728x90 반응형 정이로운 영어공부/with 코리아타임스1031 Friendshoring or protectionism? - 프렌드쇼어링 혹은 보호무역주의? https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/09/743_336475.html?utm_source=CU Friendshoring or protectionism? 'Seoul should ask Washington to remain responsible ally’ “한국, 미국에 동맹국 책임 다할 것 촉구해야” www.koreatimes.co.kr Maintaining close relationships requires sacrifice — but sacrifice means little when partners aren't mutually supportive. 친밀한 관계 유지에는 희생이 따르지만 당사자가 서로 협력하지 않는다면 그 희생은 의미가 없다. friendsh.. 2022. 9. 22. Doctors call for protection from rising violence in ERs - 응급실 내 폭력 사건 증가에 보호를 요구하는 의사들 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/09/742_336448.html?utm_source=CU Doctors call for protection from rising violence in ERs Assaults by patients, guardians leave physicians traumatized 환자와 보호자의 폭력, 의사에게 트라우마로 남아 www.koreatimes.co.kr Doctors are urging the government to step up efforts to stem workplace violence as assault cases against emergency room staff by patients and their guardia.. 2022. 9. 22. Salaried workers take on multiple jobs as interest rates soar - 금리 상승, 직장인 N잡러 증가 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/09/742_336368.html?utm_source=CU Salaried workers take on multiple jobs as interest rates soar Salaried office workers are in a rush to take on side jobs to make extra money amid the soaring costs of living and rising inflationary pressures. 급증하는 생활비와 인플레이션 압박 가운데 직장인들이 추가 수입을 위해 부업을 www.koreatimes.co.kr Salaried office workers are in a rush to take o.. 2022. 9. 21. Household debt soars along with number of borrowers at risk of default - 가계부채, 채무불이행 위험 대출자 수와 함께 급증 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/09/742_336282.html?utm_source=CU Household debt soars along with number of borrowers at risk of default Number of people unable to pay debts on sharp rise 채무 불이행 대출자 수 급증 www.koreatimes.co.kr Number of people unable to pay debts on sharp rise 채무 불이행 대출자 수 급증 household debt 가계 부채 borrower 차용자, 대출자 risk of default 채무불이행의 위험, 디폴트 위험 soar = surge = skyroc.. 2022. 9. 20. Public outraged by yet another stalking murder - 또 다른 스토킹 살인사건에 대중 분노 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/09/742_336280.html?utm_source=CU Public outraged by yet another stalking murder A murder case of a female subway worker by a male ex-colleague, which was committed one day before he was to be sentenced on charges of stalking the victim, has triggered public fury over the government’s poor response to repeated stalking murders. 전 www.koreatimes.co.kr Y.. 2022. 9. 19. No to 'America first' - [사설 읽기]'미국 우선주의’ 반대 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/09/761_336161.html?utm_source=CU No to 'America first' US hit for unilaterally pursuing self-interests 미국의 일방적인 자국 이익 추구에 대한 비난 고조 www.koreatimes.co.kr US hit for unilaterally pursuing self-interests 미국의 일방적인 자국 이익 추구에 대한 비난 고조 unilaterally = on one's own initiative = one-sidedly = lopsidedly = unfairly = unequally = partially = discriminatingly 일방적으로.. 2022. 9. 18. 이전 1 ··· 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 ··· 172 다음 728x90 반응형