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Foreign students choose greater Seoul over other regions: report - 보고서: 외국인 유학생들 다른 지역보다 서울지역 선택

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2024. 6. 24.



Foreign students choose greater Seoul over other regions: report

With the number of foreign students in Korea continuing to rise, a report released Monday showed they are densely populated in the Seoul metropolitan area, just like Korean students.



With the number of foreign students in Korea continuing to rise, a report released Monday showed they are densely populated in the Seoul metropolitan area, just like Korean students. Hanyang University in Seoul had the largest number of foreign students in 2023, while the next five universities with the highest foreign student populations were also located in the capital.


foreign student 외국인 유학생

release a report = issue a report 보고서를 발행하다

be densely populated in ~빼곡히 살고 있다, ~에 빡빡하게 거주하다

populate = live = inhabit = dwell = reside = occupy 살다, 거주하다

Seoul metropolitian area 서울 대도시 지역

population 인구, 주민, 어떤 일에 종사하는·특정 범주에 속하는) 인구, 동물

populous 인구가 많은

located in = settled in = situated in = positioned in = seatedin = nestled in ~에 위치하다, ~에 자리잡고 있다


According to the Korean Council for University Education, there were a total of 181,842 foreign students in Korea as of last year. This figure includes 119,237 foreign nationals enrolled in academic, master's and doctoral courses and 52,602 enrolled in language and other non-degree programs.


a total of = the aggregate total of = in all = in total = all told = altogether 총, 다합해서

be enrolled in = join in = enter in = become a member of = resister in = enroll in ~에 등록하다

non-degree program 비학위 프로그램

master's and doctoral courses 석박사 과정


Hanyang University in Seoul topped the list with 6,612 international students enrolled in both categories combined. Kyung Hee University followed with 6,395 students, Sungkyunkwan University with 5,472, Yonsei University with 4,965 and Chung-Ang University with 4,480 students.


top the list 1위를 치지하다

top the list among ~중에 1위를 차지하다

international student = foreign student 국제학생, 외국인 유학생

both combined 둘이 합해서


The number of foreign students in Korea has increased since 2004 when the Korean government launched the Study Korea project. The government initially aimed to attract 50,000 students by 2010. In August last year, it announced a plan to enhance the educational competitiveness of international students and attract 300,000 international students by 2027.


the number of ~의 수

have increased since ~이후에 증가하다, ~이후에 늘어나다

announce = inform = pronounce = declare = impart = make public = convey = notify = publicize = issue 알리다, 전하다, 발표하다

enhance = strengthen = reinforce = ramp up = amp up = beef up = ratchet up = consolidate = stiffen = solidify = fortify 강화하다, 굳건히하다, 증강하다, 보강하다, 단계적으로 증가시키다

educational competitiveness 교육적 경쟁력


The government expects the project to help overcome Korea's demographic crisis and stem the potential closing of local universities in regions outside Seoul. The association pointed out the need for government measures to alleviate the concentration of students in the Seoul metropolitan area.


overcome a crisis 위기를 극복하다

demographic cirsis 인구 위기, 인구통계학적 위기

stem = curb = prevent = staunch = stop = halt = check = hold back = cease 저지하다, 막다, 멈추다

closing of local universities 지방 대학교의 폐교

outside Seoul = in the suburbs of Seoul = on the outskirts of Seoul 서울 외각에, 서울 변두리에, 서울 교외지역에

point out = indicate = display = show = demonstrate = illustrate = denounce = censure = condemn = criticize = reprehend = reprimand = blame = rebuke = accuse = castigate = chastise 비난하다, 지적하다

alleviate = releave = ease = dial down = allay = die down = subside = abate = sap = pacify = appease = placate = conciliate 가라앚히다, 약화시키다

the concentration of ~의 집중

Seoul metropolitan area 서울 대도시 지역


Oh Ye-jin, the association's senior researcher, said, "Apart from efforts to attract foreign students at the individual university level, the government should establish a detailed and systematic scholarship system so that excellent international students can choose Korean universities without significant regional differences."


apart from = except for = aside from = but for = save for = excepting = other than = excluding = besides ~외에도

systematic scholarship system 체계적 장학 제도

regional difference 지역적 차이

difference = discrepency = disparity = variation = distinction = variance 차이, 변화, 변동량









"시사와 영어를 한 번에"
Korea Times Weekly




