* detract 나쁘게 말하다, 헐띁다(from), (가치/명예/중요성)떨어뜨리다, 손상시키다, (주의를)딴데로 돌리다
= divert = distract (주의를) 딴데로 돌리다, 산만하게 하다
= detract from = take away from = belittle = diminish ~을 폄하하다, 깎아내리다, ~로 부터 벗어나다
= impair = attenuate = deaden = reduce = decrease = diminish 약화시키다, 희석시키다, 손상시키다
cf) detraction = slander 험담, 비난, 비방
cf) detractor 가치를 깎아내리는 사람, 폄하하는 사람, 욕하는 사람, 비방하는 사람
cf) detractive 험담하는, 비난하는
ex) He was determined not to let anything detract from his enjoyment of the trip
ex) But this doesn't detract from its authenticity and power
ex) Nothing that happends on the periphery should detract attention from those big issues
* diagnosis 진단, 진찰, (written)진단서
= prognosis = forecast 예후, 예측, 예상
cf) diagnose = make a diagnosis = make a prognosis 진단하다
cf) medical certificate = diagnosis 진단서
cf) diagnostic 진단의, 진단프로그램, 진단메세지
cf) diagnostics 진단법, 진단학
cf) prescription 처방전, 처방된 약, 처방
cf) prescribe 처방을 내리다, 처방하다, 처방전을 쓰다, 규정하다, 지시하다
cf) misdiagnose = make a wrong diagnosis (질병/문제) 오진하다, 잘못진단하다
cf) misdiagnosis = wrong diagnosis 오진
cf) early diagnosis 조기진단
ex) An accurate diagnosis was made after a series of tests
ex) The couple decided to fauxcreate, but they were frustrated after the infertility diagnosis
ex) to conduct advanced electrophysiology training for effective diagnosis of arrhythmia
ex) He was shattered by the diagnosis
ex) Early diaganosis is vital; it leads to a better prognosis
ex) Deaths from colon cancer has decreased due to early detection and treatment
* dictate 구술하다, 요구하다, 받아쓰게 하다, (듣는사람이 기분나쁘게)지시하다, 명령하다, 명령, 요구, 규칙
= order = command 명령하다
= give oral instruction = instruct orally 구술하다
cf) dictation 받아쓰게하다, 구술, 받아쓰기 시험
cf) dictator 독재자, 독재자 같은 사람
cf) dictatorship 독재정부, 독재국가
cf) dictatorial 독재의, 독재적인, 군림하는
ex) They are in no position to dictate terms
ex) What right do they have to dictate how we live our lives
ex) Which basketball shoes a person wears can dictate their social status and even lead to crime
ex) It does not belong to me to dictate to my colleagues
* dietition 영양사
= dietician = nutritionist
cf) nutrient 영양소, 영양분
cf) nutrition 영양(처리과정)
cf) malnutrition 영양실조, 영양실조증
cf) nutritional 영양상의
cf) nutritious = nourishing 영양분이 많은, 영양가가 높은
cf) nutritive 영양을 제공하는, 영양의, 영양에 관한한, 영양물
cf) be highly nutritious = be of high nutritive value 영양가가 높다
ex) Discuss this nutritional issue with a registered dietitian
ex) A dietitian can also suggest ways to perk up dull meal
ex) Those new seeds are much healthier and have a nutritive value almost equivalent to cow's milk
ex) Mother always try to give tastly and nutritious meals to their children
* dig (구멍을)파다, (땅에서)파내다, 캐다, (손가락으로)쿡 찌르기, (말로)비꼬기, 빈정거리기, 탐구하다, 깊이연구하다
= excavate = burrow (구멍/구덩이/굴) 파다, 발굴하다, 출토하다
= carve = engrave (도장/이름) 파다, 새기다
= bore = drill (구멍) 뚫다
= grub up = grub out = lift (땅에 있는걸) 파내다, 캐다
= ferret out = delve into = inquire into = probe into = investigate 조사하다, 캐묻다, 파헤지다
cf) dig site 유적지, 발굴지
cf) dig in (명령문으로) 먹어라!, 먹기시작해라!, 꾹참고 기다리다, 견디다
cf) dig deep (무엇을 알아내기 위해)깊이 파고들다, (필요한 것을)최대한 지원하다
ex) She gave him a dig in th ribs
ex) I'll dig some potatoes for lunch
ex) Tabloid newspapers love to dig up scandal
ex) We're asking you to dig deep for the earthquake victims
ex) You'll need to dig deep into the records to find the figures you want
ex) To do so is to dig your own grave
ex) There is nothing we can do except dig in and wait
* dilute 희석하다, 묽게하다, (효과등을) 희석시키다, 약회시키다, 희석된, 희박하게하다
= water down
= weaken
= rarefy 희박하게 하다
