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Thais account for 35% of undocumented foreign nationals in Korea: justice ministry - 법무부: 국내 불법 외국인 체류자의 35%가 태국인

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2024. 6. 26.



Thais account for 35% of undocumented foreign nationals in Korea: justice ministry

While the number of foreign tourists visiting Korea has increased significantly this year, Thailand, once the leading Southeast Asian country in terms of visitors to Korea, has see...




Thais account for more than 35 percent of all undocumented foreign nationals staying here, according to the Ministry of Justice on Tuesday.


account for = occupy = take up = make up = constitute 차지하다

undocumented foreign nationality 미등록 외국인, 불법 외국인 체류자

sojourn = stay 체류, 머무름


A ministry official told The Korea Times that 145,810 Thais were staying without valid visas or permits in Korea as of late May. This figure is about 35.1 percent of the total of 415,230 such foreign residents, far higher than that of other countries, including Vietnam (79,366), China (64,151), the Philippines (13,740), Indonesia (12,172) and Cambodia (10,681). The release of information comes as the country’s strict entry requirements, particularly its K-ETA system, its electronic travel authorization, are being blamed for a decrease in the number of tourists from Thailand this year.


vaild visa 유효한 비자

permit (특히 한정된 기간 동안 유효한) 허가증, 허락하다, 허용하다

permission 허락, 허가, (문서로 된) 승인, 허락, 허가

foreign resident = foreign dweller = foreign population 외국인 거주자, 외국인 주민

entry requirement 입학 조건

electronic travel authorization (ETA) 전자 여행 승인

be blamed for ~의 탓이 되다, ~으로 비난 받다



From January to April, Korea saw some 119,000 Thai travelers, down 21.1 percent from the same period last year, in stark contrast to a surge in foreign arrivals from other countries. The ministry, which is in charge of reviewing K-ETA applications, does not disclose reasons for its rejections of travel permits. But the official said the same criteria have been applied to review the applicants from all countries subject to the policy.


in stark contrast to ~와는 극명히 대조적인

foreign arrivals = inbound foreigners = inbound traveler = foreign tourists 외국인 입국자, 외국인 관광객

be in charge of = be responsible for ~에 책임이 있다

review applications 지원서를 검토하다

not disclose reasons for ~의 이유를 공개하지 않다

rejection = decline = non-acceptance = turning down = no = rebuff = repudiation = spurning = dismissal = denial 거절, 묵살, 퇴짜

travel permit 여행 허가증

subject to ~을 조건으로, ~할 대상인, ~에 지배를 받는


As discontent is seemingly growing among Thai travelers over the K-ETA, with boycott signs such as the “ban Korea travel” hashtag gaining support on X, formerly Twitter, Korea’s Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism asked the Ministry of Justice to temporarily exempt Thailand from K-ETA, at least until the end of 2024, as tourism officials are redoubling efforts to meet the target of attracting 20 million foreign tourists this year.


discontent = dissatisfaction = unpleasantness = disagreeableness = grumbling = grievance = quarrel = displeasingness = discomfort = complaint = grouse = whine = gripe = beef 불만족, 불만, 불평

boycott 구매를 거부하다, 보이콧

embargo 금수조치, 통상금지령

exempt 면제하다, 면제받다, ~이 면제되는

redouble = double down on = step up efforts (노력을) 배가하다, 강화하다

meet the target of ~의 목표치를 충족시키다


But the Ministry of Justice has expressed cautionSpeaking to Yonhap, a Korean news agency, the ministry said a “cautious approach” would be needed as such a policy change could lead to a significant increase in the number of undocumented foreigners in the country.


express caution = express worry = express concern 우려를 나타내다

speaking to ~와 이야기를 하다, ~와 말을 하다

cautious approach 신중한 접근법

undocumented foreigner 미등록 외국인, 불법외국인 체류자


When issues and complaints about the K-ETA emerged last November, the ministry defended its checking system, saying some 78 percent of all Thais staying in Korea were doing so illegally, and it was its “rightful duty” to reduce the number of those staying here unlawfully.


defend = justify = vindicate = speak for = stick to = adhere to = uphold 옹호하다,변호하다, 방어하다, 수비하다

stay illegally = stay unlawfully 불법적으로 거주하다

rightful duty 합법적 의무, 적법한 의무

rightful = legal = lawful = licit = sanctioned = real = legitimate = valid = justifiable 합법적인, 적법한, 정당한

ilicit = illegal = unlawful = illegitimate = unauthorized = unsanctioned 불법의, 비합법적인, 공인되지 않은, 승인되지 않은


Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Thailand was among the top sources of tourists, along with China, Japan, the United States and Taiwan. Many worry that the number of Thai visitors would never recover to the previous level anytime soon and negatively affect the relationship between the two countries.


many worry that 많은 사람들이 ~을 우려하다

recover to the previous level 이전 수준으로 회복하다

not ~anytime soon 당장 ~하는 것은 아닌, 당분간은 ~하지 않을


The ministry official dismissed the claims that the K-ETA was the main reason behind the drop in the number of Thai visitors. But he said the ministry is now trying to improve the system to make it more convenient, adding that it will do so while ensuring border security.


dismiss = deny = turn down = refuse = repudiate = reject  = spurn 묵살하다, 일축하다, 거절하다, 거부하다

dismiss a claim 주장을 묵살하다

rejection = decline = non-acceptance = turning down = no = rebuff = repudiation = spurning = dismissal = denial 거절, 묵살, 퇴짜

be the main reason behind ~의 주요 원인이다

border security 국경 단속, 국경 보안








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