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Intensifying Sino-US conflicts - [사설 읽기] 미중 갈등 심화

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 4. 15.



Intensifying Sino-US conflicts

Action plans urged to tackle China's potential retaliations 중국의 잠재적 보복조치에 대비 해야




Action plans urged to tackle China's potential retaliations
중국의 잠재적 보복조치에 대비 해야


intensify = escalate = heighten = compound = precipitate = inflame = brew = aggravate = worsen = deteriorate = deepen 고조되다, 격화되다, 악화되다, 심화시키다

action plain 조치계획, 활동계획, (서류로 된) 상세한 사업 계획

retaliation = revenge = reprisal = vengeance = tit for tat = requital = vendetta 복수, 보복, 앙갚음

take retaliation on = avenge = take revenge on = wreak vengeance on = inflict revenge on = get back at = pay sth back for = retaliate against = revenge oneself on 복수하다, 앙갚음 하다, 보복하다


Geopolitical tensions between the United States and China continue to intensify possibly toward a potentially critical point. Infuriated by a series of diplomatic offensives by the U.S., China appears poised to resort to economic retaliation, raising concerns about the potential fallout on the national economy. Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen met with U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in Los Angeles Wednesday, prompting China to take countermeasures.
미국과 중국 사이의 지정학적 긴장이 심화되며 임계점을 향해 가고 있다. 미국의 잇따른 외교 공세에 격분한 중국이 경제적 보복에 나설 태세여서 우리 경제에 미칠 파장에 대한 우려가 커지고 있다. 차이잉원 대만 총통이 5일 미국 로스앤젤레스에서 케빈 매카시 미국 하원의장과 회동하자 중국이 바로 반발에 나섰다.


geopolitical tension 지정학적 긴장상태

potentially 위험해질 가능성이 있는

critical point = uppermost limit = critical moment = maximum 임계점, 중요지점

infuriate = enrage = make sb angry = incense = outrage = offend = anger 화나게 하다, 격분하게 하다

diplomatic offensive 외교 공세

offensive = campaign = strike = blitz = crusade (어떤일을 하기위한 대대적인)공세, 운동, (군사적)공격, 모욕적인, 불쾌한, (냄새 등이)역겨운, 극도로 불쾌한

be poised to ~할 준비를 갖추다, ~할 준비가 되다

resort to = have recourse to (다른 대안이 없어서, 특히 좋지 못한 것에) 기대다, 의지하다, ~을 사용하다

economic retaliation 경제적 보복

fallout = aftereffect = aftermath = sequela = repercussion = implication = consequence = complication = ramification = result = spillover = backwash = afterclap = groundswell = ripple effect = knock-on effect = domino effect = chain reaction = butterfly effect 여파, 영향, 결과

prompt = wrought = incite = instigate = abet = egg on = fan = kindle = stoke = spur 부추기다, 선동하다

take countermeasure 대응책을 세우다, 대책을 마련하다, 대응 조치를 취하다


For starters, China stepped up its military campaign targeting Taiwan by deploying an aircraft carrier through waters south of the island. China also incited condemnation from Taiwan by sending fighter jets and dispatching coastguard vessels for unusual patrols. The Tsai-McCarthy meeting triggered anxiety over China's possible move to take further retaliatory measures against the U.S. and its allies. Earlier, China got tough with Taiwan by mobilizing military forces and imposing export restrictions to protest then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan in August last year.
우선 중국은 대만 섬 남쪽 해역에 항공모함을 배치하는 등 대만을 겨냥한 군사작전을 강화했다. 또 중국은 전투기를 보내고 이례적으로 순찰 해경 함정을 파견하는 등 대만을 자극하며 반발을 샀다. 차이잉원-매카시 회동은 미국과 동맹국들에 대한 추가 보복 조치를 취하려는 중국의 움직임에 대한 불안감을 촉발시켰다. 앞서 중국은 지난해 8월 낸시 펠로시 당시 하원의장의 대만 방문에 항의하기 위해 군사력을 동원하고 수출 제한을 가하는 등 강경한 태도를 보였다.