cf) rarefied = thin = weak = sparse = rare 희박한, 옅은, 약한
cf) diluteness = dilution = rarefaction = rarity = thinness 희박함, 희소성, 박약, 빈약, 희박한 생태, 묽게함
cf) diluent 묽게하는, 희석용의, 희석재, 희석액
cf) dillutee (임시로 숙련공의 일을하는) 비숙련공
ex) Large classes dilute the quality of education tha children receive
ex) If you give baby juice, dilute it well with cooled, boiled water
ex) The star couple tried to dilute their scandal through the press conference
ex) Money and power can dilute the values of what people judge morally right
ex) It will dilute the alcohol, keep your skin hydrated and help brain cope with the influx of booze
* dioxide 2산화물, 이산화물
cf) carbon dioxide CO2 이산화탄소
cf) nitrogen dioxide 이산화질소
cf) sulphur dioxide 이산화황, 아황산가스
cf) chlorine dioxide 이산화염소, 과산화염소
cf) carbon dioxide snow = frozen carbon dioxide 드라이아이스
cf) hydrogen peroxide = hydrogen dioxide 과산화수소(표백제, 소독제, 산화제)
ex) The release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
ex) Measures to limit carbon dioxide emissions from cars
ex) Sulphur dioxide is a pollutant and a major contributor to acid rain
ex) A spokesperson commented that levels of carbon dioxide was very high
ex) Human take in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide
ex) Some people blame hypermobility for carbon dioxide emissions
ex) Mars has freezing temperatures and a carbon dioxide atmosphere
* diploma 졸업증서, (대학의 학습) 과정 (영국), 졸업장, 수료장
= certificate of an academic degree = certificate of a degree = certifiication of graduation
cf) a two-year diploma course 2년제 과정
cf) diplomat 외교관, 외교에 능한 사람
cf) diplomacy 외교술, 사교능력, 외교능력
cf) diplomatic = tactful 외교의, 외교적 수완이 있는
cf) deploy (군대/무기)배치하다, 효율적으로 사용하다
ex) It is to be regretted that so many young people leave school without qualifications
ex) After the address of graduation ceremony, President Bush handed out diplomas
ex) A diploma fro elite university opens doors and makes a person a much more desired potential spouse
ex) He believes networking is more important than receiving a diploma
ex) I received my graduation certificate and an award for perfect attendance
* directory 주소, 성명록, 안내책자, 지휘의, (컴퓨터의)디렉토리
= list = roll = register 명부
cf) phone book = telephone directory 전화번호부
cf) ex-directory = unlisted 전호번호부에 실려있지 않은
cf) address directory 주소록
cf) building directory 건물안내도
ex) The directory is available on microfiche
ex) This command deletes files from the direcory
ex) Create a new directory and put all your files into it
ex) The man is searching the directory for a number
ex) I can't find the tax accountant's office here on this building directory
* disaster 천재, 재앙, 참사, 재난, 재해, 엄청난 불행, 완전한 실패작
= catastrophe = calamity = misfortune = tragedy
= fiasco = failure 낭패, 실패, 대실패
cf) disastrous = catastrophic = devastating
cf) disaster area 재난지역, 엉망진창인 곳[상황]
cf) financial disaster 재난적 재앙
cf) disaster relief fund 재난 구호기금
cf) disastrously 비참하게, 처참하게, 비참할정도로
cf) devastate 완전히 파괴하다, 비탄에 빠뜨리다, 엄청난 충격을 주다
cf) devastated = ruined = desolate 엄청난 충격을 받은, 황폐화된
ex) Thousands died in the disaster
ex) This was disaster on a cosmic-scale
ex) The evening was an unmitigated[absolute] disaster
ex) We came perilously close to disaster
ex) The play's first night was a total disaster
ex) They rendered assistance to the disaster victims
ex) They had brought the country to the edge of disaster
ex) The government's policy is an open door to disaster
ex) The crop failure spelt disaster for many farmers
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