[NATIONAL] No. of mosquitoes carrying malaria surges amid heat wave, torrential rain
Health authorities have issued an alert, urging citizens to heighten their safety measures against malaria as the number of mosquitoes that can transmit the disease has increased rapidly this summer due mainly to heat waves and heavy torrential rain. 폭
Health authorities have issued an alert, urging citizens to heighten their safety measures against malaria as the number of mosquitoes that can transmit the disease has increased rapidly this summer due mainly to heat waves and heavy torrential rain.
폭염과 폭우로 인해 말라리아 매개 모기 개체수가 급증한 가운데 보건 당국은 시민들에게 말라리아에 대한 안전 대책을 강화하라고 경고했다.
No. of mosquitoes = the number of mosquitoes 모기의 수, 모기개체 수
malaria 말라리아
surge = soar = burgeon = proliferate = muliply = increase = jump = upsize = shoot up = rocekt = skyrocket = leap 증가하다, 급증하다
heat wave = stifling heat = suffocating heat = sweltering heat = extremely hot weather 장기간의 혹서, 열파, 무더위
torrential rain = heavy rain = downpour = pouring rain = deluge 폭우, 큰비
issue an alert = issue an advisory 경고를 발령하다, 주의보를 내리다
raise a red flag 경보신호를 보내다
heighten = strengthen = solidify = consolidate = enhance = reinforce = elevate = fortify = stiffen = cement 강화시키다, 강화하다, 굳건히하다
safety measure = preemptive measure = precaution = prevention measure 안전 조치, 안전 대책, 선제조치, 예방조치
transmit a disease = give a disease = infect sb with disease 전염시키다, 질병을 감염시키다
due mainly to ~가 주원인으로, 주로~때문에
According to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) on Wednesday, the daily mosquito index for the 25th week of the year (from June 18 to 24) stood at 7.1, and rose to 9.2 the following week.
수요일 발표된 질병관리청 자료에 따르면 올해 25주차(6월 18일부터 24일) 대한민국 하루 평균 모기 지수는 7.1마리였으며, 26주차에는 9.2마리로 증가했다.
stand at = amount to = arrive at = come to = get to = reach = run into = mark = sum up = tally up = total up = add up = aggregate ~달하다, ~에 이르다
rise to = increase to ~로 증가하다
The figures released by the KDCA measured the density of mosquitos at 50 places in Incheon, northern Gyeonggi Province and Gangwon Province, which were designated as malaria danger zones.
질병관리청이 발표한 이 수치는 말라리아 위험 지역으로 지정된 인천, 경기북부, 강원 내 50개 채집 지점에서 매개 모기 개체수를 측정한 것이다.
released by = compiled by ~가 공개한, ~가 편찬한
measure = analyze = survey = gauge = calcualate 측정하다, 재다
the density of = the concentration of ~의 농도, ~의 밀도
be designated as = be appointed as = be nominated as = be specified as = be anointed as = be named as = be selected as = be picked as ~로 지정되다
danger zone = danger area = danger spot 위험 지대, 위험 구역
The mosquito index for the 25th week has more than doubled from the same week a year earlier, and increased nearly five times from the average of the last five years.
25주차의 모기 지수는 전년 동기 대비 두 배 이상 증가했고, 최근 5년간 평균에 비해 거의 5배 증가했다.
double 두배가 되다, 곱절하다
double up ~을 ~와 함께쓰다, ~을 둘이서 나눠쓰다, (통증이 있거나 웃음이 터져서)몸을 웅크리다, 겹쳐지도록 구부리다
from the same period a year earlier = compared to last year = compared to the previous year = over the previous year = versus the same period last year 전년대비, 전년 동기 대비
The index for the 26th week has also increased 1.3 times from a year earlier and 2.5 times from the average of the last five years.