for starters = above all = first of all = firstly = first and foremost = before eveything else = before all else 우선, 첫째로, 가장 중요한 것은

step up = beef up = ramp up = amp up = enforce = reinforce = strengthen = boost = consoldiate = ratchet up = jack up 증가하다, 강화하다, 올리다

deploy (군대/무기)배치하다, 효율적으로 사용하다

aircraft carrier 항공 모함

incite = prompt = wrought = instigate = abet = egg on = fan = kindle = stoke = spur 부추기다, 선동하다

condemnation = criticism = denunciation = flak = reproachment = groundswell = outcry = backlash =  objection = protest 비난, 비판, 반발, 항의

figher jet 전투기

dispatch = move = send 파견하다, 보내다, 출동시키다

coastguard vessel 해안 경비 선박, 해경 함정

patrol 순찰을 돌다, (특히 위협적으로)돌아다니다, 순찰, 순찰대

take retaliatory measures 보복적 조치를 취하다

get tough with = be tough with 강경한 태도를 보이다, ~에 단호한 태도를 가지다, 강경하게 나가다

get-tough 단호한 강경한

mobilize = marshal = muster = call = rally 동원하다, 집결시키다, 모으다

export restriction 수출 규제, 수출 제한


Increasingly wary of the move by the U.S. and Taiwan, China has been cementing ties with Russia. Most recently, China has also been boosting relations with France by inviting President Emmanuel Macron to crucial summits with Chinese President Xi Jinping. The Xi-Macron meetings proceeded in an unusually amicable atmosphere amid the unprecedentedly lavish treatment of the French leader.
미국과 대만의 움직임을 점점 경계하면서 중국은 러시아와의 관계를 공고히 하고 있다. 가장 최근에는 시진핑 중국 국가주석이 엠마뉘엘 마크롱 대통령을 정상회담에 초청하는 등 프랑스와의 관계도 강화하고 있다. 시진핑-마크롱 회동은 전례 없이 성대한 환대 속에 특별히 화기애애한 분위기 속에서 진행되었다.


wary of = cautious of = watchful of = vigilant of = heedful of ~을 경계하는, ~을 주의하는, ~을 신경을 쓰는

cement ties 관계를 견고히 하다

mend ties = improve ties[relations] 관계를 개선하다

boost relations 관계를 증진시키다

proceed = go on = go forward = advance = push ahead = go ahead 진행하다, 계속해서 ~하다, 나아가다, 이동하다 

precede ~에 앞서다, ~에 선행하다, ~앞에가다

amicable = friendly = easygoing = peaceful = like-minded = congenial 우호적인, 원만한

unprecedentedly = unusually 전례없이, 전에없이, 드물게

unprecedented = unparalleled = unheard-of 전례없는, 사상초유의, 미증유의

lavish = generous = bountiful = bounteous = luxurious = extravagant = gorgeous = dazzling = opulent = sumptuous = lush = flashy 풍성한, 호화로운, 너그러운


Some media outlets reported that Xi told Russian President Vladimir Putin he would maintain a neutral stance regarding the sovereignty of the four islands to the south of Kuril Islands, in a shift in China's stance of acknowledging Japan's territorial rights over the isles.
일부 언론은 시 주석이 블라디미르 푸틴 러시아 대통령에게 쿠릴열도 이남 4개 섬의 영유권과 관련해 중립적 입장을 유지하겠다고 말한 것으로 보도했다. 이는 일본의 영유권을 인정하는 중국의 태도 변화라고 볼 수 있다.


media outlet  (신문,방송 따위의) 매스컴

maintain a neutral stance 중립적 입장을 유지하다

territorial rights 영토권


The escalating geopolitical conflicts between the U.S. and China will likely pose additional challenges for the Korean economy. In a "Global Financial Stability Report 2023," the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said the fragmentation of the U.S.-China standoff will lead to aggravating Korea's competitiveness in inducing foreign direct investment mainly for strategically significant industries such as semiconductors. It also forecasts that the growing bilateral rivalry will slow global economic growth by 2 percentage points.
미국과 중국의 지정학적 갈등이 고조되면서 한국 경제에도 추가적인 도전이 생길 것으로 보인다. 국제통화기금(IMF)은 '글로벌 금융안정보고서 2023'에서 미중 교착상태의 파편이 반도체 등 전략적으로 중요한 산업을 중심으로 외국인 직접투자를 유도하는 한국의 경쟁력을 악화시킬 것이라고 밝혔다. 또 양국의 경쟁 심화로 세계 경제성장률이 2%p 더 둔화될 것으로 전망했다.


