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정이로운 영어공부/with 코리아타임스1031

'Narco-Saints' tests Korea's diplomatic ties with Suriname - 넷플릭스 시리즈 '수리남’, 한국-수리남 외교 관계 시험대에 올려 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/09/742_336157.html?utm_source=CU 'Narco-Saints' tests Korea's diplomatic ties with Suriname Korean Embassy in Venezuela issues safety warning to Korean residents of Suriname 주베네수엘라 한국대사관, 수리남 현지 교민에 안전 주의 당부 www.koreatimes.co.kr Korean Embassy in Venezuela issues safety warning to Korean residents of Suriname 주베네수엘라 한국대사관, 수리남 현지 교민에 안전 주의 당부 test 시험,.. 2022. 9. 18.
Seoul City, Mapo District at odds over new waste incineration plant - 서울시와 마포구, 소각장 설치로 대립 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/09/742_336122.html?utm_source=CU Seoul City, Mapo District at odds over new waste incineration plant The introduction of a new waste incineration plant in Seoul's Mapo District has placed the city and district government at odds with each other. 마포구 소각장(광역자원회수시설) 입지 선정으로 인해 서울시와 마포구가 갈등을 www.koreatimes.co.kr Dispute over site selection turns into wran.. 2022. 9. 16.
Korea's 'twin boom': twin rate rises to 5% among newborns - 한국의 '쌍둥이 붐', 출생아 중 다태아 비율 5%로 증가 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/09/742_336093.html?utm_source=CU Korea's 'twin boom': twin rate rises to 5% among newborns On New Year’s Day this year, Ahn Ki-hoon, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Korea University Anam Hospital, carried out a cesarean operation to help a pregnant woman deliver triplets. 올해 첫 날 고려대학교 안암병원 산부인과 안 www.koreatimes.co.kr On New Year's Day this.. 2022. 9. 16.
Korea could face natural gas shortage in winter - 한국, 올 겨울 천연가스 부족 사태 직면할 수도 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/09/743_336056.html?utm_source=CU Korea could face natural gas shortage in winter Concerns are growing over a possible shortage of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the upcoming winter as prices are expected to soar due to Russia’s supply cut to European buyers and Australia’s move to curb exports of key natural resources, market watch www.koreatimes.co.k.. 2022. 9. 15.
'Squid Game' heralds new era in global entertainment industry - '오징어게임’, 세계 엔터테인먼트 시장에 새 시대 열어 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/09/745_336029.html?utm_source=CU 'Squid Game' heralds new era in global entertainment industry Actor Lee, director Hwang score historical wins at Emmy Awards 배우 이정재와 감독 황동혁, 에미상 수상으로 새 역사 써 www.koreatimes.co.kr Actor Lee, director Hwang score historical wins at Emmy Awards 배우 이정재와 황동혁 감독, 에미상 수상으로 새 역사 써 herald (앞으로 있을 일을) 예고하다, 도래를 알리다, (좋은일/중요한 일)알리.. 2022. 9. 15.
Korea faces challenges similar to 2008 financial crisis: ex-Fed economist - 전 연방준비제도 경제학자, “한국은 2008년 금융 위기와 유사한 도전에 직면” https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/09/742_335998.html?utm_source=CU Korea faces challenges similar to 2008 financial crisis: ex-Fed economist Kim says prolonged trade deficit could be perceived as sign of economic crisis 김진일 교수, www.koreatimes.co.kr Kim says prolonged trade deficit could be perceived as sign of economic crisis 김진일 교수, "무역수지 적자 장기화, 경제 위기 신호로 인식될 수 있어" similar to = anal.. 2022. 9. 14.