26주차 모기 지수는 전년 동기보다 1.3배, 최근 5년간 평균에 비해 2.5배 증가했다.
from a year earlier = from the same period a year earlier = compared to last year = compared to the previous year = over the previous year = versus the same period last year 전년대비, 전년 동기 대비
the average of ~의 평균
The ratio of mosquitoes carrying malaria among the total collected by the KDCA has increased as well, standing at 54 percent in the 25th week and 61.7 percent in the 26th week.
질병청이 수집한 모기 중 말라리아를 운반하는 모기의 비율도 증가했는데, 25주차에는 전체 모기 중 54%이었으며, 26주차에는 61.7%로 상승했다.
the ratio of = the proportion of = the percentage of = the rate of = the portion of = the share of ~의 비중, ~의 비율
collect = gather = garner = glean = acquire 모으다, 얻다, 수집하다
stand at = amount to = arrive at = come to = get to = reach = run into = mark = sum up = tally up = total up = add up = aggregate ~달하다, ~에 이르다
The ratio for the 25th week nearly doubled from a year earlier, while that of the 26th week increased 1.2 times during the same period.
25주차의 비율은 전년 동기 대비 거의 두 배 증가했으며, 26주차의 비율은 동일 기간 1.2배 증가했다.
nearly = almost = in the neighborhood of = in the order of = of the order of = more or less = roughly = broadly 거의, 대략
during the same period = during the cited period = during the specific period = during the mentioned period = during the aforementioned period 동일 기간 동안, 언급된 기간 동안
The KDCA said the number of malaria patients until the 26th week of the year was tallied at 302, up 169.6 percent from 112 tallied a year earlier.
질병청에 따르면 올해 26주차까지 말라리아 환자 수는 전년 대비 169.6% 증가한 302명으로 집계되었다.
malaria patient 말라리아 환자
be tallied at ~로 집계되다
be aggregated = be tallied = be totaled = be added up 집계되다, 합산되다, 종합되다
The KDCA attributed the increasing figures to successive rainfalls in recent weeks creating many puddles where mosquito larvae can grow. It added that the recent heat wave may have also contributed to speeding up their growth.
질병청은 모기 증가 원인을 최근 몇 주간 연이어 비가 내려 모기 유충 서식에 적합한 물웅덩이가 많아졌기 때문이라고 분석했다. 또한 최근 폭염도 모기 유충의 성장을 가속화했을 수 있다고 덧붙였다.
attribute A to be = A is attributed to B = A is attributable to = A is to blame for B = A is ascribable to B = ascribe A to B ~이 ~의 탓이다, ~때문이다, A는 B가 원인이다, A가 일어나는 이유는 B때문이다
successive = consecutive = a series of = a train of = a string of = a concatenation of = consistent = continuous = in a row = incessant = unrelenting = relentless 연이은, 잇달은, 연속된, 계속되는, 쉴새없는
rainfall = precipitation 강수량, 강우량
torrential rain = heavy rain = downpour = pouring rain = deluge 폭우, 큰비, 호우
puddle (특히 비 온 뒤의)물웅덩이
paddy 논, (영국)성질이 나있는 상태(= temper)
larvae = lava 유충
mosquito larva 모기 유충
speeding up = accelerate = gain traction = pick up speed = gain momentum = spur = give impetus to 박차를 가하다, 가속화 하다, 견인력을 얻다
KDCA officials said they are working together with local governments to remove puddles in malaria danger zones and enhance mosquito control efforts.
질병청 관계자들은 말라리아 위험지역의 웅덩이를 제거하고 모기 퇴치 향상을 위해 지자체와 협력하고 있다고 밝혔다.
work together = team up with = collaborate with = cooperate with = join forces with = join hands with = combine hands with = combine forces with = coact with = make a partnership with 함께 일하다, 임을 합쳐 일하다, 협력하다
enhance = heighten = strengthen = solidify = consolidate = reinforce = elevate = fortify = stiffen = cement 강화시키다, 강화하다, 굳건히하다
danger zone = danger area = danger spot 위험 지대, 위험 구역
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