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Lifting of indoor mask mandate gains momentum - 실내 마스크 착용 해제 가능성 높아져

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 12. 9.



Lifting of indoor mask mandate gains momentum

The government will decide whether to ease the indoor mask mandate no later than March next year. 정부는 늦어도 내년 3월까지는 실내 마스크 착용의무 완화 여부를 결정할 것이다.



The government will decide whether to ease the indoor mask mandate no later than March next year, health authorities said, Wednesday.
수요일 보건 당국은 정부가 늦어도 내년 3월까지는 실내 마스크 착용의무 완화 여부를 결정할 것이라고 밝혔다.


lift = scrap = abolish = do away with = remove = revoke = rescind = abrogate = repeal = annul = nullify = negate = invalidate = discontinue 없애다, 철회하다, 폐지하다

indoor 실내의, 실내용의

outdoor = open-air 옥외의, 야외의

mask mandate = mandatory mask-wearing = mask requirement 마스크 착용 의무화

gain momentum = accelerate 가속도가 붙다, 탄력이 붙다

lose steam 열기가 식다

ease = slacken = loosen = slow down = alleviate = mitigate = relieve 완화시키다, 덜어주다, 경감시키다

no later than ~보다 늦지 않게, 적어도 ~까지는

no earlier than ~보다 빠르지 않게, ~이후에나, 비로소~이후에나


Interior and Safety Minister Lee Sang-min, who is also the second deputy head of the Central Disease Management Headquarters, said during a meeting at Seoul Government Complex, Wednesday, that the government will "map out a final plan" concerning the lifting of the indoor mask mandate by the end of this month.
중앙재난안전대책본부(중대본) 제2차장이기도 한 이상민 행정안전부 장관은 수요일 정부서울청사에서 주재한 회의에서 정부는 이달 말까지 실내 마스크 착용의무 해제와 관련한 "최종 계획을 수립할 것"이라고 전했다.


the Central Disease Management headquarters 중앙재난안전대책본부

complex = compound 복합건물, (건물)단지, (관련있는 것의)덩어리,집합체

map out = work out = come up with = design = plan = draw = figure out = produce = generate = devise = think up = look for = seek for = contrive = draft = organize = formulate 계획하다, 생각해내다, 고안하다

final plan = final programme 최종안, 최종 계획

concerning = regarding = with regard to = as to = pertaining to = as regards = in respect of = as respects = in terms of = when it comes to = as for ~에 관해서, ~에 관련하여

indoor mask mandate 실내 마스크 착용 의무화

by the end of this month 이달 말 까지

year-end 연말, 연말의


The government will consult with specialists and hold an open debate on Dec. 15 before setting up the final plan, Lee explained. Since early November, health authorities mentioned the possibility of lifting the indoor mask mandate after a resurgence of coronavirus infections this winter.
이 장관은 정부는 최종 계획을 세우기 전 전문가 의견 수렴을 위해 15일 공개토론회를 열 것이라고 설명했다. 11월 초 이래로 보건 당국은 이번 겨울 코로나 감염 재유행 이후 실내 마스크 착용 해제 가능성에 대해 언급해왔다.


consult with = discuss with = confer with = talk with = talk to 상의하다, 협의하다, 논의하다

open debate 열린토론, 공개토론회

set up = establish = build = form = plan = map out (뜻·계획 등을) 세우다

explain = explicate = give details = delineate = expound = elaborate = go into detail = detail = elucidate = give particulars = account for 설명하다, 자세히 설명하다

mention = refer to = comment = utter = note = make reference = remark = thematize = state = articulate = enunciate 언급하다, 말하다

possibility = likelihood = odds = potentiality = potential = prospect = chance 가능성, 가망

resurgence 재발, 재기, 부활

resurgent 다시 유행하는, 기승을 부리는

infection = contagion 감염


The government will decide whether to ease the indoor mask mandate sometime "between next January and March, at the latest," Peck Kyong-ran, commissioner of the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA), said.
백경란 질병관리청장은 정부가 "늦어도 내년 1월에서 3월 사이에" 실내 마스크 착용의무 완화 여부를 결정할 것이라고 전했다.


at the latest (아무리) 늦어도

no later than ~보다 늦지 않게, 적어도 ~까지는

no earlier than ~보다 빠르지 않게, ~이후에나, 비로소~이후에나

commissioner (위원회의) 위원, (일부 국가에서) 경찰국장, (일부 국가에서 정부 부처의) 장관


Some facilities could remain subject to the indoor mask mandate in order to protect high-risk groups, the commissioner said, explaining that "voluntary mask wearing could be necessary to protect one's own health."
이 장관은 고위험군을 보호를 위한 일부 시설에서는 실내 마스크 착용이 의무로 남을 가능성이 높다며 "자발적인 마스크 착용이 스스로의 건강 보호를 위해 필요할 수 있다"고 설명했다.


subject to ~의 영향하에 있는, ~을 조건으로 하는, ~을 받아야 하는, ~의 조건 하에

be subject to ~의 지배를 받다, ~의 영향하에 놓이다, ~의 대상이다

high-risk groups 고위험 집단

critically ill patient = seriously ill patient 위중증 환자

mask wearing 마스크 착용

mask-shaming 마스크 착용하는 것을 부끄럽게 여기는 것

voluntary = optional = free 자발적인, 자진한, 자원봉사로 하는

voluntary workk = voluntary service 자원봉사

mandate = compulsory = coercive = strong-arm = obligatory = forced 의무적인, 강제적인, 강요된

necessary = essential = imperative = indispensable = important 필수적인, 중요한


The officials emphasized the importance of the single quarantine systemreferring to a recent move by one provincial government to go against the nationwide mask directive.
정부 관계자들은 단일 방역망의 중요성을 강조하며 전국적인 마스크 착용의무 지시를 따르지 않은 한 지방자치단체의 최근 움직임을 암시했다.


