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Typhoon batters Korea's southern regions - 태풍 힌남노, 한국 남부 강타

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 9. 7.



Typhoon batters Korea's southern regions

Typhoon Hinnamnor veered away from the Korean Peninsula on Tuesday morning, after slamming the country’s southern regions, leaving two people dead, 10 missing and thousands displaced. 6일 아침 한반도를 빠져 나간 태풍 '힌남노’가 국내



Super typhoon cuts electricity, floods streets, leaving 2 dead, 10 missing
초강력 태풍, 정전 및 도로 침수 피해 속출…2명 사망, 10명 실종

typhoon = cyclone = hurricane 태풍

batter = smash = pound = hammer = bash about = bash up = hit = strike = strike a blow = deal a blow 강타하다, 두드리다, 때리다

cut electricity = electricity go out 전기가 나가다, 정전시키다

blackout = power failure = outage = power cut 정전

outage 정전, (수돗물)단수

disconnect = cut off (어떤 장치의 가스/수도/전기) 연결을 끊다, 접속을 끊다, (가스/수도/전기의)공급을 끊다, 분리하다

flood = inundate = deluge = flow over 물에 잠기다, 물에 잠기게 하다, 침수되다, 침수시키다, 범람하다, 범람시키다, 홍수, 쇄도, 폭주, 홍수

deluge = flood = outflow 범람, 홍수

heavy rain = heavy fall = torrential rain = torrential downpour = deluge 폭우, 호우

missing 없어진, 실종된, 행방불명된, 빠진, 분실된, 폐기된

unidentified 정체불명의, 신원미상의,국적미상의


Typhoon Hinnamnor veered away from the Korean Peninsula on Tuesday morning, after slamming the country's southern regions, leaving two people dead, 10 missing and thousands displaced.
6일 아침 한반도를 빠져 나간 태풍 ‘힌남노'가 국내 남부 지역을 강타해 2명이 숨지고 10명이 실종되었으며 수천 명이 이재민이 발생했다.


veer away from ~에서 느슨하게 풀다, 늦추다

veer = swerve = change one's course 방향을 홱틀다, 방향을 바꾸다

divert = turn = change = shift = distrack 방향을 바꾸다, 딴데로 돌리다

displace (살던 곳에서)쫒아내다, 대신하다, 대체하다(=replace)


Pohang in North Gyeongsang Province sustained the most damage in the country. The southeastern port city saw more than 400 millimeters of heavy rain overnight. The typhoon pounded the city with wind and rain, trapping residents indoors during the critical hours.
경북 포항이 전국에서 가장 큰 피해를 입었다. 이 남동부 항구 도시에는 밤새 400mm 이상의 폭우가 내렸다. '힌남노'는 비바람으로 포항을 강타하며 위험한 시간대에 주민들을 실내에 고립시켰다.


sustain = suffer = hit hard by (피해를)입다, 당하다, 계속시키다, 지속시키다, 살아가게하다, 존속시키다

port city = harbour city = seaport 항구 도시, 항만 도시

heavy rain = heavy fall = torrential rain = torrential downpour = deluge 폭우, 호우

overnight = during the night = in the night = all night long = throughout the night = all through the night = through the night 하룻밤 사이에, 하룻밤 동안의

pound = batter = smash = hammer = bash about = bash up = hit = strike = strike a blow = deal a blow 강타하다, 두드리다, 때리다

trap 가두다, 끼이다, 옥죄이다, 덫, 올가미, 함정(= trap pit = snar)

critical 위태로운, 비판적인, 비난하는, 대단히 중요한

resident = the local = local resident = dweller = inhabitant = habitant = local citizen = local populace 거주자, 주민 


The city's Nam District recorded more than 100 millimeters of hourly precipitation. It destroyed a weir at a local river in the district, flooding nearby agricultural fields. The country's 1st Marine Division stationed in the city even dispatched two amphibious assault vehicles and three inflatable boats to flooded parts of the city for use by local emergency workers for search and rescue work.
포항 남구의 시간당 강수량은 100mm가 넘었다. 태풍은 남구의 하천 일대에 둑을 무너뜨려 주변 농경지를 범람시켰다. 포항에 주둔하는 해병대 1사단은 상륙돌격장갑차(AAV) 2대와 고무보트(IBS) 3대를 침수된 도시 곳곳에 투입해 현지 구조대원들이 수색 및 구조 작업에 사용하도록 했다.


