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Fewer retired Koreans move to rural areas amid economic challenges - 경제난 속에 농촌으로 이주하는 은퇴한 한국인 수 감소

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2024. 6. 26.



Fewer retired Koreans move to rural areas amid economic challenges

The number of Koreans moving from cities to find a second life in rural or fishing communities experienced the largest decrease on record in 2023, data showed Tuesday.




The number of Koreans moving from cities to find a second life in rural or fishing communities experienced the largest decrease on record in 2023, data showed Tuesday.


move from A to B a에서 b로 옮기다, a에서 b로 이주하다

fishing communities 어업 공동체, 어촌 사회

rural communities 농촌, 농촌 사회

on record 공표된, 공식적으로 언명된, 기록되어 있는, 기록상의


According to research co-published by Statistics Korea, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, the number of people who moved to rural areas to become farmers fell to 10,307 last year, a 16.7 percent decrease from the year before. The number of those who moved to become fishers also declined by 24.7 percent, reaching just 716.


the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries 농축산 식품부

the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries 해양수산부

co-published by ~가 공동 출판한, ~가 공동 발표한

move to rural areas 농촌지역으로 이주하다

relocate to = move to = move into 이전하다, 이동하다, 이동시키다

become farmer 농부가 되다

become fisher 어부가 되다

reach = arrive at = amount to = number = add up to = sum up to = total up to = run into ~에 이르다, ~에 달하다


This represents the most significant reduction in both categories since the data was first recorded in 2013. The numbers increased in 2020 and 2021 when the COVID-19 pandemic hit the country as the job market in cities stagnated. Since then, the figure has been continuously decreasing.


reduction in ~에서의 감소, ~의 인하

hit the country 나라를 강타하다

job market 채용시장

stagnate = become stagnant = become trapped = become sluggish 침체되다, 저하되다

stagnant = trapped = static = listliss = inert = lethertic = sluggish = slow-moving = spiritless = enervated = unenergetic 힘없는, 무기력한, 침체된, 저하된, 기백없는

continuously = constantly = continuedly = persistently = incessantly = consistently 계속적으로, 지속적으로


"So far, the population was driven by retirees in their 60s," Statistics Korea explained. "The recent increase in older adult employment in urban areas seems to have led to a decrease in the number of people moving to rural areas."


so far = until now = up to present = up to date = thus far = hitherto = erenow = to date = heretofore = formerly 지금까지, 지금껏, 이제까지

henceforward = henceforth = hereafter = from now on 이후, 차후, 앞으로, 지금부터

urban areas 도심지역

rural areas 농촌 지역


Last year, the manufacturing sector accounted for 9.6 percent of older adult employment, up from 9.4 percent the previous year. The ratio of those working in social welfare services also rose from 13.2 percent to 13.7 percent. In contrast, the proportion of older adults employed in agriculture, forestry and fisheries decreased from 18.5 percent to 17.6 percent.


manufacturing sector 제조부문

account for = occupy = take up = constitute = make up 차지하다

older adult employment 노년층 채용

social welfare services 시회 복지 서비스

ratio = proportion = rate = percentage 비율, 비중

agriculture = farming = farming industry = agricultural industry 농업

forestry 임학, 삼림관리

fisheries = fishing industry 어업, 수산업

fish farm 양식업, 양식장


Such a trend decreased the proportion of people aged 60 and over moving to rural areas from 46.5 percent to 45.8 percent. In 2023, the average age of those who moved to become farmers was 56.3, while those who moved to become fishers was 52.9.


move to rural areas 농촌지역으로 이주하다

the average age of ~의 평균 연령

become farmer 농부가 되다

become fisher 어부가 되다


"The retirement of the second baby boomer generation (those born between 1968 and 1974) and the ongoing demand for rural living are expected to sustain the trend of relocating to rural areas," an agriculture ministry official said. Yet, diving deeper, data showed that skepticism about rural lives, specifically regarding what lies in their economic futures, is impacting their decisions as well.


retirement 은퇴, 퇴직, 은퇴생활

baby boomer generation 베이비붐 세대

ongoing = under way = going on = continuing = happening = in progress 계속 일어나고 있는

rural living 농촌 생활

sustain the trend 대세를 유지하다, 유행을 유지하다

buck the trend 대세를 거스르다, 역발상 투자를 하다

relocate to = move to = move into 이전하다, 이동하다, 이동시키다

diving deeper 더 깊이 파고 들면

skepticism = incredulity = disbelief = lack of belief = incredulousness = doubts = suspicion 회의감, 불신

lie in one's future 미래에 놓여 있다


According to a separate survey conducted by the agriculture ministry in 2023, the average annual household income for those in their fifth year of farming was only 35.79 million won ($25,800). Thirty-five percent of respondents identified income as a major challenge associated with farming, followed by labor difficulties at 19.4 percent and lack of infrastructure at 14.2 percent.


separate survey 분리 조사, 독립된 설문조사

separate = discrete = independent 별개의, 개별적인, 독립적인 

conduct a survey 설문조사를 하다

average annual household income 연평균 가구 소득

associated with = connected with = linked to = related to = relevant to ~와 관련된

labour difficulty 노동의 어려움

lack of infrastructure 인프라 부족


"Most areas at high risk of demographic decline are in rural and fishing communities. Population issues have reached a level that threatens their very existence. Policies encouraging people to return or relocate to rural areas are more crucial than ever to address the rural population crisis," the National Assembly Research Service said in its report in 2023.


at high risk of ~의 위험이 매우 높은

demographic decline 인구 감소

fishing communities 어업 공동체, 어촌 사회

rural communities 농촌, 농촌 사회

population issues = population crisis 인구 문제

reach a level that/of ~의 수준에 도달하다

threaten = endanger = jeopardize = put at risk = menace = put in danger = imperil = risk = pose a threat to 위태롭게하다, ~을 위험에 빠트리다

one's very existence ~의 존재 자체

more ~than ever 여느때 보다 더








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