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Officetel unit in Banpo fetches $15.8 mil. at art auction - 반포 오피스텔 미술품 경매에 1580만 달러에 낙찰

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2024. 6. 27.



Officetel unit in Banpo fetches $15.8 mil. at art auction

Seoul Auction hosted an unprecedented event where an officetel unit's presale right was auctioned for 21.9 billion won ($15.8 million), the auction house said Wednesday.



Real estate item sold in art auction for first time in Korea


art auction 미술품 경매

fetch = sell for (특정 가격에) 팔리다 

bring = fetch = go and get 가서 데려오다

fetch up (계획하지 않던 곳에) 도착하다

fetch and carry for sb (마치 하인처럼) (~를 위해) 이런저런 일을 다 해 주다

real estate item = real estate property 부동산 자산

for the first time 처음으로


Seoul Auction hosted an unprecedented event where an officetel unit's presale right was auctioned for 21.9 billion won ($15.8 million), the auction house said Wednesday. The unit, part of the residential facility "The Palace 73" set to be built in Banpo-dong, Seocho District, Seoul, had an initial auction price of 16 billion won.

unprecedented event = unheard-of event 전례가 없는 사건

unlooked-for = unexpected = unanticipated = unforeseen 예상외의, 예상밖의, 뜻밖의

presale right 분양권, 사전판매권

be auctioned for = be auctioned off for ~에 경매되다, ~에 낙찰되다

auction house 경매전문회사

residential facility  주거시설

initial auction price 최초 경매가



The bidding process was intense, with the price escalating in increments of 500 million won over 11 rounds, eventually reaching 21.5 billion won. The final bid of 21.9 billion won was made by a sealed bidder, securing the presale right.


bidding process 입찰 과정, 경매 과정

in increments of ~의 증분으로, ~의 증가로

eventually = ultimately = in turn = in the end = finally = after all = at last 결국, 결국엔

final bid 최종 입찰

presale right 분양권, 사전판매권


The auctioned presale right corresponds to a single officetel unit in "The Palace 73," with a floor area of 261.3 square meters (approximately 79 pyeong). The original presale price was 21 billion won. This building is notable for being designed by Richard Meier, the Pritzker Prize-winning architect who retired amid sexual harassment controversy.


correspond to = be equivalent to = be tantamount to ~에 해당하다, ~에 맞먹는다, ~에 부합하다

floor area 바닥 면적

square meter 제곱 미터, 평방미터

notable = famed = famous = named = noted = celebrated = established = prominent = illustrious = distinguished = noteworthy = noticeable = remarkable = outstanding = striking 유명한, 저명한, 뛰어난, 걸출한

Pritzker Prize-winning architect 프리츠커 건축상을 수상한 건축가

sexual harassment 성추행, 성희롱

controversy = dispute = confrontation = argument = disagreement = debate = contention 논란, 논쟁 


This unique factor contributed to its inclusion in an art auction, a first for Korean real estate. The winning bidder will have the unit's interior designed by Meier's architectural firm, Meyer Partners, and will receive art consulting services from Seoul Auction. Seoul Auction has decided not to charge the typical 18 percent commission fee for this transaction.


unique = special = one of a kind = distinct 독특한, 유니크한

a first for ~에게 처음이다

inclusion 포함, 포함된 것, 포함된 사람

winning bidder = successful bidder 낙찰자, 입찰자

architectural firm 건축 회사

typical = normal 전형적인, 보통의, 일반적인, 늘하는 식의, 늘 하는 방식의

untypical = atypical = not representative 비전형적인, 대표적이 아닌, 이례적인

commission fee 지급 수수료

commission fee for a transaction 거래 수수료









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Korea Times Weekly





