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Korean food grows in popularity globally: survey - 설문조사: 한국 음식이 세계적으로 인기를 얻고 있다

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2024. 6. 26.



Korean food grows in popularity globally: survey

About six out of 10 global consumers visited at least one Korean restaurant in a foreign country in the past year, with an average frequency of 1.7 visits per month, a survey showed Tuesday.




About six out of 10 global consumers visited at least one Korean restaurant in a foreign country in the past year, with an average frequency of 1.7 visits per month, a survey showed Tuesday.


visit a restaurant 식당을 방문하다

at least = at the very least = at the lowest estimate 적어도, 최소한

average frequency 평균 빈도

rate of occurrence = incidence 발생 빈도



According to the Korean Food Promotion Institute’s annual survey, 64.6 percent of 9,000 respondents aged between 20 and 59 living in 18 cities around the world have visited a Korean restaurant. The survey was conducted over two months — from August to October 2023 — in cities including New York, Paris, London, Shanghai, Tokyo and Bangkok.


annual survey 연례 조사

respondent = pollee = participants = replier ( 특히 실태 조사에서) 응답자

conduct a survey = do a survey = do a questionnaire 설문조사를 하다


The average percentage of non-Korean visitors to Korean restaurants was 52.3 percent in Oceania, Latin America and the Middle East, marking a 2.1 percent increase from the previous year. Southeast Asia ranked first with 84.6 percent, followed by Northeast Asia at 74.7 percent, North America at 58.6 percent and Europe at 46.9 percent, all of which saw slight declines.


the average percentage of ~의 평균 비율이

from the previous year = versus last year = over the preceding year =  compared to last year = year-on-year = as opposed to the previous year = year-of-year 작년대비, 작년에 비해서

rank first with = occupy the first place = stand first in = win the first place = be at the head of = be at the top of  ~로 1위를 기록하다

slight decline = slight drop 소폭 하락


When it comes to the monthly frequency of visits to Korean restaurants, Southeast Asia had the highest average at 2.2 times, followed by Northeast Asia at 1.7 times and Oceania, Latin America and the Middle East at 1.5 times each. North Americans averaged 1.4 visits per month, while Europeans averaged 1.2 visits per month.


when it comes to = in terms of = inasmuch as = as for = as regrads = in regard of = in respect to = concerning ~에 관한한, ~와 관련해서

followed by 뒤이어, 잇달아

visits per month 매달 방문


The change in the purpose of visiting Korean restaurants was also noticeable. The proportion of non-Koreans visiting Korean restaurants for “routine meals” was 49 percent in 2023, up by 2.8 percentage points from 46.2 percent in 2022. An overwhelming 90.4 percent of respondents said they were satisfied with Korean restaurants, marking a 0.5 percentage point increase from the previous year, while 83 percent said they would recommend Korean restaurants to others.


the change in = the shift in ~에서의 변화

the purpose of ~의 목적

noticeable = noteworthy = remarkable = conspicuous = prominent = eye-catching = discernible = detectable = perceptible = outstanding = striking = marked = distinct 주목할 만한, 현저한, 눈에띄는 

routine meal 일상적인 식사

be satisfied with = be gratified with = be content with = be contented with ~에 만족하다

overwhelming = sweeping = all-around = all-out = wholehearted = full-scale = complete 압도적인, 전면적인

recommend to others 다른사람들에게 추천하다


The proportion of non-Koreans willing to return to Korean restaurants stood at 86.7 percent. By region, Southeast Asia ranked first with 91.9 percent, followed by Northeast Asia with 85.9 percent, Europe with 84.6 percent, Oceania and Latin America and the Middle East with 84.4 percent and North America with 84.3 percent.


stand at = amount to = run into = number = arrive at = reach = add up to = sum up to = total up to ~이 이르다, ~에 달하다

by region 지역별로, 지방별로

followed by 뒤이어, 잇달아

rank first with = occupy the first place = stand first in = win the first place = be at the head of = be at the top of  ~로 1위를 기록하다








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