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정이로운 영어공부/with 코리아타임스

Koreans generally accept immigrants as colleagues, neighbors: study - 조사 결과, 한국인에게 외국인은 '직장 동료’나 '이웃’

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 7. 13.



[NATIONAL] Koreans generally accept immigrants as colleagues, neighbors: study

S. Korea's population set to fall to 38 mil. in 2070 국내 인구, 2070년에 3800만명까지 감소할 것으로 예측



S. Korea's population set to fall to 38 mil. in 2070
국내 인구, 2070년에 3800만명까지 감소할 것으로 예측

accept = acknowledge = recognize = embrace = accede to = take in = absorb = grant = agree to 인정하다, 받아들이다, 수용하다

immigrant = diaspora = expat = expatriate = foreign resident = migrant = alien = refugee = asylee = alien resident = sojourner 이민자, 이주자, 외국인 체류자

population = populace = demographic entity 인주, 주민

fall to = decrease to = plummet to = plunge to = nosedive to = dwindle to = decline to = drop to ~로 감소하다, ~로 떨어지다, ~로 줄어들다

Hwang, an ethnic Korean from China who has worked for years as a waitress at a restaurant in Korea, says her Korean co-workers always kept a distance from her.
한국 식당에서 수년간 일한 중국계 한국인 황씨는 한국인 동료들이 항상 자신과 거리를 둔다고 말했다.


ethnic 민족의, 종족의, 소수민족 출신자, 민족 전통적인

ethnic minority = ethnic communities = minority = diaspora = diaspora communities = cultural minority = marginalized group = subpopulation = ethnoreligious group (다른 민족 국가에 거주하는) 소수 민족 집단

waitress = waiter = steward = server = waitstaff (호텔·음식점의) 웨이트리스 , 여자 급사, 웨이트리스로 일하다

keep a distance from = stay far away from ~로 부터 거리를 두다, ~와 거리를 두다

co-worker = colleague = fellow worker = workmate = peer = associate = fellow official = comrade = companion 동료


"They, Korean peers, are nice to me, but we never get close enough to hang around after work and I feel that our relationship is very businesslike," Hwang, who did not want to give her full name, said.
성명 공개를 거부한 황씨는 "한국인 동료들은 친절하지만 근무 시간이 끝나면 함께 어울릴 만큼 충분히 가깝지 않아서 우리 관계는 매우 업무적이라고 할 수 있다"고 전했다.


be nice to = be gentle to = be tender to = be kind to ~에 상냥하다, ~친절하다

get close = cotton up to = get intimate to 다가가다, 가까이 가다, 가까워지다

hang around with = hang out with = go around with = go around together ~와 어울려 다니다, ~와 시간을 보내다

after work 퇴근 후에, 작업이 끝난 후에

businesslike = matter-of-fact = perfunctory 효율적인, 업무에 충실한, 사무적인


Hwang is possibly one of the migrant workers (ethnic Koreans), who, according to Statistics Korea, Tuesday, are accepted as a colleague.
통계청 자료에 따르면 황씨는 ‘직장 동료'로 인정받는 이주 노동자 중 한 사람일 것으로 보인다.


migrant worker = foreign worker 이주 노동자

immigrant = diaspora = expat = expatriate = foreign resident = migrant = alien = refugee = asylee = alien resident = sojourner 이민자, 이주자, 외국인 체류자

be accepted as ~로 수용되어지다, ~으로 받아들여지다

colleague = co-worker = fellow worker = workmate = peer = associate = fellow official = comrade = companion 동료


Citing a survey by the Korea Institute of Public Administration in 2022, the stats agency said 42.3 percent of the 8,000 Koreans responded that they regard immigrants and foreign workers as colleagues when asked to what extent they can accept them in their lives.
통계청은 한국행정연구원의 2022년 조사를 인용해 이주민과 외국인 노동자를 자신의 삶에서 어느 정도까지 받아들일 수 있냐는 질문에 8000명의 한국인 중 42.3%가 ‘직장 동료'라고 답했다고 전했다.


cite (이유·예를) 들다, 끌어대다, 인용하다, (법정에)소환하다

quote 인용하다, 전달하다, 옮기다,  (자기 말을 뒷받침할 예를) 들다

to what extent 어느정도 까지

in one's life ~의 삶에, ~의 생활에


Operating under the wing of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the agency referred to the institute's findings in its broader study aimed at exploring how Korea should cope with its low birth rate and fast-changing demographics, including the influx of foreign immigrants.
기획재정부 관할 아래 운영되는 통계청은 한국행정연구원 조사 결과를 인용하면서 한국이 저출산과 빠르게 변하는 인구 구조, 외국인 이민자 유입 등에 대해 어떤 대책을 세워야 할지 살펴보는 연구에서 이를 언급했다.


under the wing of = under the guidance of = under the mentorship of = under the tutelage of = under the umbrella of = under the auspices of = under the patronage of = under the jurisdiction of ~의 보호아래, ~의 관할 아래

aim at = aim to = center on = target on = have a purpose = have an intention of = have an object in ~을 목적으로 하다, ~을 목표로 하다

birth rate = childbirth rate = fertility rate 출생률, 출산률

fast-changing 빠르게 변화하는

ever-changing 늘 변화하는, 변화무쌍한, 시시각각 변하는

influx = inflow 유입

outflux = outflow = drain 유출


Concerning the institute's question on immigrants and foreign workers, the survey respondents were asked to pick one out of five options provided: a spouse, a close friend, a colleague, a neighbor or cannot accept.
이주민과 외국인 노동자에 대한 연구소의 질문 조사 대상자들은 제공된 다섯 가지 선택지 ‘배우자, 절친한 친구, 직장 동료, 이웃, 받아들일 수 없음' 중 하나를 고를 것을 요청 받았다:


concerning = regarding = in terms of = when it comes to = in regard to = in reference to = as to = respecting = touching = pertaining to = refering to = about = on = as for ~에 관해서, ~에 관해

survey respondent 조사 응답자

spouse = mate = partner = significnat other 배우자

close friend = confidant = buddy = pal = mate = companion 친구, 벗

colleague = co-worker = fellow worker = workmate = peer = associate = fellow official = comrade = companion 동료


Of the 8,000 respondents, 29.8 percent said they can accept immigrants and foreign workers as a neighbor. Other 16.6 percent picked a close friend, while another 1.3 percent selected a spouse. The remaining 10 percent said they cannot accept immigrants as members of society.
8000명의 조사 대상자 중 29.8%는 이주민과 외국인 노동자를 ‘이웃'으로 받아들일 수 있다고 답했다. 전체 응답자 중 16.6%는 ‘절친한 친구'를 골랐고, 1.3%는 ‘배우자'를 선택했다. 나머지 10%는 외국인을 사회 구성원으로 ‘받아들일 수 없다'고 답했다.


remaining = the rest of = the remainder of 남아 있는, 남은

member of society 사회 구성원

assimilate into = integrate into (국가·사회의 일원으로) 동화되다, 동화시키다, 동사 (아이디어나 정보를) 완전히 이해하다, 소화하다








"시사와 영어를 한 번에"
Korea Times Weekly


