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More than 4 out of 5 Koreans aged 30-34 are unmarried - 30~34세 한국인 5명중 4명 이상이 미혼

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2024. 6. 27.



More than 4 out of 5 Koreans aged 30-34 are unmarried

More than four out of five Koreans aged from 30 to 34 are unmarried, adding to grave concerns on the country’s low birth rate and its rapidly-shrinking population, data showed, Thursday.




More than four out of five Koreans aged from 30 to 34 are unmarried, adding to grave concerns on the country’s low birth rate and its rapidly-shrinking population, data showed, Thursday.

unmarried = single = unwed = unwedded 미혼의

grave concern = serious concern = deep concern 중대한 우려, 깊은 우려, 심각한 우려

low birth rate 저출산율

childbirth rate = birth rate 출산율

rapidly-shrinking population 급격히 줄어드는 인구

natural decrease in the population = natural decrement of the population = natural decline in population 인구 자연 감소



In a regular summary of report on Korean Statistical Information Service (KOSIS) data, Statistics Korea said 81.5 percent or 7.83 million of the 9.61 million men and women in the aforementioned age group were single in 2020.


Korean Statistical Information Service (KOSIS) 국가통계 포탈

Statistics Korea 한국 통계청

aforementioned = above-mentioned 위에서 언급한 

age group 연령층, 연령그룹


The proportion of singles marked more than a three-fold increase from 18.7 percent in 2000.The pace of increase was also steeper than two other surveyed age groups. For those aged from 25 to 29, the rate increased by 33.2 percentage points — from 54.2 percent to 87.4 percent over the period from 2000 to 2020.


the proportion of = the ratio of = the rate of = the percentage of ~의 비율이

three-fold = triple = treble = three times 3배의

increase by ~만큼 증가하다

over the period = throughout the period = through the period ~기간에 걸쳐 


For those aged 19 to 24, it went up by 5.6 percentage points — from 93.1 percent to 98.7 percent over the 20 years. Of those aged from 30 to 34 in 2020, 86.1 percent of the men and 76.7 percent of the women were single.
In particular, 50.5 percent of those with a higher education did not get married.


in particular = particularly = notably = especially = specially = not least 특히, 특별히

higher education 고등 교육, 대학교육

get married = marry = wed = tie the knot = get hitched 결혼하다


It was the first time that more than half of the surveyed people remained single,” the report stated. The report pointed out the proportion of young people out of the country’s entire population has continued to fall after it peaked at 31.9 percent in 1990.


it is the first time that ~한 것은 처음이다

remain single = stay single 독신으로 남다, 싱글로 지내다

point out = indicate = imply = signify = display = show = demonstrate = illustrate = exhibit = present = manifest 보여주다, 나타내다, 가리키다

entire population 인구 전체, 전체 인구


The rate dropped to 20.4 percent in 2020. And by 2050, it is expected to further shrink to 11 percent. Korea has also broken its own record of having the world’s lowest birth rate. The fertility rate, the average number of expected births from a woman in her lifetime, slid to 0.72 from the previous year’s 0.78.


break one's own record 자신의 최고 기록을 갱신하다, 자신의 기록을 깨다

the world's lowest birth rate 세계 최저 출산율

fertility rate = birth rate = childbirth rate 출산율, 출생율

the average number of ~의 평균 수는 

in one's lifetime 살아생전에, 일생동안

slide to ~로 미끄러지다, ~로 떨어지다

slide - slid - slid [slidden]







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