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Elderly population outgrows social safety net - 고령 인구, 사회 안전망 넘어서

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 1. 10.



Elderly population outgrows social safety net

Experts call for drastic measures as Korea braces for ultra-aged society 전문가들, “한국은 과감한 조치로 초고령 사회 대비해야”



Experts call for drastic measures as Korea braces for ultra-aged society
전문가들, "한국은 과감한 조치로 초고령 사회 대비해야"

outgrow = grow out of  (옷 등에 비해 사람의 몸 등이) 너무 커져 맞지 않게 되다, ~보다 커지다, ~보다 많아지다

social safety net 사회 안전망 (최저 생활 보장 제도)

drastic = daring = audaciuos =decisive = bold = resolute 과감한, 과단성 있는

sharp = rapid = drastic = fast 급격한

measure = step = action = demarche = move = maneuver = drive 조치, 수단, 행동, 움직임

brace for = make provision for = prepare for = ready for ~을 위한 준비를 하다

be ready for = be prepared for = be poised to ~할 준비가 되다, ~할 태세를 갖추다

ultra-aged society = super aging society 초고령화 사회


Korea's consistently low birthrate coupled with a higher life expectancy is rapidly transforming the country's demographic structure. The latest data from Statistics Korea projects the nation to become a super-aged society by 2025, in which over 20 percent of its 52 million population are aged 65 and older.
지속적으로 낮은 출산율과 높은 기대 수명은 한국의 인구 구조를 빠르게 변화시키고 있다. 통계청 최신 자료에 따르면 우리나라는 2025년이면 5200만 인구의 20% 이상이 65세 이상 노인인 초고령 사회에 진입할 것으로 보인다.


consistently = invariably  한결같은, 지속적으로, 일관하여, 변함없는

chronically 만성적으로, 고질적으로, 고쳐지지 않는

low birthrate 낮은 출산율

birthrate = rate of birth = childbirth rate 출산율

childbirth = childbearing 출산, 분만

coupled with = in line with = in conjunction with = together with = alongside = along with = in tandem with ~와 맞물려, ~와 함께, ~와 동시에

life expectancy 기대 수명

transform = transfiture = change = turn 변형시키다, (모습·성격을, 특히 더 좋게) 완전히 바꿔 놓다, 탈바꿈시키다

transformation (완전한)탈바꿈, 변화, 변신

demographic structure 인구 구조, 인구통계학적 구조

demographics 인구 통계 (자료)

census 인구조사, 호구조사, 국세조사

project = foresee = look ahead = forecast = estimate = conjecture = expect = surmisie = reckon = predict =  guess = presume = assume 예상하다, 예측하다, 추측하다


In line with the increase in the elderly population, the number of economically vulnerable senior citizens is rising at a rapid pace.
고령 인구의 증가에 따라 경제적으로 취약한 노인의 수가 빠른 속도로 증가하고 있다.


 in line with = coupled with = in conjunction with = together with = alongside = along with = in tandem with ~와 맞물려, ~와 함께, ~와 동시에

the elderly population = the older citizen = an elderly citizen = senior citizen = mzee = the elders = the aged = the old 어르신, 노인

vulnerable = feeble = weak = delicate = fragile = frail 취약한, 부서지기 쉬운, 허약한

at a rapid pace 빠른 속도로, 빠른 걸음으로

at an alarming pace 우려스러운 속도로, 걱정스러운 속도로


According to a 2022 OECD report, the relative poverty rate among people aged over 65 in Korea came to 43.2 percent, the highest among its member countries, and a position the nation has maintained for several years. The relative poverty rate refers to the proportion of the population whose income is below 50 percent of the nation's median income.
2022년 OECD 보고서에 따르면 한국의 65세 이상 인구의 상대적 빈곤율은 43.2%로 수년째 회원국 중 가장 높은 수준을 유지하고 있다. 상대 빈곤율은 소득이 국가 중위소득의 50% 미만인 인구의 비율을 말한다.


