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4 in 10 foreign students entering Korea for language study overstay visas - 어학연수로 한국 온 외국인 10명 중 4명, 불법체류자 전환

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 10. 15.



[NATIONAL] 4 in 10 foreign students entering Korea for language study overstay visas

Four out of 10 foreign nationals who enter Korea on a language study visa end up overstaying their visas, a lawmaker said Tuesday, urging the government to tighten the visa screening process for foreign students. 화요일 한 의원은 어학연수를 위



Four out of 10 foreign nationals who enter Korea on a language study visa end up overstaying their visas, a lawmaker said Tuesday, urging the government to tighten the visa screening process for foreign students.
화요일 한 의원은 어학연수를 위해 한국에 입국한 유학생 10명 중 4명이 불법체류를 하는 것으로 파악됐다며 정부에 외국인 학생에 대한 비자 심사를 엄격히 해달라고 촉구했다.


overstay a visa 비자기간 보다 오래 머무르다

overstay = outstay  (예상·허용 기간보다) 더[너무] 오래 머무르다

foreign national = foreigner 외국인, 외국인 학생

end up = end in 결국 ~에 처하게 되다, ~으로 끝나다

urge = exhort = enjoin = endure = admonish = advise 촉구하다, 권장하다, 요구하다

visa screening process 비자 심사 과정

tighen = strengthen = beef up = reinforce = enforce = consolidate = solidify = cement = ramp up = amp up 강화하다, 증가하다


According to data that Rep. Cho Jung-hun of the minor opposition Transition Korea party received from the Ministry of Justice, out of 64,904 foreign nationals who had entered Korea on the D-4 General Trainee Visa, 39.9 percent, or 25,898, remained in Korea illegally as of June after their visas expired.
해당 발제를 한 조정훈 시대전환 의원이 법무부로부터 제출받은 자료에 따르면 올해 6월 기준 일반연수(D-4) 비자로 입국한 외국인 6만4904명 가운데 39.9%인 2만5898명이 비자 만료 후에도 한국에 남아 불법체류자로 전환됐다.


minor opposition 소수 야당, 군소 야당

expire a visa 비자가 만료하다

visa-waver programme 무비자 프로그램


The justice ministry categorizes foreign students as illegal immigrants when they do not respond to contact from authorities or when their whereabouts become unknown.
법무부는 한국에 입국한 유학생이 정부의 연락을 받지 않거나 행방이 묘연해진 경우 불법체류자로 분류한다.


categorize = classify = group = sort out = assort 분류하다

illegal immigrant = illegal alien = illegal resident = undoccumented immigrant 불법 체류자 

whereabout 행방

become unknown = become unidentified 알려지지 않다, 신원미상이다, 정체를 알수 없다


The D-4 visa is issued mostly to those entering the country to study language.
일반연수(D-4) 비자는 어학연수를 위해 입국하는 외국인이 주로 발급받는다.


issue a visa 비자를 발급하다

study language 어학 연수를 하다, 어학 연수


Among the 25,898 who went on to become undocumented immigrants, Vietnamese nationals accounted for the largest portion at 22,760, followed by 1,054 Uzbekistan nationals and 820 Mongolians.
불법체류자가 된 2만5898명 중 국적별로는 베트남이 2만2760명으로 가장 큰 비중을 차지했고, 우즈베키스탄 1054명, 몽골 820명 순이었다.


go on to ~으로 넘어가다

undoccumented immigrant  = illegal immigrant = illegal alien = illegal resident 불법 체류자 

account for = occupy = take up = make up of = constitute ~을 차지하다

the largest portion = the lion's share 가장 큰 비중, 가장 큰 몫








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