emphasize = stress = put an emphasis[stress] = highlight = accentuate = accent = underscore = underline = play up 강조하다

dwell on = keep thinking about 연연해 하다, 곱씹다, ~을 늘어놓다

quarantine system 방역 시스템, 격리 시스템

self-quarantine 자가 격리

quarantine measure = quarantine rule 방역 조치,방역 수칙

refer to = mention = comment = utter = note = make reference = remark = thematize = state = articulate = enunciate 언급하다, 말하다

move = movement = drive = action = demarche 움직임, 조치

provincial government 지방 정부

municipal government = municipality 시정, 시당국

prefecture = province 지방 행정 구역, 도, 현

precinct = constituency = distict 선거구, (경찰)관할구, 관할 경찰서

jurisdiction 관할권, 사법권, 관할 구역

go against = stand against = dissent = oppose = object = raise objections to = deprecate = disagree = disapprove of = gainsay = deny 반대하다directive = official order = instruction = command = mandate = obligation (공식적인) 지시, 명령, 지휘하는, 지시하는


The Daejeon Metropolitan Government requested the disease management headquarters on Dec. 1 to ease the requirement by January for the pandemic-weary public. South Chungcheong Province Mayor Kim Tae-heum also said that wearing masks indoors should be an individual's choice.
1일 대전시는 중앙방역대책 본부에 코로나로 지친 시민들을 위해 1월까지 마스크 착용 의무를 완화해달라고 요청했다. 김태흠 충남지사 역시 실내 마스크 착용은 개인의 선택이어야 한다고 말했다.


Metropholitan Government 대도시 정부

request = demand = ask for = call on = call for = require = claim = call upon 

entreat = bag = implore = request sincerely 간청하다, 애원하다

requirement = mandate = obligation = committment 의무화

pandemic-weary 팬데믹으로 지친

weary = tired = wearisome = tedious = worn out = exhausted = fatigued = fed up = bored = sick of 지친, 지루한, 싫증이난public = public at large = populace = grassroots = common people = the masses = the people = ordinary people 대중들

inidividual's choice 개개인의 선택

voluntary = optional = free 자발적인, 자진한, 자원봉사로 하는

a matter of personal choice 개인의(개인적인) 선택문제

indoor 실내의, 실내용의

indoors = within doors 실내에서, 실내로

outdoor = open-air 옥외의, 야외의

outdoors = in the open air = out of doors 야외에서, 옥외에서, 전원, 야외


Peck said the headquarters "provided enough explanation on the effectiveness of indoor mask-wearing (to local governments) and requested their cooperation in operating a single quarantine system." There was no objection from the local governments, she said.
백 질병관리청장은 중대본은 "실내 마스크의 착용 효과에 대해 (지자체에) 충분히 설명했으며 단일 방역망 가동을 위해 지자체의 협조를 요청했다"고 전했다. 백 관리청창은 이에 대해 지자체의 이의 제기는 없었다고 말했다.


explanation = account = delineation = elucidation 설명

effectiveness = effect = efficiency = efficacy = efficaciousness = effectivity 효과,유효, 유효성, 효험

cooperation = aid = support = mutual assistance = collaboration = cooperative work = help 협력, 협조, 도움, 상호원조

cooperation in ~에 대한 협력

objection = dissent = disapproval = disagreement = deprecation = opposition 반대

local government = municipality = municipal government = local self-governing body 지방 자치제, 지방정부


As other major quarantine measures, including the social distancing regulations, have been discussed and operated by the Central Disease Management Headquarters, the easing of indoor mask-wearing regulations should also go through the same process, the minister said.
이 장관은 사회적 거리두기 규제를 포함한 다른 주요 방역 수칙을 중대본이 논의하고 가동해 온 만큼 실내 마스크 착용의무 해제 역시 동일한 과정을 거쳐야 한다고 말했다.


major = main = key = core = prime = primary = cardinal = paramount = pivotal = vital =  important = principal 주요, 주된

quarantine measure = quarantine rule 방역 조치,방역 수칙

social distancing regulations 사회적 거리두기 규제

regulation = restriction = restraint = constraint = stricture = limitation = control 규제, 제약,  제한, 한계, 단속, 통제

go through = experience = undergo = meet with = pass through 겪다, 치르다, 거치다

process = precedure = step = proceedings 절차

proceeds (물건 판매·행사 등을 하여 받는) 돈, 수익금


Meanwhile, health experts believe the end of next January could be an opportune time to ease the regulation.
한편, 보건 전문가들은 내년 1월 말이 마스크 규제를 완화할 적절한 시점이라고 내다보고 있다.


meanwhile = in the meantime = menatime = in the meanwhile 그러는 동안에, 그러는 사이에, (다음 일이 있을) 그때까지

opportune = apt = apposite = favorable = seemly = proper = appropriate = adequate = decent = suitable = timely 적절한, 시의 적절한

opportune time = suitable time = right time 적절한 시간

at a opportune time = in due course = in due season = in good time 적당한 때에

ease the regulation 규제를 완화하다

ease = slacken = loosen = slow down = alleviate = mitigate = relieve 완화시키다, 덜어주다, 경감시키다











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