escalate = intensify = heighten = compound = precipitate = inflame = brew = aggravate = worsen = deteriorate = deepen 고조되다, 격화되다, 악화되다, 심화시키다

conflict = collision = clash = confrontation = fragmentation = feud = row = strife = friction = confrontation = dissension = disharmony = discord = squabble = bickering = spat = quarrel = wrangle 충돌, 갈등, 상충, 언쟁

global financial stability 세계 금융시장 안정

International Monetary Fund (IMF) 국제 통화 기금

standoff = deadlock = impasse = stalemate = gridlock 교착상태

dilemma = quandary = predicament 딜레마, 진퇴양란, 곤궁, 곤란

in limbo 불확실한 상태로, 애매한 상태로, 이러지도 못하고 저러지도 못하는 상태

aggravating = deteriorating = compouding 악화하는, 나빠지는

bilateral rivalry 양국의 경쟁, 양국 경쟁

supremacy = hegemony competition = hegemonic rivalry 패권전쟁

global economic growth 글로벌 경제 성장


The U.S. has been adopting a package of measures aimed at curbing the growth of China's cutting-edge industries. In response, China has also begun to take counter steps against such export-restrictive devices. China is allegedly seeking to include manufacturing technology of "rare earth (neodymium and samarium cobalt) magnet," a core component of high-functional motors, on the list of export controls.
미국은 중국의 첨단산업 성장을 억제하기 위한 일련의 조치를 취해 왔다. 이에 맞서 중국도 이 같은 수출 제한 조치에 대한 맞대응에 나섰다. 중국이 고성능 모터 핵심 부품인 "희토류 (네오디뮴•사마륨코발트) 영구자석" 제조 기술을 수출통제 대상에 포함시키려 한다는 주장이 제기되고 있다.


a package of measures 일괄 조치들, 일련의 조치들

curb = restrict = restrain = constraint = sanction = oppress = repress = limit = keep in check = crack down on = clamp down on = preclude = suppress 규제하다, 억제하다, 저지하다

cutting-edge industry = high-tech industry 첨단기술 산업

take counter steps = take countermeasures 대응 조치를 취하다

export-restrictive devices 수출 제한적 장치, 수출 제한 조치

rare earth 희토류

neodymium Nd 네오디뮴(희토류 금속 원소)

samarium cobalt 사마륨 코발트

high-functional 고기능성

high-performance 고성능의

export control 수출 통제, 수출 규제


China has also asked the World Trade Organization (WTO) to investigate allegations that the U.S., Japan and the Netherlands violated WTO rules by banning exports of state-of-the-art semiconductor equipment to China. China already filed a suit against the U.S. in this regard.
중국은 또 미국과 일본, 네덜란드가 중국에 최첨단 반도체 장비 수출을 금지해 세계무역기구 (WTO) 규정을 위반했다는 의혹에 대해 WTO에 조사를 요청했다. 중국은 이미 이와 관련해 미국을 상대로 소송을 제기했다.


investigate an allegation 주장을 조사하다, 혐의를 조사하다

violate = infringe = transgress = breach = break = go against = run counter to = disobey = contravene 위반하다, 어기다

state-of-the-art = up-to-date = cutting-edge = high-tech = up-to-the-minute = up-to-the-second = the newest = the latest 최신의, 첨산의, 첨단산업의

semiconductor equipment 반도체 장비

file a suit = lodge a suit = bring a suit = sue = go to court = bring case to court = institute a suit 소송을 걸다, 소송을 제기하다


