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Korea faces challenges similar to 2008 financial crisis: ex-Fed economist - 전 연방준비제도 경제학자, “한국은 2008년 금융 위기와 유사한 도전에 직면”

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 9. 14.



Korea faces challenges similar to 2008 financial crisis: ex-Fed economist

Kim says prolonged trade deficit could be perceived as sign of economic crisis 김진일 교수,




Kim says prolonged trade deficit could be perceived as sign of economic crisis
김진일 교수, "무역수지 적자 장기화, 경제 위기 신호로 인식될 수 있어"

similar to = analogous to = akin to ~와 비슷한, ~와 유사한

equivelant to = corresponding to = comparable to = tantamount to ~에 상응하는, ~에 해당하는, ~에 필적할 만한

financial crisis = fiscal crisis 금융 위기

fiasco = disaster = debacle = failure = disintegration = apocalypse 낭패, 재앙, 붕괴, 완패

prolonged = protracted = long-drawn-out = long-term = dragging = drawling = tenacious = pertinacious 질질끄는, 장기화의, 끈질긴

trade deficit 무역 수지 적자

trade surplus 무역 수지 흑자

balance of trade = trade balance (국가의)무역수지

deficit = loss = red ink = red figures = the red 적자

surplus = gain = black ink = black figure = the black 흑자

go into the red 적자를 내다

go into the black 흑자를 내다

perceive = see = recognize = be aware of = cognize = discern 감지하다, 인지하다, ~로 여기다

perception = cognizance = understanding = realization = awareness = recognition 지각, 자각, 통찰력, 인식(하여 갖게된 생각)

sign = prelude = signal = omen = portent = precursor = harbinger = bodement = boding 징후, 조짐, 전조, 서막

auspicious sign = lucky sign = good omen 좋은 징조, 길조

ominous siign = bad omen = night raven = the writing on the wall = evil sign 불길한 징조


A noted economic expert has called on the Korean government to raise its guard against a possible economic crisis, as the Korean economy is facing challenges similar to those of the 2008-2009 global financial crisis.
한 저명한 경제 전문가는 한국 경제가 2008-2009년 글로벌 금융 위기와 유사한 도전에 직면해 있다며 경제 위기에 대한 준비태세 강화를 한국 정부에 촉구했다.


noted = prominent = distinguished = famous = notable = renowned 명성있는, 유명한

call on = request = urge = ask for = call for = demand = require 요청하다, 요구하다

raise one's guard = remain vigilant = be put on alert = take heed of = keep a close eye on 경계하다, 주의하다, 바짝 긴장하다, 경계를 늦추지 않다

economic crisis 경제 위기

crises (복수형)crisis

economic meltdown 경제 붕괴

similar to = analogous to = akin to ~와 비슷한, ~와 유사한

equivelant to = corresponding to = comparable to = tantamount to ~에 상응하는, ~에 해당하는, ~에 필적할 만한

financial crisis = fiscal crisis 금융 위기


Kim Jin-il, a former U.S. Federal Reserve economist, pointed out that the five-month-long trade deficit Korea has suffered, which is rare, could be perceived from abroad as a sign of a possible crisis if it is protracted.
김진일 전 미국 연방준비제도 경제학자는 한국이 지난 5개월 동안 겪었던 드문 무역수지 적자 상황이 장기화될 경우 해외에서 위기의 징후로 인식될 수 있다고 지적했다.


U.S. Federal Reserve = U.S. Fed 미국 연방준비제도

former = ex = one-time = previous = old 전의, 전임자의, 이전의, 종전의

point out = warn = criticize = indicate = note 가리키다, 지적하다, 언급하다

rare = uncommon = unusual 드문, 흔치 않은

prolonged = protracted = long-drawn-out = long-term = dragging = drawling = tenacious = pertinacious 질질끄는, 장기화의, 끈질긴


Also an economics professor at Korea University, Kim assessed that Asia's fourth-largest economy is currently undergoing turbulent times that are comparable to the 2008-2009 global financial crisis.
고려대 경제학과 교수이기도 한 김 교수는 아시아 4위 경제 대국이 현재 2008~2009년 글로벌 금융위기에 버금가는 격동의 시기를 겪고 있다고 평가했다.


assess = estimate = judge = appraise = evaluate = calculate = reckon = compute = work out 평가하다, 산출하다, 산정하다

undergo = exprience = go through = suffer = meet with 겪다, 경함하다

turbulent = tumultuous = tempestuous = choppy = unruly = stormy 격동의, 격변의, 사납게 날뛰는, 요동치는, 난기류의

turbulent times = disturbed times = unsettled times 불안정한 시기, 격동의 시기

comparable to = equivelant to = corresponding to = tantamount to ~에 상응하는, ~에 해당하는, ~에 필적할 만한


"The negative balance of trade can raise doubts over Korea's economic fundamentals outside the country if it persists," Kim said in a recent interview with The Korea Times.
김 교수는 최근 코리아타임스와의 인터뷰에서 "무역수지 적자가 지속된다면 대외경제 기반에 의문이 제기될 수 있다"고 말했다.


