, 칼날
= leaf 잎
cf) razor blade 면도날
ex) a wickedly sharp blade
ex) a knife with a retractable blade
ex) a dull razor blade can cause razor burn
ex) Enemies were cut dead one after another before his sword with a sharp blade like leaves falling int the autumn wind
ex) Each blade of grass is covered with dew
ex) The larger the blade, the windmill seems the slower they move
ex) The blade of the sickle is so blunt that it is difficult to cut grass
ex) We need to value each tree, even each blade of grass
ex) This patented honing system will put a long-lasting, sharp edge on the length of entire blade
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