The U.S. has been taking the lead in excluding China from the global supply chain of cutting-edge industries. The CHIPs and Science Act and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) were both designed for the U.S. to realign the global markets of semiconductors, electric vehicles and batteries in its favor.
미국이 첨단산업의 글로벌 공급망에서 중국을 배제하는 데 앞장서 왔다. 반도체 지원법(CHIPs and Science Act)과 인플레이션 감축법(IRA)은 미국이 반도체, 전기 자동차 및 배터리의 세계 시장을 재편성하기 위해 고안되었다.


take the lead = take the helm = spearhead = be in vanguard = become the spearhead = have the uppper hand = have a head start = have the advantage over = gain ascendancy over 앞장서다, 선봉에 서다, 유리한 위치를 잡다

global supply chain 글로벌 공급망

Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) 인플레이션 감축법

realign  (위치·방향을 약간) 변경하다, 조정하다, 재편성하다, 재구성하다, (다른 사람·집단 등에) 동조하다

in one's favor ~에 유리하게, ~을 지지하여, ~에 이익이 되도록


Against this backdrop, China has been desperate to contain U.S. offensives. China accounts for 80 to 90 percent of the global supply of rare earth magnets which are essential for high-tech products such as EVs, aircraft and robots. As the largest producer and manufacturer of such rare products, China has been employing diverse tactics to make the most of the materials.
이런 상황에서 중국은 미국의 공세를 억제하기 위해 필사적이다. 전기차, 항공기, 로봇 등 첨단 제품에 필수적인 희토류 자석은 중국이 전 세계 공급량의 80∼90%를 차지하고 있다. 이러한 제품의 최대 생산국이자 제조업체인 중국은 이를 최대한 활용하기 위해 다양한 전략을 사용해 왔다.


offensive = campaign = strike = blitz = crusade (어떤일을 하기위한 대대적인)공세, 운동, (군사적)공격, 모욕적인, 불쾌한

account for = occupy = make up = constitute 차지하다

rare earth magnet 히토류 자석

employ = make the most of = resort to = have recourse to = utilize = take advantage of = use = capitalize on ~을 이용하다, 활용하다, ~을 사용하다

tactic = strategy = maneuver = strategem = operation = action = demarche 전략, 전술, 작전


Korea, for its part, has been vulnerable to the growing hegemonic competition between the two superpowers. The Yoon Suk Yeol administration unveiled a plan last month to "secure the 10 main minerals" after setting up partnership relations with 12 countries last year. Despite such steps, howeverit is difficult for Korea to reduce its heavy reliance on China in such a short span of time.
한국은 두 강대국 사이 점증하는 패권 경쟁에 취약하다. 윤석열 정부는 지난해 12개국과 파트너십 관계를 맺은 뒤 지난달 '10대 전략 핵심광물 확보' 계획을 공개했다. 하지만 이런 조치에도 한국이 중국에 대한 의존도를 단기간에 줄이기는 어렵다.


vulnerable = weak = susceptible = suggestible = impresionable = easily-led = more likely to be influenced 취약한, 영향을 받기 쉬운

hegemonic competition =  hegemonic rivalry = supremacy = hegemony competition 패권전쟁

superpower 초강대국(미국 같은 군사적·경제적 대국)

unveil a plan 계획을 밝히다 

set up partnership relations with ~와 파트너쉽을 맺다

heavy reliance on ~에 대한 큰 의존도

in a short span of time = in a short period of time = in a short time frame 짧은 시간안에, 단기간에


It is high time for the government and businesses to double down on expanding the supply channels from a long-term perspective. Economic and diplomatic efforts are necessary to help minimize the possible impact on the national economy.
정부와 기업이 장기적인 관점에서 공급 경로를 확대하기 위한 갑절의 노력이 필요하다. 국가 경제에 미칠 수 있는 영향을 최소화하기 위해 경제적, 외교적 노력 또한 필요하다.

it is high time ~할 적기이다

double down on = step up efforts = redouble = make a greater effort (시간/노력 등을) 배가하다, 강화하다

supply channel = supply chain 공급 경로, 공급망

from a long-term perspective = from a long-term standpoint 장기적은 관점에서

national economy 국가 경제








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