[NATIONAL] No. of gambling addicts in Korea nearly doubles in 4 years
The number of gambling addicts in Korea who received hospital treatment has nearly doubled in the last four years, increasing sharply among those in their 20s, an opposition lawmaker said Tuesday. 화요일 한 더불어민주당 의원에 따르면 지난
The number of gambling addicts in Korea who received hospital treatment has nearly doubled in the last four years, increasing sharply among those in their 20s, an opposition lawmaker said Tuesday.
화요일 한 더불어민주당 의원에 따르면 지난 4년간 도박중독으로 치료를 받은 우리나라 환자 수는 거의 2배 증가했고, 특히 20대에서 급증했다.
gambling addict 도박 중독자
gambling addiction 도박 중독
double (보통 양이나 수의) 두 배의, 갑절의, 두배가 되다
double as (주된 용도 외에) ~로도 쓰이다
recive hospital treatment 병원 치료를 받다
increase sharply = increase drastically = rise keenly = soar = skyrocket = rocket = burgeon = proliferate = multifly = surge = shoot up = go through the roof 급격히 증가하다
According to the statistics that Rep. Jun Hye-sook of the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) received from the National Health Insurance Service, the number of compulsive gamblers who received addiction treatment surged 91.2 percent from 1,218 in 2018 to 2,329 in 2022.
전혜숙 더불어민주당 의원이 국민건강보험공단으로부터 제출받은 자료에 따르면, 도박중독 환자 수는 2018년 1,218명에서 2022년 2,329명으로 91.2%나 늘었다.
the National Health Insurance Service 국민 건강 보험 공단
compulsive gambler = habitual gambler 상습 도박자, 도박중독자, 강박적 도박꾼
addition treatment 중독 치료
Among the 2,329, those in their 30s accounted for the largest portion at 866, followed by those in their 20s numbering 791, 40s standing at 372 and 50s at 136.
도박환자 2,329명 중 30대는 가장 많은 866명을 차지했고, 나머지는 20대 791명, 40대 372명, 50대 136명 순이었다.
account for = occupy = take up = constitute = make up of ~을 차지하다
account for = explain = delineate = explain in detail = expound = elucidate = explicate ~을 해명하다, ~을 설명하다
followed by 뒤이어, 잇달아
stand at = reach = amount to = arrive at = get to = total up to = tally up to = add up to = number ~을 차지하다, ~에 이르다
number = add up to (합한 수가) 모두[총] …이 되다
Notably, 82 were teenage addicts.
주목할 점은, 이들 중 82명이 ‘10대' 중독자라는 것이다.
notably = especially = not least = particularly = in particular 특히, 특별히
teenage = teen = juvenile = 10s = minority = minor = underage = under age = adolescent = the pubescent 십대의, 미성년, 청소년
Gambling addiction showed the fastest rate of increase among those in their 20s at 106.5 percent from 2018 to 2022, higher than other age groups, such as those in their 30s at 99.5 percent, 40s at 89.8 percent and teenagers at 32.3 percent.
도박중독은 2018년에서 2022년 사이 가장 빠른 상승세를 보인 연령대는 20대 106.5%며, 이 외에 30대는 99.5%, 40대는 89.8%, 10대는 32.3% 증가했다.
show the fastest rate of increase 가장빠른 증가율을 보이다
at an alaming rate 두려울 정도로, 무서운 속도로
at an alarming level 심상치 않은 수준으로
age group (특정) 연령대(의 사람들)
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