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Overcrowding on Gimpo Goldline metro causes concern - 김포골드라인 과밀화, 사고 우려 일으켜

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 4. 17.



[NATIONAL] Overcrowding on Gimpo Goldline metro causes concern

김포 골드라인



Governors but locals skeptical about city's 'mini-subway'
긴급대책회의 소집, 하지만 ‘꼬마열차'에 대한 회의 여전해


overcrowd 사람을 너무 많이 수용하다, 혼잡하게 하다

overcrowding 초만원, 과잉 수용

cause concerns = raise concerns = trigger concerns = spark concerns = spur concerns 염려를 불러일으키다, 우려를 일으키다

governor 주지사, 총독, 운영위원, 이사

locals 현지인, 주민

skeptical = incredulous = dubious = doubtful = suspicious = unreliable = untrustworthy = questionable 회의적인, 믿을 수 없는, 의심스러운, 미심쩍은

take something with a pinch of salt = take something with a grain of salt (모두가 사실은 아닐 수도 있으므로) ~을 에누리해서 듣다


The Gimpo Goldline ― an automated, unmanned metro service opened in 2019 ― has become unable to handle demandleading to dangerous overcrowding in train stations.
2019년 개통한 자동화 무인 지하철 서비스인 김포골드라인이 교통 수요를 감당할 수 없게 되면서 열차의 위험 과밀현상으로 이어졌다.


automated 자동화된, 자동의

automatic = instinctive 자동의, 무의식적인, 반사적인, 자동 권총, 오토매틱 자동차, 자동 변속기 자동차

autonomous = driverless = self-driving 자율주행의, 자율적인, 자주적인, 자치적인, 자치의

unmanned = manless = uninhabited 무인의, 사람이 없는

metro service = subway service 도시철도 운행 서비스, 지하철 운행 서비스

handle demand 수요를 처리하다

handle = manage = treat = cope with = deal with = cover = address = navigate = tackle 다루다, 해결하다, 처리하다

unmanageable = uncontrollable = out of control = ungovernable = hard to handle = unable to handle = intractable 다루기힘든, 통제하기 어려운, 다루기 어려운

overcrowding 초만원, 과잉 수용

dangerous = perilous = risky = hazardous = precarious = chancy = critical 위험한, 위태로운

detrimental = deleterious = damaging = harmful = noxious = toxic = poisonous = venomous 유해한, 해로운train station = subway platform 기차역concourse (특히 공항·기차역의) 중앙 홀station concourse 역의 중앙홀airport concourse 공항 중앙홀


The new train line connects Gimpo, west of Seoul in Gyeonggi Province, to the capital's subway system via Gimpo International Airport Station. Its two-carriage trains have been derided as a "mini-subway." But the trains can't be extended, because the subway platforms weren't built to fit longer trains.
이 신설 노선은 서울 서쪽 경기도 김포에서 김포공항역을 통해 수도권의 지하철 시스템을 연결한다. 해당 노선의 2량 열차는 "꼬마열차"로 조롱을 받아왔다. 그러나 지하철 승강장이 2량짜리 열차에 맞춰 건설된 탓에 열차 증량은 불가능하다.


international airport 국제 공항

carriage (기차의)객차, 마차, 운반, 수송, 운반비, 수송비

two-carriage train 2량짜리 열차, 2량 객차 열차

deride = scorn = contempt = disdain = mock = make fund of = be in the pillory = look down on = despise 조롱하다, 경시하다, 경멸하다

belittle = disparage = speak ill of = denigrate = cast aspersions on = deprecate = slander = badmouth 폄하하다

fit 적절하다, 들어맞다, 적절하게 하다, 들어맞게 하다, 설치하다, 설비하다, (제자리에)끼우다,맞추다


Servicing 10 stations across a 23.67-kilometer track between Yangchon Station and Gimpo International Airport Station, the subway line is now emerging as a hot-button problem in the country's public transit sector. Crowds grow beyond the maximum capacity every morning and evening rush hour, raising concerns over a possible crowd disaster.
양촌역에서 김포공항역까지 23.67㎞ 구간에서 10개 역을 운행하는 김포골드라인은 이제 국내 대중교통의 뜨거운 쟁점으로 떠올랐다. 아침저녁 출퇴근 시간마다 최대 수용인원을 넘어서는 승객이 몰리면서 압사 사고 우려까지 제기된다.