relative poverty rate 상대적 빈곤율

relative deprivation 상대적 박탈감, 상대적 결핍

poverty = destitution = neediness = penury = necessitous[needy/straitened/narrow] circumstance = lean purse = light purse = strait 가난, 궁핍

come to = account for = amount to = reach = run into = touch = take up = occupy = stand at 차지하다, ~에 이르다, 달하다

median income 중위소득, 중간소득


Experts, who pointed out Korea's ill-preparedness for the imminent transformation into an ultra-aged society, said the government should urgently revamp the nation's welfare system and take drastic steps to bolster the social safety net.
전문가들은 한국이 초고령 사회로의 진입이 임박했지만 이러한 변화에 대한 준비가 미비하다는 점을 지적하며, 정부가 시급히 국가 복지 시스템을 개편하고 사회 안전망 강화를 위해 과감한 조치를 취해야 한다고 말했다.


point out = criticize = lambast = censure = condemn = deprecate = admonish = rebuke = reporve = chastise = slam = blame = attribute = impute 지적하다, 꾸짓다, 비판하다, ~을 탓하다

ill-prepared 준비가 안된, 대비가 안된, 비 계획적인, 비 조적직인

ill-preparedness 준비부족

ill-conceived 계획이 잘못된, 구상이 잘 못된

imminent = impending = pending = pressing = urgent = forthcoming = in store = on the horizon 임박한, 곧 닥칠, 시급한

transformation into ~로의 변모

revamp = restructure = reorganizie = rearrange = reshuffle = refurbish 개각하다, 개편하다, 개보수하다

welfare system 복지시스템

take drastic steps = adopt blod steps 과감한 조치를 취하다

bolster = strengthen = reinforce = beef up = ramp up = amp up = ratchet up = foltify = consolidate = solidify = cement = stifften = enhance = improve = amelliorate 강화하다, 강화시키다, 개선하다

social safety net 사회 안전망 (최저 생활 보장 제도)


Hur Jun-soo, a professor of social welfare at Soongsil University, said that the overall quality of Korea's welfare measures for the elderly remains near the bottom among 38 OECD member countries.
허준수 숭실대 사회복지학과 교수는 한국의 전반적인 노인복지 대책의 질은 OECD 38개국 중 최하위권에 머물고 있다고 말했다.


overall = general = whole = entire = full = complete = comprehensive = all-around 전반적인, 종합적인, 전체적인

near the bottom 바닥에 가까운, 바닥 근처, 바닥을 맴도는


"The share of the budget allocated to senior welfare out of the nation's total welfare budget stands at 25 percent. This is a significantly low figure compared to 45 percent in Japan or 39 percent in France. Government spending on senior citizens' welfare should increase in line with the country's economic growth as well as the aging population," he told The Korea Times.
허 교수는 코리아타임스에 "국가 전체 복지예산 중 노인복지가 차지하는 비중은 25%로 일본의 45%, 프랑스의 39%에 비해 현저히 낮은 수준이다. 노인 복지에 대한 정부 지출은 고령화 인구뿐만 아니라 국가 경제 성장과 함께 증가해야 한다"고 말했다.


allocate = earmark = set aside = put aside = allot (특정 목적을 위해 공식적으로) 할당하다, 따로 배정핟

welfare budget 복지재정

government spending = government expenditure 정부지출

senior citizen = the elderly population = the older citizen = an elderly citizen = mzee = the elders = the aged = the old 어르신, 노인

in line with = in accordance with = together with = along side = along with = in proportion to = in response to ~에 준하여, ~에 맞게, ~와 함께

economic growth 경제적 성장


As for the main reason why so many elderly Koreans are struggling with poverty compared with other countries, he pointed to the late introduction of the national pension scheme.
그는 타국에 비해 우리나라 노인들이 빈곤에 허덕이는 가장 큰 원인으로 국민연금제도의 늦은 도입을 꼽았다.