negative balance of trade = a netative trade balance 마이너스 무역 수지, 무역 수지 적자

raise a doubt = raise a question = throw a doubt = pose a quesstion = cast a doubt = impugn 의문을 제기하다

persist = last = continue = endure 지속되다, 계속가다, 오래가다

persistent = unrelenting = relentless 끈질긴, 집요한, 끊임없는, 지속되는, 반복되는, 수그러들지 모르는


His remarks came as Korea logged a trade deficit for the fifth consecutive month in August — for the first time since 2008.
김 교수는 한국이 2008년 이후 처음으로 8월에 다섯 달 연속 무역 적자를 기록하자 해당 발언을 했다.


remark = comment = utterance = statement 발언

log = record = mark 기록하다

consecutive = in succession = successive = a series of = a train of = a string of = a chain of = serial 연이은

for the first time since ~이후 처음으로

for the very first time 최초로


The deficit amounted to a record $9.47 billion in August, as imports soared 28.2 percent year-on-year to $66.15 billion to outpace exports, which have been slowing down in terms of growth. Outbound shipments increased 6.6 percent year-on-year to $56.6 billion.
8월 무역수지 적자는 94억7000만달러로 사상 최대치를 기록했다. 수입은 전년 동기 대비 28.2% 증가한 661억5000만달러로 성장세가 둔화 중인 수출을 앞질렀다. 국내 전체 수출액은 전년 대비 6.6% 증가한 566억 달러를 기록했다.


amount to = come to = reach 달하다, 달성하다

record =  all-time higih = historic high기록적인, 사상 최대치의

soar = surge = jump = increase rapidly = burgeon = go through the roof 치솟다, 급등하다

incremental = gradual increasing 증가하는, 증대의, 서서히 증가하는

gradual = progressive 점진적인, 꾸준히 진행되는 

year-on-year = from the same period of last year 전년 대비, 전년 동기 대비

outpace = outstrip = outdo = surpass = outdistance 능가하다, 앞서다

outbound shipments 수출액, 수출량

inbound shipments 수입량, 수입액


"The trade deficit is not at a worrisome level so far, but it could be perceived as a sign of serious damage to the Korean economy if it does not improve," Kim said.
김 교수는 "현재까지는 무역적자가 우려할 만한 수준은 아니지만 개선되지 않으면 우리 경제에 심각한 피해가 있다는 신호로 인식될 수 있다"고 말했다.


at a worrisome level 우려할 만한 수준, 걱정할 만한 수준

so far = until now = up to now = to date = hitherto 지금까지

sign = prelude = signal = omen = portent = precursor = harbinger = bodement = boding 징후, 조짐, 전조, 서막

auspicious sign = lucky sign = good omen 좋은 징조, 길조

ominous siign = bad omen = night raven = the writing on the wall = evil sign 불길한 징조


The trade balance is one of the multiple economic indicators that has deteriorated to its worst level since either of the two events that battered the Korean economy: the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis and the 2008-2009 global financial crisis.
무역수지는 1997-1998년 아시아 금융 위기와 2008-2009년 글로벌 금융 위기라는 한국 경제를 강타한 두 사건 이후 최악 수준으로 악화된 여러 경제 지표 중 하나다.


balance of trade = trade balance (국가의)무역수지

economic indicator = economic barometer 경제 지표

multiple = various = varied = miscellaneous = diverse 다양한, 여러종류의

mutifarious = many-sided = variegated 다양한, 다채로운

deteriorate = aggravate = exacerbate = worsen 악화시키다

batter = dash = punch = bash = smash = blow 강타하다, 때리다, 후려치다


These indicators include: the growth rate, consumer prices, the won-dollar exchange rate, the foreign exchange reserve and shortterm foreign debt.
이러한 지표에는 성장률, 소비자 물가, 원·달러 환율, 외환 보유고 및 단기 외채가 포함된다.


indicator = barometer 지표

economic indicator = economic barometer 경제 지표

growth rate 성장률consumer prices 소비자 물가won-dollar exchange rate 원달러 환율forign exchange reserve 외환보유고shortterm foreign debt 단기 외채


While the Bank of Korea (BOK) lowered its 2022 economic growth forecast to 2.6 percent from 2.7 percent in its latest revised outlook, concerns linger over inflation as consumer prices jumped 5.7 percent in August from a year earlier. The Korean currency declined below the 1,380- won level against the U.S. dollar for the first time in more than 13 years on Wednesday, while the ratio of short-term foreign debt compared to Korea's foreign exchange reserves has surged to its highest level in 10 years.
한국은행은 2022년 경제성장률 전망치를 2.7%에서 2.6%로 하향 조정했지만, 8월 소비자 물가가 전년 동기 대비 5.7% 급등하면서 인플레이션 우려는 여전하다. 수요일 원·달러 환율은 13년여 만에 달러 대비 1,380원 아래로 떨어졌고, 외환보유고 대비 단기외채 비중이 10년 만에 최고치를 기록했다.


economic growth forecast 경제 성장률 전망치

revised outlook 개정된 전망

linger (예상보다 오래)남다, 계속되다, 더 오래 머물다

consumer prices 소비자 물가

from a year earlier = year-on-year = compared to the previous year = from the same period of last year 전년 대비

currency 통화, 통용

for the first time in years 수년 만에

for the first time since ~이후 처음으로

the rate of ~의 율, ~의 비율

short-term = shortterm 단기, 단기의

short-term foreign debt = shortterm foreign debt 단기 외채

surge = soar = jump = increase rapidly = burgeon = go through the roof 치솟다, 급등하다








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