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Korea strengthens regulations on large Chinese tour groups - 한국, 대규모 중국 관광 단체 규제 강화

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2024. 7. 1.



Korea strengthens regulations on large Chinese tour groups

Korea will implement stricter regulations to eliminate large Chinese group tours, also known as 'dumping tours' for their cheap prices, which have been identified as a major cause of tourist complaints, according to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tour



Korea will implement stricter regulations to eliminate large Chinese group tours, also known as "dumping tours" for their cheap prices, which have been identified as a major cause of tourist complaints, according to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Sunday.

strengthen = reinforce = enhance = ramp up = beef up = amp up = fortify = consolidate = solidify = stiffen = cement 강화하다, 증가시키다

regulations = restiction = constraint = restraint = limitation = circumscription = sanction = control 규제, 통제, 제재, 제한

tour groups = travel agency 관광 단체, 여행사

implement = impose = conduct = carry out = institute = put into effect = carry into effect [practice] = bring into effect [practice]시행하다, 수행하다, 실시하다

eliminate = erase = eradicate = root out = wipe out = efface = remove = get rid of 제거하다, 근절하다, 뿌리를 뽑다

major cuase 주요원인



Such tours refer to practices where travel agencies attract tourists with unreasonably low prices and profit by including nonstop shopping activities, earning commissions from vendors along the way.


travel agency = travel bureau 여행사, 여행대리점

attract tourists with ~로 관광객을 유치하다

unreasonably = ridiculously = ludicrously = outrageously = surprisingly = absurdly = preposterously = exorbitantly 과도하게, 비합리적으로, 터무니없이,  말도안되게

nonstop = continuous = continual = constant 도중에 쉬지 않는, 직행의, 무착륙의, 휴식없는

earn commissions 수수료를 벌어들이다

along the way 그 과정에서, 그러는 동안에


The ministry revised the guidelines for travel agencies, designated to attract Chinese group tourists, to take administrative measures against those who violate regulations to eliminate these lower-priced package tours that include shopping, beginning from Monday.


revise a guideline = amend the guideline = modify the guideline = change the guideline = rewrite the guideline 가이드라인을 수정하다, 지침을 수정하다

designated to = allocated to = assigned to = nominated to = appointed to = picked to = selected to ~하도록 지명된, ~로 선정된

take administrative measures against ~에 대해 행정조치를 취하다

violate = intringe = breach = break = transgress = contravene = go against 위반하다, 침해하다

low-priced package tours 저가 패키지 투어


Specifically, the ministry will take measures against the so-called "zero-fee tours," where travel agencies do not receive expenses from local Chinese companies, as well as against those who coerce group tourists into shopping and fail to pay legitimate costs to tour interpreters.


take measure against 조치를 취하다

the so-called = what we called 소위, 이른바

coerce = force = pressurize = pressure = obligate = compel = impel 강제하다, 강요하다 

legitimate costs 정당한 비용


The ministry will review and inspect the profit structures reported by travel agencies to see if they rely excessively on shopping fees for profit. Additionally, the Korea Association of Travel Agencies, the Korea Duty Free Shops Association and duty- free shops will collaborate with the ministry to check whether travel agencies follow the regulation on shopping sites.


review = inspect = look through = look into = examine = scrutinize = probe = check = investigate 살펴보다, 검사하다, 검토하다

profit structure 수익 구조

rely excessively on ~에 과도하게 의존하다

rely on = depend on = bank on = count on = lean on = turn to = fall back on = stand against 의지하다, 의존하다, 기대다

duty free shop 면세점

collaborate with = cooperate with = team up with = join forces with = combine forces with = work together 힘을 합쳐 일하다, 협력하다, 협동하다

follow the regulation 규정을 따르다


This year, the number of Chinese visitors to Korea is estimated to have surpassed last year's total of 2 million between January and June alone. This figure represents 30 percent of all inbound tourists to Korea during that period. In particular, the proportion of Chinese tourists entering the country on group tour visas has exceeded 10 percent and approached 12 percent, a level comparable to pre-pandemic figures from 2019.


be estimated to = be speculated to = be presumed to = be guesstimated ~인것으로 추산되다, ~인것으로 추정되다

surpass = outstrip = outdo = exceed = outperform = overrun = outrun = run over = beat 초과하다, 넘어서다

inbound tourist 방한 외래관광객

enter the country 입국하다, 그 나라에 입국하다

on a tourist visa 관광비자로

comparable to = equivalent to = tantamount to = corresponding to = amount to = commensurate to = almost identical to ~에 맞먹는, ~에 상응하는


The regulations on low-cost tours aim to address complaints from tourists regarding forced shopping practices among others, especially amid the rapid recovery of inbound tourism from China, the ministry said. Earlier this year, the ministry, for the first time, suspended businesses of tour agencies that attracted Chinese group tourists at unreasonably low prices or relied solely on shopping fees to make profit.


low-cost tour 저가 관광

address = cope with = deal with = treat = handle = tackle = navigate = settle = manage 해결하다, 다루다, 처리하다

complaints = grievance = quarrel = discontent = dissatisfaction = grouse = grumbling = grumble = beef = gripe = whine = disaffection = criticism 불평, 불만

inbound tourism 입국 관광

suspend business 영업을 정지시키다

unreasonably = ridiculously = ludicrously = outrageously = surprisingly = absurdly = preposterously = exorbitantly 과도하게, 비합리적으로, 터무니없이,  말도안되게

rely soley on ~에만 의존하다

rely excessively on ~에 과도하게 의존하다

make profit = make money 수익을 얻다, 돈을 벌다









"시사와 영어를 한 번에"
Korea Times Weekly



