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Korea's simplified registration for foreign investors boosts market - 한국의 간소화된 외국인 투자자 등록절차가 시장을 활성화 시킨다

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2024. 6. 23.



Korea's simplified registration for foreign investors boosts market

The Korean stock market's accessibility to foreign investors has improved significantly since the scrapping last December of a mandatory requirement for foreign investors to register their identities before making investments in Korea, the top financial re




Number of new accounts opened monthly by foreign investors triples


simplified registration 간소화된 등록절차

foreign investor 외국인 투자자

retail investor = invdividial investor 개인투자자

boost = activate = reinvigorate = buoy = hearten = breathe life into = give life to = give vividness to = energize 들뜨게 하다, 활성화시키다, 생기를 불어넣다

triple = treble 3배가 되다, 3배로 만들다

open a new account 새로운 계좌를 열다


The Korean stock market's accessibility to foreign investors has improved significantly since the scrapping last December of a mandatory requirement for foreign investors to register their identities before making investments in Korea, the top financial regulator said Friday.


stock market 주식 시장

accessibility 접근가능성, 접근성, 접근하기 쉬움

improve = ameliorate = advance = better 개선하다, 향상시키다

scrap = lift = remove = get rid of = do away with = withdraw = repeal = recant = nullify = negate = invalidate = defease = abandon = drop = abolish = throw out = throw away = dispose of = erase = obliterate = afface = delete 폐지하다, 없애다, 제거하다, 버리다, 처리하다

mandatory requirement 의무적인 요구사항, 필수 요건, 의무 요건

identity 신원, 신분, 정체, 독자성, 유사성, 동질감

financial regulator 금융규제당국, 금융 규제 기관


According to the numbers revealed earlier in the day by the Financial Services Commission (FSC), a total of 1,432 accounts held by foreign investors have been opened during the past six months. The period dates from Dec. 15 last year, when the Korean financial regulator formally abolished the foreign investor registration system, until June 12 this year.


Financial Services Commission (FSC) 금융위원회

a total of = a sum of = tallied = in total = in all = all told = altegether = the aggregate total of 총합의, 총, 다합해서

date from ~부터 시작되다

formally abolish 공식적으로 폐지하다

foreign investor registration system 외국인 투자 등록 시스템


Specifically, among the 1,432 accounts opened, 1,216 were held by institutional investors, while 216 were individual accounts. This shows the keenness of foreign institutional investors, who tend to make investments at a larger scale than retail investors, to take advantage of Korea's improved market accessibility.


institutional investor 기관투자자

individual account 개인 계좌

keenness 날카로움, 매서움

foreign institutional investor 외국인 기관 투자자

make investments 투자를 하다

at a large scale 대규모로, 큰 규모로, 거시적인 관점으

take advantage of = exploit = utilize = make use of = harness = abuse = appropriate 이용하다, 활용하다, 악용하다, 전용하다, 남용하다

market accessibility 시장 이용성, 시장 활용성


The positive impact of attracting more foreign investors to the Korean stock market, resulting from the abolition of the registration requirement, is evident in the surge in the average number of account openings each month. The average monthly number of account openings by foreign investors has been standing at around 300 to 400 in recent months, greatly surpassing last year's monthly average of 105.


result from = come from = arise from = spring from = stem from = be due to = be caused by = emanate from = originate from = issue from 에서 생기다, ~에서 발생하다

evident = certain = utter = obvious = clear = surefire = apparent = noticeable = prominent = perceptible = conspicuous = visible = absolute = manifest = definite = plain = distinct = clear-cut 분명항, 명확한, 뚜렷한, 확실한

the surge in = the spike in = the hike in ~에서 급증 

account opening 계좌 개설

the average monthly number of ~월 평균 수

stand at = number = amount to = add up to = total up to = sum up to = reach = arrive at = run into ~에 달하다, ~에 이르다

surpass = exceed = outstrip = outdo = outperform = overrun = outrun = outnumber = be numerically superior to = exceed in number = beat = do better than 초과하다, 능가하다, 넘어서다

monthly average 월평균


With the country's registration requirement for foreign investors abolished after 30 years under the system, foreign investors, both institutional and retail investors, can now instead use their Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) and passport numbers. The LEI is a globally standardized form of identification adopted in G20 countries in 2011.


registration requirement 등록 요구사항

under the system 시스템 하에

under the auspices of = under the patronage of ~의 후원하에, ~의 주최하에

Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) 법적 실제 식별자, 법적 기업 식별자

passport number 여권 번호

globally standarized form 세계적으로 표준화된 양식

identification = ID 신원확인, 신분증명, 인지, 발견, 신원증명서

identity = ID 신원, 신분, 정체, 독자성, 유사성, 동질감


"Following the abolition of the foreign investor registration system, the convenience of opening accounts for foreign investors has led to a significant increase in the number of new accounts opened by them," FSC Vice Chairman Kim So-young said, vowing to continue to closely monitor market conditions for further enhancement of market accessibility.


following = in the wake of = as a result = in consequence of = owing to ~의 이후에, ~의 결과로

convenience 편의, 편리한것

increase in the number of ~의 수의 증가

vow to = swear to = promise to = make a oath = make a vow = pledge to ~할 것을 약속하다, ~할 것을 맹세하다

market condition 시장 상황

enhancement = improvement = amelioration = advancement = betterment = furtherance 향상, 개선, 증강, 보강


The financial authorities said that they have been actively gathering market feedback from foreign investors and their agents to devise and implement further remedial measures for some of the inconveniences raised since the system's abolition. As to the Korean market's response to the abolition of the foreign investor registration system, an official from the top financial regulator told The Korea Times that the domestic investment sector has responded positively to the change.


financial authorities 금융 당국

financial regulator 금융 규제당국

gather market feedback = garner market feedback 시장 피드백을 모으다

gather = garner = glean = collect = acquire = compile = obtain = gain = accumulate 얻다, 모으다, 수집하다

devise = come up with = think of = think up = put forth = set forth = put forward = suggest = draw up = bring up = conjure up = create = generate 고안하다, 창안해내다, 떠올리다

implement = institute = enforce = impose = introduce = bring in = put into effect = bring into effect  시행하다, 수행하다, 실시하다

remedial measure 교정책, 교정 대책, 개선책, 개선방안

correctional (범죄자에 대한) 교정의, 처벌의

domestic investment 국내 투자


"From the perspective of domestic investors, there are basically no increased inconveniences passed on to them with the system change. Accordinglythere's no reason for them to view the abolishment of the previous system negatively. Rather, there has been positive feedback due to expectations of market expansion," the FSC official said on Friday. The financial authorities and related institutions plan to continue promoting and closely communicating to enhance the Korean capital market's accessibility to foreign investors.


from the perspective of = from the viewpoint of = from the point of view of = in one's shoes = from where one sits ~의 입장에서, ~의 관점에서

inconvenience = nuisance = headache = bane = trouble = bother = vexation 불편, 애로, 불편한것, 귀찮은 것

pass on to = convey = deliver ~로 전하다, ~로 옮기다

accordingly = hence = thus = therefore = for this reason = so 그런 이유로, 그래서, 따라서

positive feedback 긍정적인 피드백

expectations of market expansion 시장 확장 기대감

enhance = strengthen = reinforce = consolidate = solidify = fortify = cement = stiffen 강화하다, 증강시키다

capital market 자본 시장








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