hourly precipitation 시간당 강수량

destroy = collapse = crumble = wreck = devastate = ravage = bring down = give way 무너뜨리다, 붕괴하다, 황폐화시키다

weir 둑 (강물의 흐름을 돌리기 위해 낮게 막은 것)

dam = barrage 댐, 보

agricultural fields 농경지, 경작지

paddy 논

rice paddy (쌀 농사 짓는)논

marine division 해병 사단, 해병대

station 배치하다, 주둔시키다

dispatch 보내다, 파견하다, 보내다, 발송하다

amphibious assault vehicle 상륙 강습 차량

inflatable boat 고무 보트

inflatable  (공기나 가스로) 부풀리게 되어 있는, 고무보트, 고무 놀이 기구, 고무 광고판

flood = inundate = deluge = flow over 물에 잠기다, 물에 잠기게 하다, 침수되다, 침수시키다, 범람하다, 범람시키다, 홍수, 쇄도, 폭주, 홍수

emergency worker 긴급 구조대

search and rescue work 수색 및 구조 작업

information retrieval 정보 검색


Despite the rescue efforts, eight people have gone missing in Pohang. Seven residents of an apartment building went to a basement-level parking garage on Tuesday morning attempting to save their vehicles from the rising water. None of them made it home. The city's emergency rescue department said they have to wait for the garage, completely flooded as of Tuesday morning, to drain out before they can start searching for the missing people. Another woman in her 60s, a resident of another apartment building, also went missing on Tuesday morning after entering an underground garage.
이러한 구조 노력에도 포항에서는 8명의 실종자가 나왔다. 6일 아침 한 아파트 주민 7명이 차량 이동을 위해 침수된 지하 주차장으로 향했다. 이들 중 누구도 집으로 돌아가지 못했다. 6일 아침 포항시 소방당국은 완전히 물에 잠긴 차고가 배수될 때까지 기다려야 실종자 수색을 시작할 수 있다고 말했다. 다른 아파트에 거주하는 또 다른 60대 여성도 6일 오전 지하 주차장에 들어간 후 실종됐다.


rescue efforts 구조 노력

go missing 행방 불명이 되다

apartment building = apartment block (대형)아파트 건물

basement-level 지하층, 지하

parking garage = multi-story car park 다층 주차장

basement-level parking garage = underground garage 지하 주차장

make it home 집에 돌아가다 

emergency rescue department 긴급 구조 부서, 응급 구조 부서, 소방 당국

wait 기다리다

drain out 물이 빠지다, 물을 빼내다

missing people 실종자

searching for missing people 실종자 수색


One death was confirmed on Tuesday morning. A Pohang resident, 75, was found dead about an hour after she went missing.
6일 아침 1명의 사망자가 확인되었다. 포항에 사는 75세 여성이 실종 1시간 만에 숨진 채 발견됐다.


confirm = make public = identify = ascertain = manifest = clarify = spot 확인하다, 공식화하다, 나타나다, 분명해지다

be found dead 시체로 발견되다, 숨진채 발견되다


Compared to the previous typhoons that have hit the country, Hinnamnor was the third-most-powerful. It follows Sarah from 1959 which recorded 951.5 hectopascals (hPa) when it made landfall in the country and Maemi from 2003 with 954 hPa. Hinnamnor recorded 955.9 when it arrived on Geoje Island, South Gyeongsang Province. The lower the pressure, the stronger the typhoon's intensity.
지금까지 우리나라를 강타한 태풍 중 '힌남노'는 세 번째로 강력했다. 1959년 ‘사라'가 육지에 상륙했을 때 951.5헥토파스칼(hPa)를 기록했고, 2003년 ‘매미'가 954hPa를 기록했다. ‘힌남노'는 경남 거제에 상륙했을 때 955.9hPa를 기록했다. 기압이 낮을수록 태풍의 강도가 강해진다.


compared to = compared with = in comparison with = as against = versus ~에 비해, ~와 비교해 볼때

previous = preceding 이전의

typhoon = cyclone = hurricane 태풍

powerful = mighty = strong 강한, 강력한

hectopascal 헥토파스칼(hPa)

make landfall 상륙하다

pressure 압력, 압박, 기압

intensity = strength = severity = vehemence 강렬함, 강함, 격렬함, (빛 등의)강도, 세기







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