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Dongdaemun to expand green belt to help Seoul become future city - 동대문, 미래도시로 거듭나기 위해 녹지 확장

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 10. 29.



[NATIONAL] Dongdaemun to expand green belt to help Seoul become future city

Dongdaemun District in eastern Seoul plans to expand its green belt areas, believing that securing such spaces will be vital for the future of the capital by focusing on the environment. 서울 동대문구는 환경에 집중한 공간 마련이 서울의



Dongdaemun District in eastern Seoul plans to expand its green belt areasbelieving that securing such spaces will be vital for the future of the capital by focusing on the environment.
서울 동대문구는 환경에 집중한 공간 마련이 서울의 미래에 필수적이라는 판단에 기초해 녹지를확장할 계획이다.


green belt (도시 주변의) 녹지대 (공원), 그린벨트

future city 미래 도시

secure the space 공간을 확보하다

vital = essential = necessary = inevitable = unavoidable = indispensable = integral = instrumental = pivotal = paramount 중요한, 필수적인

focus on = concentrate on = center on ~에 초점을 맞추다


A 16,899-square-meter flower garden located in Jeonnong-dong, a neighborhood in the district, was unveiled to residents on Sept. 21.
동대문구 인근 지역 전농동에 있는 1만6899㎡ 부지의 꽃밭이 지난 9월 21일 시민들에게 공개됐다.


flower garden 꽃밭

located in = situated in = nestled in = positioned in = stationed in = resident in ~에 위치한

neighborhood = neighboring area = vicinity = locality = surrounding area = peripheral area = environs 인근, 주변

district = zone = area = part = precinct = constituency = region = borough 지역, 구역, 지구

unveil = disclose = reveal = release = unleash = unpack 공개하다, 드러내다

resident = citizen = local population = denizen = inhabitant = dweller = occupant 거주자, 주민


The space had been unused for more than 10 years. Originally designated for a school in 2006, the plan was rejected by the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education due to decreased demand for additional educational facilities.
이 땅은 10년 넘게 방치돼 있었다. 2006년 학교 부지로 지정됐지만 추가 교육시설에 대한 수요 감소로 서울시교육청이 인가를 거절했다.


unsued  (현재) 쓰지[사용하지] 않는, 한 번도 사용되지 않은, 쓴적이 없는

disused 사용되지 않는, 폐기된

deginated for ~로 지정된

reject = decline = dismiss = turn down = deny = refuse = make a rebuff = spurn = shrug off = not accept = ignore 거절하다, 퇴자놓다, 묵살하다

decreased = dwindling = reduced 줄어드는, 감소하는

educational facilities 교육시설

additional = collateral = secondary = subordinate = auxiliary = ancillary = incidental = annexed = extra = supplementary = complementary 부가적인, 부수적인, 이차적인, 추가적인

superflouous = unnecessary 더 이상 필요하지 않은, 불필요한


Since then, the land had remained empty, surrounded by a three-meter-high fence, with overgrown weeds, while people began to dump trash there.
이후 해당 부지는 3m 높이 담장으로 둘러싸인 채 비어 있었고, 잡풀이 무성하고 사람들이 버린 쓰레기로 가득했다.


remain empty 텅빈채로 있다

remain vacant 공석으로 있다

overgrown weeds (풀·잡초 등이) 마구 자란 잡초, 제멋대로 자란 잡풀

dump trash = dump refuse = dump garbage = throw away barbage = throw out trash = litter 쓰레기를 버리다

littered with ~ 로 어질러진, ~로 흩어진


In July, authorities of the district conceived the idea of transforming the neglected area into a vibrant space for residents by planting an array of colorful flowers. Following a vote among the residents, with more than half in favor, the district embarked on the transformation.
지난 7월 동대문구는 버려진 땅을 시민들을 위한 활기찬 공간으로 조성하기 위해 다양한 색감의 꽃을 심자는 아이디어를 떠올렸다. 주민들을 대상으로 한 설문조사를 거쳐 응답자 중 절반 이상이 찬성해 동대문구는 탈바꿈 과정에 착수했다.


conceive the idea = come up with the idea 아이디어를 떠올리다

transform into = metamorphose into = transpose into = transfigure into = translate into = transmute into = turn into = convert into ~로 변모하다, ~로 탈바꿈시키다

transformation = metamorphosis = transfiguration = transmutation 탈바꿈, 변모

neglected area = derelict area = unattended region 버려진 땅, 무시되어온 땅, 지켜보는 사람 없는 

vibrant space = bustling space 활기찬 공간

vibrant = bustling = energetic = brisk = vehement = invigorating = vigorous = lively = vivid = full of spirits = full of life = full of vigor = full of pep 활발한, 활기가 넘치는, 생기가 넘치는

an arraly of = a host of = a legion of = a myriad of = a herd of = a multitude of 다수의, 많은

more than half in favor 절반이상이 찬성하는

in favor of ~에 찬성하는, ~에 이익이 되는

embark on = launch = set off = start off = plunge into = kick off = set out 시작하다, 착수하다


At first, concerns arose over safety after opening such a large area to the public. Some residents worried the open space could attract vagrants or other unwanted visitors late at night. Its proximity to an apartment complex and an elementary school added more fuel to such concerns.
처음에는 넓은 땅을 일반 시민에 개방한 후 안전에 대한 우려가 생겨났다. 일부 주민은 개방된 공간이 야밤에 노숙자나 달갑지 않은 방문객을 끌어들일 수 있다고 걱정했다. 해당 부지가 아파트 단지와 초등학교와 가까워 이러한 우려는 더욱 커졌다.


arise concerns over ~에 대한 염려가 증가하다

open to the public 대중에게 공개하다, 대중에게 개방하다

open space 개방된 공간

vagrant = tramp = hobo  (특히 구걸을 하며 다니는) 부랑자

unwanted visitor = unwelcome visigor 불청객

late at night 밤늦게

proximity to ~에 가까움

add more fuel to concerns 우려를 더욱 키우다, 우려에 불을 지피다


However, since the opening of the flower garden in September, most residents have been satisfied with the transformation, according to the district office.
하지만 9월 꽃밭을 개장한 이후 주민 대부분은 변화된 공간에 만족하고 있다고 동대문구는 전했다.


flower garden 꽃밭

resident = citizen = local population = denizen = inhabitant = dweller = occupant 거주자, 주민

be satisfied with = be content with = be pleased with = be gratified with ~에 만족해하다








"시사와 영어를 한 번에"
Korea Times Weekly