service = serve 서비스를 제공하다, 서비스를 갖춰주다, (차량기계를) 점검[정비]하다, 서비스, 사업, 체제

subway line 지하철 노선

emerge as = come up as = surface as = rise as ~로 떠오르다, ~로 부상하다

hot-button 뜨거운 쟁점, 뜨거운 주제

hot-potato 뜨거운 감자, 난감한 문제, 난감한 상황

public transit = public transportation = public transport = mass transportation 대중교통

maximum capacity 최대수용용량

grow beyound = grow out of = outgrow ~보다 크다, 을 넘어서다

rush hour (출퇴근) 혼잡 시간대, 러시아워

rush hour traffic snarls [snarl-up / jam / congestion] 러시아워의 교통 혼잡, 출퇴근 시간 교통 혼잡

crowd disaster = crowd crush = stampede 군중 압사, 군중 몰림


On April 11, a female high school student and a woman in her 30s collapsed on the Goldline platform at Gimpo International Airport Station after showing symptoms of asphyxiation. A similar incident occurred inside a subway car last December. The incidents stirred memories of the Itaewon crowd disaster last October in which at least 158 people died.
지난 11일 김포공항역 골드라인 승강장에서 10대 여고생과 30대 여성이 호흡곤란으로 쓰러졌다. 지난해 12월에도 김포골드라인 열차 안에서 유사한 사건이 발생했다. 이러한 사고들은 지난 10월 최소 158명이 사망한 이태원 참사에 대한 기억을 상기시켰다.


collapse = fall unconscious = go unconscious = go into fits = fall down in a swoon = faint = swoon = pass out 쓰러지다, 졸도하다, 의식을 잃다

asphyxiation = suffocation = choke 질식, 숨이 막힘

asphyxia 질식, 질식에 의한 가사

asphyxiant = asphyxial 기절한, 질식한, 질식 시키는

asphyxiate = suffocate = choke = stifle 숨이 막히다, 질식시키다, 질식사 하게하다

suffocating = stiffling = choky = stuffy = sweltering 숨이 막히는, 숨을 쉬기 힘든,  (규제 등으로) 질식할 것 같은

stuff = stove (재빨리되는대로) 쑤셔 넣다, 쑤셔박다, (빽빽히)채워넣다, 채우다

car = carriage = passenger car = passenger coach = coach 객차

locomotive 기관차, 운동의, 이동의, 보행의

stir up a memory = evoke = hark back to = arouse = remind = recall = recollect = flash back to = be reminiscent of = reminisce about = remember 상기시키다, 기억나게하다,기억하다, 떠올리다


Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon and Land, Infrastructure and Transport Won Minister Hee-ryong held an emergency meeting over the issue on Saturday. The Seoul mayor is one of the major stakeholders of the problem because the Gimpo Goldline is a subsidiary of Seoul Metro, the operator of eight metro lines across the Korean capital run by the Seoul Metropolitan Government.
오세훈 서울시장과 원희룡 국토교통부 장관은 24일 이 문제를 놓고 긴급대책회의를 소집했다. 김포골드라인은 서울시가 관리하는 수도권 8개 지하철 노선을 운행하는 서울교통공사의 자회사로, 서울시장은 해당 사안의 주요 이해관계자 중 한 명이다.


hold a emergency meeting 긴급 회의를 개최하다, 긴급회의를 열다

convoke = convene = call = summon = hold (공식적인 회의를) 소집하다, 열다

major stakeholder 주요 주주, 주요 이해관계자, 주요 이해당사자

subsidiary 자회자, 자회사의, 부수적인

additional = subsidiary = extra = collateral = incidental = auxiliary = ancillary = annexed = supplementary 부수적인, 부가적인

run by = operated by ~에 의해 운영되는


The two politicians agreed that more buses should be mobilized between the two cities as an immediate plan to alleviate the crowding. Won asked Oh to designate more bus-only lanes in western Seoul so that buses can transport passengers to and from Gimpo without traffic congestion, to which the city mayor agreed. But that is not expected to happen until June 2024 as its on-site feasibility will have to be studied further.
두 정치인은 혼잡도 완화를 위한 단기 대책으로 김포에서 서울 사이에 버스 투입 수를 늘려야 한다는데 동의했다. 원 장관은 버스가 교통체증 없이 김포를 오가는 승객을 수송할 수 있도록 서울 서부 버스전용차로 지정을 늘려달라고 오 시장에게 요청해 동의를 받아냈다. 그러나 추가적인 현장 타당성 연구가 필요해 2024년 6월까지는 시행이 어려울 것으로 예상된다.


mobilize = muster = marshal = rally = call = congregate = gather together = assemble = gather 동원하다,  집결시키다, 모으다

immediate plan 즉각적인 계획, 단기 대책

makeshift = temporary expedient = interim meausre = provisional measure = tentative measure = stopgap = temporary step = ad hoc action = improvised measure 잠정 조치, 임시방편, 임시적 조치

alleviate = dial down = allay = relieve = mitigate = ease = lessen 완화시키다, 경감시키다, 줄이다

crowding = packing = thronging = swarming = flocking = stampede 과밀, 인파, 몰림

bus-only lane 버스전용 차로

transport = carry = convey 수송, 수송하다, 실어나르다

traffic congestion = traffic jam = traffic snarl = traffic snarl-up = bumper-to-bumper traffic 교통 혼잡, 교통 체증, 교통 마비

happen = occur = take place = transpire = realize = materialize = implement = put into effect = bring into force = come into force = carry out = institute 일어나다, 발생하다, 시행하다, 실시하다, 발효되다, 집행하다

on-site feasibility study 현장 타탕성 조사

study = review = look through = examine = consider = check = inquire into = make a close study = scrutinize 살피다, 검토하다, 면밀히 살피다










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