as for = as regards = in respects = in terms of = with regard to = in regard to = regarding ~에 관한한, ~에 관해서 

struggle with = grapple with = wrastle with ~로 애쓰다, ~로 고군분투하다

point to = invoke = impute = attribute = blame (이유로)~을 들먹이다, ~을 시사하다, ~을 탓하다

late 늦은, 늦게, 말에, 늦게, 말년의

belated 뒤늦은

introduction = adoption 도입하다, (아이디어·계획 등의) 채택, 선정

national pension scheme 국가 연금 제도


"Korea's public pension system was first launched in 1988, whereas it was introduced a century earlier in countries like Germany. Also, the basic monthly pension paid to retirees is too small compared to other countries and insufficient to cover their basic needs."
"한국의 국민연금제도가 1988년에 처음 출범한 반면 독일 등은 이보다 100년 앞서 도입되었다. 또한 퇴직자에게 지급되는 월 기초연금은 타국에 비해 지나치게 적고 기본적인 생활을 충당하기에도 부족하다."


launch = initiate = commence = release 시작하다, 개시하다, 출범하다

basic monthly pension 월기초 연금

severance pay 퇴직금, 퇴직수당, 해직수당

pension = superannuation (정년퇴직 후 받는) 연금, 월별 기여금

retiree 은퇴자, 퇴직자

basic need 기본적인 생활, 기본적인 필요

basic living cost 기초 생활비

make ends meet = eke out a living = eke out a livelihood[existance] = live from hand to mouth = bring home the bacon = subsist on 겨우 먹고 살다, 간신히 생활을 유지하다, 겨우 입에 풀칠하다


Stressing the need for pension reform, the professor also said that lengthening careers is essential to guarantee future retirees an adequate monthly pension and ensure the national pension's sustainability.
허 교수는 연금 개혁의 필요성을 강조하면서 미래 퇴직자들에게 적절한 월 연금을 보장하고 국민연금의 지속가능성을 보장하기 위해서는 정년 연장이 필수적이라고 말했다.


stress = emphasize = underscore = underline = highlight = accentuate = play up = accent 강조하다

pension reform 연금 개혁

lengthen = extend = prolong = elongate 길어지게 하다, 늘어지게 하다, 늘이다

essential = indispensable = necessary = critical = fundamental = integral = vital = cardinal = primary = prime = salient = paramount 필수적인, 기본적인, 가장중요한

adequate = proper = reasonable = appropriate = suitable = vaild 적당한, 적절한, 합리적인

guarantee = assure = ensure = promise 보장하다

sustainability 지속가능성

maintainance 유지, 지속, 생활비, 양육비


"The retirement age currently set at 60 should be extended to at least 65, and possibly to 70 in the long term. This will allow people to remain active in the labor market longer and thus enable them to make more contributions to their pension," he said. "Plus, staying socially active is good for both mental and physical health."
허 교수는 "현재 60세로 설정된 정년은 최소 65세로, 장기적으로는 70세까지 연장되어야 한다. 이렇게 하면 인구 전체가 노동 시장에서 더 오래 활동할 수 있고 따라서 연금에 더 많이 기여할 수 있다"며 "또한 사회적 활동 유지는 정신 건강과 신체 건강 모두에 좋다"고 덧붙였다.


retirement age 정년 퇴직 연령

voluntary retirement = early retirement 희망퇴직, 자진 퇴직

at least = at the lowest estimate = at the very least 적어도, 낮게잡아도

at most = at the highest estimate = at the very most 최대한,  기껏해야, 많아봐야, 최대한으로 잡아도

labor market 노동 시장

make more contributions to = add more contributions to ~에 더 많은 기여를 하다

be good for ~에 좋다

mental health = psychological health 정신건강, 심리적 건강

physical health = bodily health 육체적 건강, 신체적 건강








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