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Highway brawl over speeding leads to wife's fatal accident - 속도위반 고속도로 다툼, 아내의 치명적 사고로 이어짐

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2024. 6. 27.



Highway brawl over speeding leads to wife's fatal accident

Two men, an intercity bus driver and the driver of a car that stopped in a freeway bus-only lane resulting in a collision that killed the car driver's wife and injured three others, have been sentenced to serve prison time, according to court officials on



Angry husband stopped SUV in bus-only lane amid argument with wife; bus driver and husband get jail time


speeding (차량의)속도위반

brawl = commotion = disturbance = fight = skirmish = fist fight = scuffle = tussle = row = quarrel = squabble = wrangle = bickering = spat = altercation = fracas = affary 싸움, 소동, 논쟁, 언쟁 

fatal accident 사망 사고, 치명적인 사고

angry = furious = infuriated = outraged = enraged = mad = indignant = irate = resentful = pissed off = cross = chafe 화난, 격분한, 짜증난

bus-only lane 버스전용차로

get fail time 징역형을 받다


Two men, an intercity bus driver and the driver of a car that stopped in a freeway bus-only lane resulting in a collision that killed the car driver's wife and injured three others, have been sentenced to serve prison time, according to court officials on Thursday.


intercity bus 시외 버스, 도시간 버스

freeway = expressway= highway 고속도로

collision = crash = conflict = clash = smash = bump = accident 사고, 충돌

serve time = serve prison time = serve a jail term = serve a prison term = be in the slammer = serve a sentence in prison = serve penal servitude 복역하다, 옥고를 치르다, 징역을 살다


The car's driver and his wife exited the stopped vehicle on the freeway during an argument. The Daejeon District Court sentenced the 59-year-old bus driver to one year in prison for violating traffic laws, which resulted in the woman’s death. The husband, 66, was sentenced to two years in prison for involuntary manslaughter due to negligence.


argument = debate = dispute = confrontation = spat = friction = feud = row = scuffle = squabble = wranggle = quarrel = bickering = fight = clash = contention 논쟁, 싸움, 언쟁

violate = breach = infringe = transgress = go against = infract = break = disobey = contravene 위반하다, 침해하다

traffic law 교통 법규

involuntary manslaughter = culpable homicide 과실 치사죄

involuntary = unwitting = unmeant = unintended = unintentional = inadvertent = unpremeditated 자신도 모르게, 무심코, 의도지 않은, 본심이아닌, 의도하지 않은

manslaughter = murder = homicide = slaying = killling 살인, 살해

negligence = carelessness = heedlessness = inattention = inattentiveness = thoughtlessness = dereliction 부주의, 태만


The incident occurred on March 19 last year at 9:25 a.m. on the northbound lane of the Gyeongbu Expressway, 293 kilometers from Seoul, near Nami-myeon, Seowon District, Cheongju, North Chungcheong Province. The bus driver, who was driving an intercity bus in the inside lane of the four-lane road, hit and killed the 65-year-old woman who had exited the stopped car.


incident = accident = event = occurance = trouble = happening = occasion = episode 사건, 사고, 일

occur = happen = transpire = take place 일어나다, 발생하다

northbound lane = the lane bound for Seoul 상행성

southbound lane = the lane bound away from Seoul 하행성

bound for ~행의

four-lane road 4차선

inside lane 주행 차선

outside lane 추월 차선


Investigations revealed that before the accident, the husband and his wife were driving on the highway when they began arguing about the speed at which he was driving. In anger, the husband abruptly changed lanes into the bus-only lane and stopped the car. When he exited the vehicle, his wife got out from the passenger side and was attempting to move to the driver’s seat when she was struck and killed by the bus.


reveal investigatiosn 수사를 밝히다, 조사를 밝히다

drive at high speed = drive with[at] velocity = drive very fast 고속으로 달리다

in[with] agner = in[with] a fury = in[with] outrage = in[with] indignation 화가나서, 분개하의

abruptly = suddenly = all of a sudden = unexpectedly = hastily = imprudently = frivolously = rashly = indiscreetly = recklessly = thoughtlessly = lightly 갑자기, 예상치 못하게, 무모하게, 경솔하게

exit the vehicle 차량에서 내리다

exit = get out from 내리다, 하차하다

passenger side = shotgun = passenger seat 조수석

driver's seat = cab = driver side = behind the wheel 운전석









"시사와 영어를 한 번에"
Korea Times Weekly

